Fear the Walking Dead


Blackwing Lair Raider
I had just always assumed that the zombie infection was a virus, but wasn't lethal, and what actually causes the zombie/walker outbreak, was a very ill timed pandemic that went alongside the zombie virus. And your gripe is well founded. I don't think the creator of The Walking Dead ever intended for the actual outbreak to ever be completely shown when he first wrote the comic.


Blackwing Lair Raider
In the middle of the show I was saying "Ahhh...come on!" By the end I wanted more though. But yeah, some really face palm worthy, contrived moments there.


I had just always assumed that the zombie infection was a virus, but wasn't lethal, and what actually causes the zombie/walker outbreak, was a very ill timed pandemic that went alongside the zombie virus. And your gripe is well founded. I don't think the creator of The Walking Dead ever intended for the actual outbreak to ever be completely shown when he first wrote the comic.
The thing that makes the most sense to me at this stage is that the zombie virus is an airborne disease spreading across the world. Much like other diseases, the virus reacts to different people in different ways. Some people get visibly sick and die (then turn - like what we saw with the neighbor?), perhaps others get sick and recover (then turn when they die from other stuff), and finally some people get infected asymptotically (then turn when they die). That kind of makes sense from a disease perspective... the whole reanimated corpse thing not withstanding.

The whole zombie bite thing is the issue for me. If the bite means nothing other than infection with something other than the zombie virus, its stupid that people develop septicemia so quickly. Typically, a secondary infection like that takes several days or more. The boyfriend was fine in the morning, got bit during the day and had the blazing fever that was associated with TWD bite deaths by the evening. The same is true of several bite victims in the main show. It's also the reason why they cut off Hershel's leg...

I am totally fine with the whole "suspension of disbelief" thing, but in this case, it seems like they went out of their way to make it implausible.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't think the zombie thing is necessarily a blood infection. Or if it is then it travels more like a poison. It is fairly well established that if you amputate the arm/leg that was bit quickly enough you can prevent the fever from setting in and killing the host. But it is also some sort of infection and people react differently. What may kill one person in a matter of an afternoon may take a few days to kill another.


Molten Core Raider
This show is much more intriguing to me than the WD. I just find it more of an interesting narrative to be in the middle of a giant megalopolis with our civilization crashing around it.


Concerning bites, this is what I worked out while watching TWD. The virus is airborne and everyone has it, if the person is alive the virus is dormant and just hangs out on the beach, once a person dies it becomes active so that it(the virus) doesnt die with the host. If a zombie bites a live person then active virus gets in their bloodstream. Its the active virus that gets confused and thinks the body is dead and tries to takeover, this causes the sickness and the person dies. Again my personal theory, it makes enough sense that I can ignore it and concentrate on why would you have all the lights on and be playing monopoly when you just saw a zombie outside eating your neighbor.


<Silver Donator>
I'm kind of meh about the show. Last night's episode felt like very little actually occurred. My favorite part was how every car was turned over and on fire except the their truck which had magical plot armor making it bullet proof, fire retardant and extra stable.
I take the view that the story has to be about the eventual survivors, and in an apocalypse the fortunate few have to have some extreme luck.


> Than U
Looking at this season and the drama llama family I think they missed a great chance to try something never done before. What if they did 2 additional seasons a year of TWD each 6-12 episodes long about a random group/family in a random town in the WORLD and literally end that group for good at the end of the season, dead or alive?
Something like that has never really been done and it could have told many stories in many places.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, i pitched that idea on the FOH boards after season 1. Could have been epic. Who the fuck needs more Rick in their lives anyways?

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
My thought ( thoughts ) for this first season is that they could have jumped between a few different groups of people and we see their different perspectives and experiences during the initial outbreak. That sort of jump from group to group is standard practice for things like Hollywood disaster movies. And then from these groups only one or two people end up surviving out of each. Then through 'plot devices' they all end up joining with each other to form our main group of survivors.

I'm loving it just for the fact that outside of World War Z, no other zombie show has focused on the initial outbreak itself for a substantial portion of time. I've never seen Z-Nation, so I'm ignorant to whether they did or not.
Z Nation, didn't. They just did something like use voice overs of TV news hosts & reporters giving a quick over-view of the events while showing some stock footage of riots plus overlaid closer of zombie actors charging the camera, all quick edits. Then it was 3 years later and scene 1.

For what it's worth, the English comedy movie Shaun of the Dead did it quite well.


Looking at this season and the drama llama family I think they missed a great chance to try something never done before. What if they did 2 additional seasons a year of TWD each 6-12 episodes long about a random group/family in a random town in the WORLD and literally end that group for good at the end of the season, dead or alive?
Something like that has never really been done and it could have told many stories in many places.
Funny thing is that the TWD sort of did this on a very small scale with their webisodes and it was pretty amazing. You could even have crossovers between seasons by showing places from the previous season or having people find the now zombified former cast members, etc. Could focus on some wildly different geography each year.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I like that idea of focusing on different groups/factions around the world and do two seasons a year that are 6-8 episodes apiece. I'm kind of getting tired of Rick and Co. I am also of the mindset that 15 episodes for one season is way too long. Of course I'm also more into when they are actually in situations dealing with the zombies and not other fucked up humans. And Dulldain, I like how you put it on the infection. That is exactly what I was thinking but couldn't put to words.


Life's a Dream
"I don't like guns." Yeah, you'll like them soon enough, hippy. That said, I'm not a gun person either, but I understand the importance of them. Especially in an apocalyptic world.


> Than U
"I don't like guns." Yeah, you'll like them soon enough, hippy. That said, I'm not a gun person either, but I understand the importance of them. Especially in an apocalyptic world.
LOL I thought the same thing when he said that, but Mr Miyagi said it best when he said the gun doesn't care what you think of it.


Avatar of War Slayer
have they given a back story for the dad yet? hell i don't even know what he does now.
started wondering about his line about how many times he had his nose broken. doesn't seem like a boxer/fighter, don't really know any other things that would lead to them.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
He's a teacher. He was my favorite character in episode 1-2 but his sudden anti gun/pussy behavior really soured me this week. Hope he gets better.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Strikes me as a inserted plot point. I guarantee you his "guns bad!" will go out the window when the shit hits the fan. My guess is he shoots a human, though, and not a zombie.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
have they given a back story for the dad yet? hell i don't even know what he does now.
started wondering about his line about how many times he had his nose broken. doesn't seem like a boxer/fighter, don't really know any other things that would lead to them.
Well if they're playing him as being of Maori descent and growing up in NZ, he might have played Rugby. A contact sport without helmets, plenty of ways to get broken noses. BTW I liked that scene, showing him being the good father figure and also being a down to earth guy.

I wonder too what the Barber's backstory is? A former enforcer for the cartel down in El Salvador, or fought in some resistance force during ( whatever it was that happened down there in the early 80's ). He seemed to be steady handed and calm when he took the shotgun to deal with that walker.


Vyemm Raider
Yep, looks like Dick Swinging Travis is actually Brown Dale. Paco Shane the Salvadoran Civil War freedom fighter needs to kill him for the sake of the group now that he's stuck with them. His daughter will obviously talk him into being a reluctant version of Daryl whose skills keep them alive in the early going once the military falls apart from being spread too thin.

As predicted Raoul Duke's street skills have been put into play as often as possible (robbing the house for the shotgun) etc.

Is this a one off season or a new series?