F1 2013 Season


I switched it off after Jenson came in. Fingerboy was already 3+ second ahead, Alonso as good as out, Grosjean will hold up Hamilton and not even the hope Jenson might finish in the top 6. Fuck this season.


I switched it off after Jenson came in. Fingerboy was already 3+ second ahead, Alonso as good as out, Grosjean will hold up Hamilton and not even the hope Jenson might finish in the top 6. Fuck this season.
I tuned out on lap 25. I don't mind too much that RBR and Vettel are really killing it this year, and I'm not terribly cynical enough to believe that they are cheating, but the frankly absurd situation with the tires makes watching any of the other racing utterly pointless. I don't care to see otherwise good teams and drivers foundering about solely on the face that the tires are complete shit, and have turned F1 into a farce.

Also: fuck Massa.
You guys are missing out in your emorage. For example hamiltons tires completely died, rosbergs front wing failed while passing Lewis and then Perez tire exploded bringing safety car which is now ending...

edit: now Webber's car is a fucking bonfire lol


You guys are missing out in your emorage. For example hamiltons tires completely died, rosbergs front wing failed while passing Lewis and then Perez tire exploded bringing safety car which is now ending...

edit: now Webber's car is a fucking bonfire lol
I read that as Perez exploded.

Upon closer inspection of your text: I am disappoint.


I was watching a shitty stream as this race was on the Sky channel and fuck giving Murdoch any money so I didn't feel it was worth sticking with a stop/start shitstream. I'll catch the BBC highlights later.

When he wins the next race the Vettelreich will win the title already if Alonso doesn't finish above 8th.

@ Dougal Di Resta, he really is shite.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
That was a pretty good race. It had a bit of everything, well except for lead changes. Good mid-field battles.

I'm a Weber fan, and damn that guy has bad luck. And then at the end the impact that took him out, the hit from the other car (a Sauber, not sure now?) the impact wasn't too heavy, but got a weak spot and she's up in flames.

Gotta say too, that there were lots of empty seats around the track. What's with that??


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Your doing it wrong get a satellite dish and tune in on (astra) german free tv to see the vettelreich march onto victory (not that you would do that but who knows).
Also to fuel some rage in this part of the forum:



That was a pretty good race. It had a bit of everything, well except for lead changes. Good mid-field battles.

I'm a Weber fan, and damn that guy has bad luck. And then at the end the impact that took him out, the hit from the other car (a Sauber, not sure now?) the impact wasn't too heavy, but got a weak spot and she's up in flames.

Gotta say too, that there were lots of empty seats around the track. What's with that??
Sutil hit him. Really bad luck even by BadLuckMarkWebber standards as that was a brand new engine after his car was on fire in the last race

As for the track, it's one of the worst investor decisions in the history of motorsport. The track is located 200miles from Seoul in the middle of, I shit ye not, a huge tract of swampland. They sold the investment as it being a whole new city with giant blocks of posh flats and shit in the middle of the track and a marina for the richies to park up at the edge of the facility. Only the track was ever built and even the teams and journo's have to rough it by their standards in what passes for local accomodation.

This is what it was meant to look like

Now imagine that artists impression with just the track and that's pretty much what they got.

They are of course paying the new track Bernie tax of around $20m+ a race and thus tried to charge big ticket prices to make some money back and welp, completely empty grandstands dotted around the track is the result.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
^^^ Yeah I remember them talking that 'plan' up in the first year of South Korea F1. I guess their goals were one thing, but the funds to do it fell short.

Where I am, Australia, they have Alan Jones (1980 world champ) on the TV commentary*. He's always in a bad mood it seems, which can be pretty funny. He talked about the event, saying that he had been a steward (or similar) for the past few years, but had found an excuse to not go this year. And now that he's not involved in the race. He then went on to criticise the event, the venue, the location.

* During the race we get the UK commentary, Martin Brundle and Jonathan Legard, the Australians do a pre-race and post-race chat and also add remarks as they throw to ads.


Oh that's a shame, you get the Sky commentary. Then again the BBC has a weak link as well in Edwards, shame the dream team of Brundle and Coulthard broke up once Sky threw it's money in.


The RBR traction control stories popped up again yesterday andiftrue would explain almost all the hassles they've had over the last couple of seasons, even the alternator problems!


Again,ifit turned out to be true they'd be fucked as elsewhere people are claiming there are several regulations against what they are allegedly doing. Before people hand wave it away don't forget this is the Newey team who have come up with all sorts of shenanigans in previous seasons.

The front wing flexing was one of my favourites, they denied it right up to the point where the stewards busted them for it even though the evidence was there on tv screens, they had found a way of hiding it during the inspections unless you specifically looked for it.

Of course, every team will try it on, RBR just seem to be the best at rule loopholing and plain old breaching
I guess we'll find out soon enough, surely the stewards will be checking their car this weekend to see if they can find any evidence of whats being suggested here.

Looks like Lotus don't mind the weight problems and are most likely signing the Hulk to drive for them in 2014.



Got up early enough to watch live.

"Get them out of the way" oh go fuck yourself, it amazes me RBR seem genuinely mystified as to why almost everyone hates the twat.

Nice job from BigJohn. Amazing how many bad call there were from the teams, Rosbergs release, Ricciardos overtake without handing the place back etc


So brilliant RBR had to lie to Webber about strategies to get him out of the way.

"Of course we are sticking to 2 stops Mark"
*He conserves tyres for the longer stint*
"Box box box, 3 stops now""Are you sure mate, we can still win?""Err, yes of course! *coughs*"
Webber was never winning that race. Early race he tried the undercut on Grosjean and it didn't work. If Webber stuck on 2 stops he was never passing Grosjean. Hell, took Webber forever to pass him even on mediums when Grosjean had ~20 laps old hard tires where as Vettel passed Grosjean like he was a backmarker.