Everquest - Phinigel server


TLP Idealist
Yessir, his brother as well not sure if you know Slurpee.

Yeah I know Slurpee hah. That's sort of surprising man, I wonder what prompted Yawg to switch over. I think a lot of the cooler guys in FI started to fade out once the competition died, and it was harder to put up with some of the more intolerable members in the guild when you had no one to fight together. Regardless, Yawg is awesome, definitely part of the original brain trust that kept FI on top throughout Classic and Kunark, and one of the top ten guys I've played with over the years.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah hes the man, I love those 2 guys. He's been with us since Kunark and still plays with FI and so does Slurpee.


TLP Idealist
Spit-balling my top ten in no particular order:

Yawgmoth - Nec
Frosin - Wiz
Nitsude - Monk/Ench
Across - Nec
Oingo - Bard
Pann - Bard
Depredation - Paladin
Noroku - Paladin
Tanulie - Cleric
Metalogre - SK

I've played with tons of awesome players, my list is probably a poor representation of that but these were the people who came to mind when I tried to think of people who I really had a pleasure playing w/ and who always got the job done. With all but one of them I can recall times where they almost single handedly secured a win in a raid setting.

Frosin alone is like ten members. He will seriously play like 3 characters and actively track multiple mobs around the clock for days at a time before taking a nap. When he was with us he also had 100% raid attendance for like 8 months straight doing 4+ raids a day, was frequently the top Wiz on the parse, and did a lot of the strategy work with Yawg and some others. He also managed our DKP system where he'd have everything up to date within like 30 minutes of any given raid ending. Seriously, I'd hate to compete with a guild that had Frosin in it.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
For rogue it should be Quazie and Raynard in a tie. For paladin and leader of sarcastic remarks, me.


TLP Idealist
Ray/Quaz are def the best Rogues I've played with. Just no Rogues on the list. I was also seriously considering putting Oksain on there too. It's hard not to have a time bias, favoring some players I played with most recently.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah, I get ya. I'd hard for pure melee to be game-changers like tanks/cc/healers. Doubley so when quite a few people on that list are boxing multiple critical classes.


Send Tits Pls
Spit-balling my top ten in no particular order:

Yawgmoth - Nec
Frosin - Wiz
Nitsude - Monk/Ench
Across - Nec
Oingo - Bard
Pann - Bard
Depredation - Paladin
Noroku - Paladin
Tanulie - Cleric
Metalogre - SK

I've played with tons of awesome players, my list is probably a poor representation of that but these were the people who came to mind when I tried to think of people who I really had a pleasure playing w/ and who always got the job done. With all but one of them I can recall times where they almost single handedly secured a win in a raid setting.

Frosin alone is like ten members. He will seriously play like 3 characters and actively track multiple mobs around the clock for days at a time before taking a nap. When he was with us he also had 100% raid attendance for like 8 months straight doing 4+ raids a day, was frequently the top Wiz on the parse, and did a lot of the strategy work with Yawg and some others. He also managed our DKP system where he'd have everything up to date within like 30 minutes of any given raid ending. Seriously, I'd hate to compete with a guild that had Frosin in it.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Yawgs a necro wtf, he plays a good paladin with us, just didn't picture him as a necro but it makes sense. I've heard him talking about necro DPS with Grisvok before.

You guys had good SKs Zaide? Yawg was shocked we can top the dps meters, he said the lockjaw SKs were middle of the road.


TLP Idealist
Yawgs a necro wtf, he plays a good paladin with us, just didn't picture him as a necro but it makes sense. I've heard him talking about necro DPS with Grisvok before.

You guys had good SKs Zaide? Yawg was shocked we can top the dps meters, he said the lockjaw SKs were middle of the road.

Our SK and Necro crews were our top dps. They all rerolled gnomes and shit and bid on Vox cloaks for dps. We had one guy who always crushed parses, he was married to our Druid officer. Cant recall his name.

Edit. His name was Krinadon. The only issue was his wife formed cliques of dumb nerds who followed her from game to game. So once she had like three of your tanks or officers worshipping her she would start crying about everything. I remember she wanted to quit over not getting the server first PD robe. Surprise surprise she later quit over some other misc loot drama and took a few awesome members with her, luckily it was after we finished our competition once and for all.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Who was your guys primary competition on Lockjaw? Didn't you guys have poopsock wars there also?


TLP Idealist
Yeah. It was Modest Man aka Citizen aka OGC. Had some other guilds form and ally to compete throughout classic and early kunark. AD was some Fippy guild before, MiM was there and there was another guild whose name I forgot.

We only socked much near the end of classic we did a ton of racing though. I think early on we had one CT sock with OGC which we settled via duel. Our boy Yawg won.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah. It was Modest Man aka Citizen aka OGC. Had some other guilds form and ally to compete throughout classic and early kunark. AD was some Fippy guild before, MiM was there and there was another guild whose name I forgot.

We only socked much near the end of classic we did a ton of racing though. I think early on we had one CT sock with OGC which we settled via duel. Our boy Yawg won.

That's crazy, so they do that kind of stupid shit on any server Dima plays on. At least with racing them you had nothing to worry about.


Headed to Vegas and upon my return it maybe time for some cold November Rain.



Doer of Things
Spit-balling my top ten in no particular order:

Yawgmoth - Nec
Frosin - Wiz
Nitsude - Monk/Ench
Across - Nec
Oingo - Bard
Pann - Bard
Depredation - Paladin
Noroku - Paladin
Tanulie - Cleric
Metalogre - SK

I've played with tons of awesome players, my list is probably a poor representation of that but these were the people who came to mind when I tried to think of people who I really had a pleasure playing w/ and who always got the job done. With all but one of them I can recall times where they almost single handedly secured a win in a raid setting.

Frosin alone is like ten members. He will seriously play like 3 characters and actively track multiple mobs around the clock for days at a time before taking a nap. When he was with us he also had 100% raid attendance for like 8 months straight doing 4+ raids a day, was frequently the top Wiz on the parse, and did a lot of the strategy work with Yawg and some others. He also managed our DKP system where he'd have everything up to date within like 30 minutes of any given raid ending. Seriously, I'd hate to compete with a guild that had Frosin in it.