Fallout 4


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Fuck the one hit kill weapons. I've been struggling to finish the game (boredom vs difficulty) and now because I quicksaved when a mini nuke was in the air I have to use an old save. Just not feeling this fallout ;\


Avatar of War Slayer
so, found out what all the alcohol recipe holotapes are for.. and its wonderful. Damn right I kept it for myself as well..


Fuck the one hit kill weapons. I've been struggling to finish the game (boredom vs difficulty) and now because I quicksaved when a mini nuke was in the air I have to use an old save. Just not feeling this fallout ;\
LMAO you saved when a mini nuke was in the air ?


That guy
Fuck the one hit kill weapons. I've been struggling to finish the game (boredom vs difficulty) and now because I quicksaved when a mini nuke was in the air I have to use an old save. Just not feeling this fallout ;\
Are you playing on PC? If so toggle console and 'tgm', god mode.


Buzzfeed Editor
How tough does sweet add to the graphics load vorph? Never done a graphics mod before, but tempted to give it a try. But I'm already running on medium. (Might squeeze high, but I was trying to avoid headache of any slowdown.)


FoH nuclear response team
Usually it improves performance for me (I've always used it in GW2), but for some reason it destroys my computer on FO4. YMMV, worst case scenario you can uninstall it. It's definitely worth checking out.

Speaking of, Vorp, I'm going to hit you up later to look over my SweetFX file and see if you can find the culprit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How tough does sweet add to the graphics load vorph? Never done a graphics mod before, but tempted to give it a try. But I'm already running on medium. (Might squeeze high, but I was trying to avoid headache of any slowdown.)
Using only LumaSharpen, Levels, Tonemap, Vibrance, Curves, and Dither, there is literally 0 FPS hit. It's only when you start using SMAA/FXAA, Bloom, fake HDR, etc. that SFX has a performance impact.

As for the other mods I listed, the texture ones improve performance because many of the vanilla ones aren't compressed properly. They do increase load times slightly though, because the BA2 archives are highly optimized for loading textures and using loose files instead causes that to be lost. Hopefully people figure out how to repack BA2 files soon and that problem will go away.

Shadowboost is a very useful mod for getting back most of the fps drops caused by shadows in downtown areas. It dynamically decreases shadow distance until your fps goes back up to where you want it. You can set the FPS threshold as well as the min/max values for shadow distance that you are willing to use. I left it at the defaults myself.

Darker Nights has no performance impact at all.

Realistic Lights should increase performance since it removes all the stupid fake ambient lights, which reduces the total number of light sources and shadows that have to be rendered.

That's about it, I don't think there's anything I use that actually decreases performance. YMMV if you only have a 2GB VRAM GPU, but since none of the texture mods increase texture resolution at all, I'd be surprised if it mattered.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
So, I scoured the map on my first play and went railroad. Revealed all accessible locations on that path. Did not do the community leader thing, but had towns everywhere anyhow mostly for scrap and adhesive production. Ended the game at L66 with a rifle stealth setup. Call me an asshole, but one shotting shit with the EC Riffle never got old to me, nor did whipping out the plasma/shotgun for in close oh shit moments.

Some observations:
Tying in the tradeskill desks to Community Leader was bullshit and actively locked me out of most of the game mechanics they were trying to push this go around. I totally get tying the upper end trading posts to that, but if they were going to tie EVERYTHING to that perk, it should have been the CHA1 perk. More ideally, the various stations should have been tied to their related perks (i.e. must know armor x to build this station) instead of putting in the CHA 6 cock block.

That said, the base building OCD is so massive that I just built one super base on top of the first Red Rocket for my second run and am letting unwanted named fuckers die in the dark. Being able to construct bases how you want is fun, though its a bit immersion breaking to have leveled to ten without a single fight by building my fully furnished Borg Cube on top of the Red Rocket. If you are looking to do CHA based play with minimal combat, then playing Minecraft is the best path for leveling though, especially on Survival. And I do like having that option.

Main Quest was nonsensical in how you arrived at certain endings (getting the Railroad ending required some Batman leaps of logic), but the core idea of the dystopia and Logan's Run aspect of the Institute was pretty decent. They definitely needed to flesh out each faction path with some actual story and less repeaters, though. I was also bothered by how there is basically no option to gank Preston and his pathetic gang (they are flagged perma unkillable and non hostile) and you are more or less forced to let them move to Sanctuary if you want the Perception Bobblehead, no matter how big of a sarcastic dick you are to them. Simply avoiding Concord results in numerous references to the MM happening as you take over towns, as well. I really could do with an option to not take over a place when its quest is completed. I wonder what will happen to Preston's gang when happiness hits zero in Sanctuary, as I scrubbed that place of all resources for my giant Rocket Top base.

In any case, the ending was still better than the pre-DLC ending of FO3, but I do agree that they are basically recycling too many ideas from Skyrim. One of the notes that FO3 did hit perfectly (aside from the option to be a murdering bastard) is the feeling of insignificance and being lost early in the game. This game really railroaded you into the main plot way too quickly. Making Diamond city a real pain in the ass to reach and putting the MM introduction further off the early main path would have helped the pacing a shitload. I never like feeling like I have to go out of my way to avoid the main story in a game, but this one had a lot of that, mostly due to how accessible Diamond City was to starting out. One of the major thing NV got right was how much work it was to even get to Vegas and get the main quest hub going. This game pretty much lets you burn through 80% of the main quest right out of the gate, if you want to.

New perk system was fine, if somewhat bland. While Lockpicking and Hacking were mandatory for my first main crawl, I do not miss having them on my second play as much as I thought I might. It is absurd how certain builds virtually require certain things, however. Mele, for example, basically requires you to start with 9 AGI to unlock blitz and/or have some sneak ranks or you will be getting your ass handed to you constantly. Heavy Weapons requires the ammo scrounger perk or you will (on Survival) be completely out after one or two major fights. END and CHA (outside Community Leader stuff) are completely crap junk stats, as well. The progression was good, but the layout of the perk chart was dumb in places. Too many dead Perks deep in certain stats (Action Girl, Nerd Rage, Roboticist, the powered armor charge thing) to ever consider taking them unless you are fucking around and power leveling to 100.

Bugs were fairly non existent for the PS4, though I did manage to have Preston never become an option for a follower and quest items for completed quests being stuck in my inventory was irritating. And despite what the PC Snobs have to say, this game was visually good for the PS4 and hit all the right notes. Despite all my prior nitpicks, this is the most engrossing game I have played in the last couple of years. I feel safe in saying this game belongs with Last of Us as possible best of the decade choices. For all of its little flaws, the game is engrossing, entertaining, and fun. It also captured the feel perfectly.

On the plus side, the raw content for exploration in this game is immense and there are shitloads of little details that you can miss. Even after scouring the map the first time around, I am hitting quests and finding shit I completely missed the first time through. My wife is having fun taking screenshots of all the weird shit the Devs have the teddy bears doing all over the place, as well. While NV was sparse on the sandbox and long on the quests, this game is the other way around. Creeping the ruins is more entertaining here than it was in FO3, by a large margin.


Vyemm Raider
Pretty spot on, they should have made the settlement building matter, it really didn't. Sure you could earn a few caps but you would earn more caps putting the perks in LL2 elsewhere.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Bugs were fairly non existent for the PS4
While there aren't any obvious crashing bugs or memory leaks, the perk bugs that are fixed by the "Simple Bug Fixes" mod make melee on a console unplayable imo. Since that's what I was playing on it, I abandoned ship before I got more than about 10 hours into it. Not to mention how much it would suck to be stuck with broken Killshot on a gun build, knowing that every single headshot you take at more than a few yards away is probably cheating. It wasn't until I raised PE to 14 that I could reliably snipe with VATS at longish distances. I guess I should have known better than to even try to play a Bethesda game on console seriously, but my PS4 has so much better sound than my PC setup.

As an aside I find it appalling that Simple Bug Fixes still has less than 10k DLs while even some seriously retarded cheater mods are pushing 100-150k. People who play Bethesda games are weird.

Pretty spot on, they should have made the settlement building matter, it really didn't. Sure you could earn a few caps but you would earn more caps putting the perks in LL2 elsewhere.
There's nothing to do with caps anyway. I've bought a few of the overpriced uniques, still have almost 40k in caps and several thousand purified waters that I don't even bother to sell anymore.

Settlements and the economy being worthless doesn't bother me though. I don't really have any interest in that stuff to begin with; mostly I just regret putting the points into CH and LL2. Not that it matters in the 60's. I ended up with 6 perks banked because there's nothing I need, and in the end I just dumped them all into PE for the VATS accuracy boost.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So, what is with this game?

My brother is unemployed and games the fuck out of games. 10+ hours a day, 7 days a week. He was like a junky needing a fix leading up to FO4's release. A few days before release, he was saying how his next 6 months were all set gaming wise.

So, considering the situation, it came as quite a surprise to me to see him back to old standby's like Rocket League over the Thanksgiving holiday. He even purchased some old games, like Max Payne 3, for his PS3 that he was playing through. He hasn't touch FO4 in over a week. He said he had put 40 hours into FO4, so I asked if he beat it? He said, oh no. The game is huge, he was just a little burnt out on it.

Is this the most overrated and over hyped game of all time? Or, is Fallout fatigue a real malady that can bring down even the most hardcore of hardcore gamers?


Vyemm Raider
Fallout fatigue is very real, I had to push to finish it, then traded it in right away so it could not suck me back. I found it to be all or nothing.


Avatar of War Slayer
have a civ like "ending" for the Minutemen. the "ending" is unlocked by having a settler population of lets say 250, with happiness average over 85. win by uniting the commonwealth, not by combat.
have a "kill the gunners" or "enlist the Gunners" option. same with Raiders. "offer amnesty" or "exterminate".

huge mistake with them in general where, you are the only one apparently. Really dumb. Minutemen fell apart because the leadership was murdered. so you take the place and... personally do all the dirty work. that is retarded.

Should be an "auto resolve" option involving sending troops. "help my husband was kidnapped!" "2
ay ransom 500 caps. 3. Send militia members. 60% chance of success(boosted by cha,and how well armed you make them)"

What do you guys think on the "lore" for the artillery? in game, lets you build it anywhere. how effective vs power armor, vertibirds, and liberty prime you think it would be? (in game it does kill paladins) "over thinking" is a theme of Fallout. Atomic power everything. when, really a giant cannon really does the job.. The castle and the artillery was lost to the Mirelurk queen due to proximity. too close to shoot it with the cannons. ps, have not finished yet, in case you do get to take liberty prime down with artillery.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I have experienced no such fatigue. I doubt I'll do a melee playthrough right awaythough, since the PS4 version being fucked ruined that for me, unless Just Cause 3 turns out to be terrible. Probably just save it for when all the DLCs are out.

As for settlements, I think the worst part is that you can have a hundred rocket turrets installed around a fucking fortress of a base, but if you don't personally fast travel back when the settlement is attacked then all your shit will be broken. That's just retarded.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
TBH I never used artillery much. I think the only time I used it was when there was a bunch of enemies near exploding cars, so I snuck close, lobbed the nade, then watched the entire place go up in a mushroom cloud.

Synth relay grenades are useless...they spawn some shitty noob synth robot that dies in like 2 hits. Only upside is you can loot the body for free plasma ammo and circuitry parts.

I've been going around the map trying to grab quests I never did or find new locations. I just did the U.S.S. Constitution quest, which was fun (esp the end if you side with the bots). The robot crew was too awesome to betray (the captain anyways...he should have been an optional companion) and I lol'd at the Dalek-like First Mate...besides, the Scavenger woman sounded exactly like one of those white trash scum who try to bum money off of you to "pay for a bus ride home", then they walk into a liquor store and walk out with a pack of cigs or a bottle of shit liquor if you actually fall for their routine.


Avatar of War Slayer
its standard sandbox rpg. just "TOO" much to explore you get a bit burned out.

/played 103h listed on steam.
I am still loving this though. while I do wish everything a was a bit "more". I find the settlements mix in perfectly. And eliminate any of that burnout. exploration and empire building.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
BoS too. After seeing how often vertibirds get shot down by raiders mostly carrying pipe guns, no one in their right mind would set foot in one of those death traps.


Avatar of War Slayer
BoS too. After seeing how often vertibirds get shot down by raiders mostly carrying pipe guns, no one in their right mind would set foot in one of those death traps.
the real reason for power armor, to survive flying around in vertibirds.