Fallout 4


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Fuck all your negativity, I'm having a blast.
Its 2015 almost 2016 and every person should know exactly what to expect out of Bethesda games.

The game is fine, its probably the best one Bethesda has ever put out.

Still a Bethesda title though. Dunno what people expect. No bugs? Haha. Amazing storyline? Haha. Incredibly deep gameplay mechanics and challenge like Dark Souls? Haha.

No. Fuck you. The game is fantastic. But its still a Bethesda game.

The issue is letting onesself expect more than that, I think. If you go into a Bethesda game expecting to get something besides a new Bethesda game, you're going to have a bad time.

If you were expecting something drastically different from the last two games, you're actually retarded.
I shouldn't even have made this post since you summed it up so much more succinctly than I did.

I've enjoyed my limited time as well. I was just hoping the settlement thing was mostly a backburner instead of a requirement. Like in Terraria I never set up a pretty house or anything. Just a standard space with the necessary rooms and work benches. I was hoping I could get by with the bare minimum from the settlement.
You can, I've barely touched the settlement stuff tbh.


Fuck all your negativity, I'm having a blast.
Unabashed realism !=negativity.

By all means, you're not alone in enjoying the game. I'm enjoying it as well - otherwise I would have already uninstalled. I'm not going to stop pointing out it's flaws or features as I continue to progress though, nor should I or the others that are doing the same.

If you were expecting something drastically different from the last two games, you're actually retarded.
Great post. FO3 was fun but stale at times, Skyrim was a blast and improved on FO3's flaws. So FO4 should be: ???

Sorry for using reasoning in spite of the residual hype in here.


Unelected Mod
Its 2015 almost 2016 and every person should know exactly what to expect out of Bethesda games.

The game is fine, its probably the best one Bethesda has ever put out.
Pretty much my feelings. It has flaws, but I think it is the best Fallout. Simply because it is the first Fallout where the combat doesn't feel like utter garbage. Combat in FO3 and NV was utter crap. Skyrim/Obsidian combat was also lolzworthy.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Great post. FO3 was fun but stale at times, Skyrim was a blast and improved on FO3's flaws. So FO4 should be: ???
Exactly what it is, Fallout 3 with something new, something old, something borrowed, something blue and a few bad decisions thrown in the mix.

Most importantly it should be fun.

Are you having fun?

If yes, then guess what? Fallout 4 succeeded.

If no, then guess what?

No one cares.

Pretty much my feelings. It has flaws, but I think it is the bestBethesda eraFallout. Simply because it is the first Fallout where the combat doesn't feel like utter garbage. Combat in FO3 and NV was utter crap. Skyrim/Obsidian combat was also lolzworthy.


Unelected Mod
Sorry for using reasoning in spite of the residual hype in here.
Don't get your panties in a bunch. The game was hyped but not unrealistically at all. Hodj, who has been accused of fanboiing this game, has made fucking post after post talking about the flaws in the other Bethesda games.

This game deserves to be lauded and is fun as fuck, in spite of the flaws. Finally a Fallout game whre the combat doesn't make me want to kill myself.




Im dead
Eh once you get deeper in and more of the boring fetch me or deliver this quests and clear this area are the norm throughout the game , its gets dull hella fast. Not enough Fallout quests , you know the quirky ones that are fun to do and keep you occupied with wanting to find more of them. I found maybe a handul of them and they were rather dull as well. Meh , give me more New Vegas fallouts , not this crap. Its only Fallout visually , super mutants , power armor , wasteland....wheres my Super Mutant that befriends a Synth and makes it his wife but then wife wants no part of it anymore and wants to escape to her Ghoul lover because he pleases her better and its up to me to make that decision. Thats Fallout to me , not this. Disappointed , even the end of the game was rather dull as well and the handling of the main story line. Bleh , guess ill just fully clear the whole map maybe ill find one or two more places that i might of missed that had that Fallout feel story wise. Sigh , really was expecting more Fallout with this one after how popular New Vegas was with fans of the Fallout franchise(1 and 2) and how it was more Fallout then FO3 was.


Silver Squire
I'm enjoying the game, doesn't mean there aren't some pretty major flaws in it. Sure you can say that is typical of Bethesda but I'm a pretty big fan of EVERY Fallout game. Including 2, 3 and NV. Fallout 4 is 1 step forward and 2 steps back in many ways from those games. Personally, I find the story ok. Not perfect, but interesting enough to drive me forward. The game world is very well done though. Where 4 lacks is in just about every change and new feature they added. Mods will make them better, Fallout 5 will likely take them a step further and I'll still play this hundreds of hours.

Game can have flaws, not be GOTY and still be enjoyable. This was over hyped. It still is good, not great, not as good as hoped but still good.


<Gold Donor>
Guess I've missed all the internet negativity for this game, which is great because as a "virgin" to the series, but lover of Morrowind (my favorite game of all time) - this is arguably in the running for 2nd a week in. I'm level 25ish, just got to Diamond City and feel like I just about scratched the surface of the world/game. I haven't had a game hook me in like this since.... well shit, I can't even remember. Maybe WOW, Morrowind, EQ? What's crazy to me, as someone who loves this game is it still feels like there's some meat on the proverbial bone that Bethesda didn't get around to. It could actually be better in a lot of ways and as someone with limited time to game these days, that's a scary thought. I can understand people who don't "get it", but for some reason this just kind of checks all the boxes for me. Maybe it's the multitude of multiplayer games out now (i.e. almost every game in this forum), but really good, really long and open ended single player games are becoming a relic. Hopefully the success will drive Bethesda to create another TES game, in the meantime, I'll be doing drugs and pick-pocketing unsuspecting denizens of Diamond City.


Trump's Staff
Quest help request:

In Vault 81, how do I get Bobby off drugs? I've got 6 CHA and the persuasion check fails every time. Am I screwed in getting this quest complete?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Look at all you assholes not even looking for Shawn.....
It's funny. If there wasn't dialogue options that mention him or cogsworth talking about him, I'd completely forget about him since there is so much too do, and I just haven't gotten to the main storyline at all(about 22 and still no diamond city, i'm getting close but keep getting sidetracked).

wheres my Super Mutant that befriends a Synth and makes it his wife but then wife wants no part of it anymore and wants to escape to her Ghoul lover because he pleases her better and its up to me to make that decision.
That sounds like some stupid soap opera bullshit, thank god I don't have to deal with that.


Silver Squire
Eh once you get deeper in and more of the boring fetch me or deliver this quests and clear this area are the norm throughout the game , its gets dull hella fast. Not enough Fallout quests , you know the quirky ones that are fun to do and keep you occupied with wanting to find more of them. I found maybe a handul of them and they were rather dull as well. Meh , give me more New Vegas fallouts , not this crap. Its only Fallout visually , super mutants , power armor , wasteland....wheres my Super Mutant that befriends a Synth and makes it his wife but then wife wants no part of it anymore and wants to escape to her Ghoul lover because he pleases her better and its up to me to make that decision. Thats Fallout to me , not this. Disappointed , even the end of the game was rather dull as well and the handling of the main story line. Bleh , guess ill just fully clear the whole map maybe ill find one or two more places that i might of missed that had that Fallout feel story wise. Sigh , really was expecting more Fallout with this one after how popular New Vegas was with fans of the Fallout franchise(1 and 2) and how it was more Fallout then FO3 was.
There does feel like there is a lot more filler fluff. The stuff off of the main story is complete garbage fed ex. There is very little extra lore in the world, very little stuff outside the main factions. The buildings are there, the mutants and raiders etc but the extra touches you mention are mostly missing in this game.

"we never run out of tech to get"

"we never run out of places to clear"

"we can place these things everywhere!"

If you've gotten there you'll know what I'm talking about. That isn't good fallout content. That is lazy ass quest making.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I really love this game. But I DO miss the open options of previous Fallouts. It seriously pissed me off that you have NO choice but to fight Kellogg. Can't talk him down or anything which is something I completely expected to be able to do.

You can't even do things like fuck over Tenpenny Tower back in Fallout 3. There's no situation that allows you to do something like that that I've come across in 50+ hours of play. All the quests are inherently linear and that makes me a little sad. Still a fucking fun and awesome game. But some of its charm was certainly lost.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The biggest backwards step from New Vegas is, 100% in my opinion, gutting the companion wheel option to tell them to GTFO of the way.

Yes, I realize you can tell them to move here, there, wherever and stay.

Still annoying as fuck.


Silver Squire
I really love this game. But I DO miss the open options of previous Fallouts. It seriously pissed me off that you have NO choice but to fight Kellogg. Can't talk him down or anything which is something I completely expected to be able to do.

You can't even do things like fuck over Tenpenny Tower back in Fallout 3. There's no situation that allows you to do something like that that I've come across in 50+ hours of play. All the quests are inherently linear and that makes me a little sad. Still a fucking fun and awesome game. But some of its charm was certainly lost.
That is a huge part of what this game is missing. You get out of the vault in 3 and you have some pretty awesome decisions. Some pretty interesting people. Not every day you see someone up on the balcony picking off people with a rifle. Not every day you can blow up the starting city with a nuke.

Same with New Vegas. Those quests were involved. There wasn't much filler at all.

Fallout 4 you get a lot of filler.


Silver Squire
Quest help request:

In Vault 81, how do I get Bobby off drugs? I've got 6 CHA and the persuasion check fails every time. Am I screwed in getting this quest complete?
He gets off drugs (I THINK) when you go back and Austing gets sick because he finds his stash is actually connected to another vault that causes some issues you have to deal with. You also tell his sister to keep him off the chems since she is the one that started him on them.