Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)


Lord Nagafen Raider
These people want to play as they remember it. They don't play wow because its too much for them. They have their ideas and memories of how things were and thats how things should be. They just happen to complain very loudly and just enough of them to cause a CS workload.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not saying the other side doesn't exist, i'm saying it's arguments are fucking stupid. Like if you can only do trinity groups why would anyone wanna engage in playing say a Zerker in EQ over a WoW Fury/Arms warrior or a Rogue in EQ vs a Rogue in WoW. EQ is boring, bland and outdated when it comes to trinity gameplay, it's just objectively bad if we are being honest.

What makes it worse is all the crybabies can literally just play on the Post OoW TLPs and/or live to play the version of EQ they're asking for yet they flood the early era TLPs and complain that they don't like that style of gameplay. Then each TLP the devs slowly chip away the things that make the early expansions unique.

They can say the same thing about the argument for wanting all these things in the game though, that your argument is fucking stupid. It's just a back and forth. Both sides are just literally doing the same thing and equal amount of complaining the only difference is your opinion. It's like 2 political parties going back and forth at each other on how they think the world should be ran, both equally crying and complaining but calling each other out for crying/complaining without realizing the irony.

Also, I'm on the side of wanting AE's and swarm kiting and all that stuff, and even I think the argument that Yerm, yourself, and many others keep pushing about "just play past omens and you'll have what you want" is fucking stupid. It's more stupid and naïve than the arguments for/against ae'ing. Just shows a complete lack of understanding of so many fundamental things.


El Presidente
Not possible. Modern WoW is so underwhelming compared to EQ. I tried getting back into it and literally fell asleep over and over.
I haven't played WoW in a few expansions, but it always seemed to me with WoW you either want to tourist it or go hard and mythic raid or gladiator level arena and the in between stuff is mostly meh.


Trakanon Raider
I wonder if increasing petition warfare led to this change. Very anecdotal, but on the forums/discord I feel like there had been an uptick in complaining about AE groups and also suggestions to stand in the pull, record the "train," then report as a way to combat it.

2021. Everyone must be able to do the same thing or some entitled neckbeard gets upset.

Whilst it may be argued as to what the most popular TLP is. The average ASD level on Aradune wins by far over other TLPs.


Tranny Chaser
If Aradune wrecked Enchanters for all time it honestly wouldn't surprise me. This server has been full of Karens since minute one.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
If Aradune wrecked Enchanters for all time it honestly wouldn't surprise me. This server has been full of Karens since minute one.

They wanted P99 without the up your ass gm control and corruption. It was never going to work from the start.


Lord Nagafen Raider

2021. Everyone must be able to do the same thing or some entitled neckbeard gets upset.

Whilst it may be argued as to what the most popular TLP is. The average ASD level on Aradune wins by far over other TLPs.

If Aradune wrecked Enchanters for all time it honestly wouldn't surprise me. This server has been full of Karens since minute one.

lol you guys really need to go back and look at the forums from lockjaw/ragefire/phinny eras for a reality check. I used to entertain myself from going on all the complaint and cry threads back in those era's and trolling people. Every new TLP there has been less and less of it to the point where i check the forums maybe once every 1-2 weeks or less.

As if i said before and ill say it again, phinny was literally the peak of karen threads and players petitioning each other. There's been less and less of it as every new TLP comes out. I have a STRONG feeling all the people who call mangler/aradune karen servers, WERE THE KARENS back in those days.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I haven't played WoW in a few expansions, but it always seemed to me with WoW you either want to tourist it or go hard and mythic raid or gladiator level arena and the in between stuff is mostly meh.

WoW is literally more job-like than EQ at this point.

Log in, do your dailies to grind out X currency OR if you wanna min-max do something you hate doing so that you can get better ilevel so that you can do something you love doing. My daily routine in this expansion and Legion was about an hour or 2 long every day and then about 3-4 hours a week doing week-long lockouts, not including raiding.

EQ and WoW have something in common though, they both (with WoW being the clear numerical winner), currently strive to maintain their autistic userbase through nostalgia hooks and sunk-cost fallacious thinking


Trakanon Raider
These people want to play as they remember it. They don't play wow because its too much for them. They have their ideas and memories of how things were and thats how things should be. They just happen to complain very loudly and just enough of them to cause a CS workload.

Do they really want it to be "as they remember it" I'd say basically every change besides the one to focus effects has moved the game away from the way most people remember it.


Tranny Chaser
lol you guys really need to go back and look at the forums from lockjaw/ragefire/phinny eras for a reality check. I used to entertain myself from going on all the complaint and cry threads back in those era's and trolling people. Every new TLP there has been less and less of it to the point where i check the forums maybe once every 1-2 weeks or less.

As if i said before and ill say it again, phinny was literally the peak of karen threads and players petitioning each other. There's been less and less of it as every new TLP comes out. I have a STRONG feeling all the people who call mangler/aradune karen servers, WERE THE KARENS back in those days.

I played on Lockjaw. It did not advertise a dedicated GM and week time-outs were not handed out like tick-tacs. People petition hard, often and over very small things on Aradune.

Korzax Stonehammer

Blackwing Lair Raider
Wait untill you get banned for 12 boxing on rizlona. Who is petitioning this shit?

One server for the people that want to use multiple chars to kill stuff and get pixels. And, one server for all the people that are on some sort of nostalgia trip. And GMs to fuck it all up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I played on Lockjaw. It did not advertise a dedicated GM and week time-outs were not handed out like tick-tacs. People petition hard, often and over very small things on Aradune.

You're lost. Do you even play Aradune in any meaningful way? lol

The server i got petitioned the most was definitely phinny, and then agnarr was a close second. People would threaten to petition me over everything. Everyone back then was like a p99 cry baby flipping out even for as small of things as DPS racing. But again, just look back at the forums in those era's, it's not hard to do. Go look at classic-pop and count how many karen threads there were compared to how many there are now, it's no contest.


Tranny Chaser
I'm not talking about threads on a message board. I'm talking about shit GMs are doing and the kinds of shit GMs are doing and what that means for the culture of the server. People petition hard and often on Aradune and relative to other TLPs and people get vacations over so people are encouraged to keeping going hard on petitions. If the dedicated GM server that hands out seven days like tick-tacs got enough petitions to dumpster Enchanter PBAoE's that would fit the server to a T.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not talking about threads on a message board. I'm talking about shit GMs are doing and the kinds of shit GMs are doing and what that means for the culture of the server. People petition hard and often on Aradune and relative to other TLPs and people get vacations over so people are encouraged to keeping going hard on petitions. If the dedicated GM server that hands out seven days like tick-tacs got enough petitions to dumpster Enchanter PBAoE's that would fit the server to a T.

My question still stands. Do you even play on Aradune in any meaningful way to where you would know the frequency in which suspensions are handed out? Are you in a large guild to where you would be in the know of just how many people in your own guild are being suspended as a reference point? Where is your evidence and sources for the amount of suspensions being handed out?

I run the largest guild on Aradune and one that is the biggest target of mass petitioning from others, and I've had a total of 3 mains suspended all of Luclin that I can recall. 0 Bans. It was a very low frequency in Kunark and Velious as well. I'm actually shocked there isn't more relative to what I've seen in guilds I've been apart of in the past. The only time we saw a large number of suspensions/bans was the first half of Classic. Have you ever thought that maybe the frequency is being over dramatized on the forums and official discord? It's entirely possible that other guilds are seeing a much higher frequency than we are in TEB but I feel like TEB would be a good reference point considering our size and being such a high target for the servers petitions relative to other guilds.

Edit: Just to add, the only thing I've seen have an increased amount of enforcement on is training. It's definitely easier to get a suspension from training on Mangler/Selos/Aradune than it was on the TLP's prior to those. All the other things I've actually seen far less enforcement on, relative to other TLP's I've played on and even far less GM help in regards to quests bugging out/crashed DZ's etc. On Agnarr I actually had a GM make me leave Efreeti camp saying that I had been there too long and to give other people a chance to camp it. Stuff like that would never happen today.
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Tranny Chaser
The only time we saw a large number of suspensions/bans was the first half of Classic.

Well, of course. People that have a generally tough time getting along with other people or had picked up some bad habits during their time in EverQuest got thrown in the drunk tank a few times and either moved on or changed their behavior enough to get by. Those people were also then examples to everyone else on what not to do.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, of course. People that have a generally tough time getting along with other people or had picked up some bad habits during their time in EverQuest got thrown in the drunk tank a few times and either moved on or changed their behavior enough to get by. Those people were also then examples to everyone else on what not to do.

I mean there has been a large number of suspensions/bans the first half of classic on literally every TLP. So seeing that was not out of the norm and is to be expected. Still curious where your claims of suspension frequencies are coming from.


Tranny Chaser
The same place your claims are coming from - my experiences on prior TLPs. Aradune advertised dedicated GM support and it delivered. Players on the server are litigious. Combine that with dedicated GM support (whatever is still left of it) and you've got a recipe for a change to the Color Flux line. I don't know why it is getting changed but if it was Aradune's fault that would be no great surprise.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The same place your claims are coming from - my experiences on prior TLPs. Aradune advertised dedicated GM support and it delivered. Players on the server are litigious. Combine that with dedicated GM support (whatever is still left of it) and you've got a recipe for a change to the Color Flux line. I don't know why it is getting changed but if it was Aradune's fault that would be no great surprise.

But what are you comparing your experience on prior tlp's to? Do you even play Aradune in any meaningful way? You still won't answer that question and it's probably because you don't currently play Aradune and never did for any meaningful amount of time in a guild large enough to even have a reference point therefore you are just basing everything on what you read on the forums. So I have my past experience of what I've seen and I'm comparing it to what I actually see on Aradune, not what I read on the forums.

Also, people have complained about AE'ing on literally every TLP I've ever played on. It's always been a complaint. Mangler was actually the first server that I started seeing people getting suspended for it.
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Tranny Chaser
I don't know and don't care what the prevailing opinions are on the official forums. I don't spend any time there unless it's to check out patch notes or some new announcement.