Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, trading 14% to 5 for 10% to a Zidane isn't a terrible deal. I put off buying the 30k one but I'm definitely getting it now.

PRO wasn't bad. Took 4 turns the first time because I brought Chirijiraden on both Lightnings, but with Excalibur Lightning friend and just physical on my own it only takes 2 turns. People who can't kill in 2 may not enjoy farming it repeatedly though, as there's a whole lot of things that can go wrong on his second attack (paralyze, HP drain, MP drain, etc.).


Trakanon Raider
I beat Pro once for the Scythe. I'll kill him every time my 592 Lightning friend is available but I'm just focusing on ADV for farming. At this point I have all of the must haves. I bought the 30k Moogle and I may end up getting the 70k one too since I'm the target audience for them (someone who knows it's more efficient to grind TM other ways but can't be bothered to actually do so).

I'm just getting the rest of the LB pots for my 3 star Exdeath and I probably will buy the expensive 6 star materials so I can Awaken some units immediately.

In the meantime I'm just stockpiling tickets and Lapis for a great healer (most likely Refia) since that's the main thing I need on a 6 star team. I need a Full Break unit too but Rain gets that at 6 star so I can get by with that until I get lucky on a better unit.


Trakanon Raider
Half a million, not bad. I have a ton of gil from selling stacks of 99x materials, but I guess that's not a bad way to gil grind for those who need it. Gil doesn't really have much of a use right now, but it becomes useful down the road when enhancements get introduced (they're pricey, some costing 2 million gil each or more).

I finished up the story, so it's back to working on TM's for the next week. I have 9% remaining until Rising Sun, which should be doable easily before we get our next banner and potentially CoD upgrade. They skipped a few banners so far, so the next one may not be FF3 like we're all hoping. FF13 with Snow is more likely our next, and there's still the BF collab banner, which we may or may not get at this point.

It's not a requirement or anything, but picking up the recipe for Bar-Watera from Grandport and making a copy was helpful against Leviathan and that water elemental boss. My main team probably could have crushed them, but I do storymode stuff with an underpowered TM farm team, and it helped them survive.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just don't be an idiot like I was a couple months ago when you go to get the recipe. I knew Barwatera was in Grandport, and I knew where to find a silver chest. What I didn't remember was that there are TWO silver chests in the town, so now I have an awesome recipe for Brace that I will never use. The one in the weapon shop is the wrong one.

As far as gil goes, my understanding was that the limiting factor for enhancements was one of the materials (神晶石 I believe). I suspect 10M+ gil will be a typical stockpile by the time we finally get them over in GL.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Bad news: The one lightning whale I had dropped me (excal+blood sword and 597 atk)
Good news: Beat Reaper with my melee team and a semi-whale lightning (dual gungir), but I blew all of the survivor flasks I had.

Not sure how much more I want farm candycorn honestly... I still have a bunch of shit on my "shopping list". Creepy mask is done, but I want the candy bucket, the two +stats for BCLid, and the knife. Just shitty to be stuck farming the ADV Castle instead of ADV Rider.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So anyone want to give me 75 bucks for my alt account? Judging from the sell prices on forums I've looked at, I could probably get 100-150+, but I'll take less to avoid having to deal with a new forum and complete strangers.

4200 Lapis, 12 Tickets, all trials except great demon complete. Completed pro babel for lilith rod, pumpking for dread spear, missing trust moogles, LB pots, and creepy auras for BC lid from candy corn. Account is unbound which means you'll need to supply me with a facebook account to transfer it to you, but that also means you can get another 1k lapis for facebook friends. Story is completed up to Felicitas town with Ramuh acquired, colosseum progress is currently INT C-5. Minimal time invested in espers, Ifrit is highest level at 1* 20.

6* Lightning
6* Cecil
5* BC Lid
4* Mustadio
4* Golbez
4* Kain

TM Units

3* Cecil
Mustadio x2


Mr. Poopybutthole
So anyone want to give me 75 bucks for my alt account? Judging from the sell prices on forums I've looked at, I could probably get 100-150+, but I'll take less to avoid having to deal with a new forum and complete strangers.

4200 Lapis, 12 Tickets, all trials except great demon complete. Completed pro babel for lilith rod, pumpking for dread spear, missing trust moogles, LB pots, and creepy auras for BC lid from candy corn. Account is unbound which means you'll need to supply me with a facebook account to transfer it to you, but that also means you can get another 1k lapis for facebook friends. Story is completed up to Felicitas town with Ramuh acquired, colosseum progress is currently INT C-5. Minimal time invested in espers, Ifrit is highest level at 1* 20.

6* Lightning
6* Cecil
5* BC Lid
4* Mustadio
4* Golbez
4* Kain

TM Units

3* Cecil
Mustadio x2

50 bucks, last call before I put it up on some account selling forum.


Potato del Grande
Considering how strong Lightning and Cecil are that's a pretty insane account. Too bad I already have Lightning! Yes that's right pals, now friend my bitch ass up so you dudes with Cecils/Lightnings can carry my ass through Pumpkin Rider thanks.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I wonder what mine will be worth once the first round of TM's finish. The fact that Facebook could decide to ban me at any time for using a fake name and there's not a thing Gumi will do to remedy it (even the restore code they give you when you first start playing does nothing) makes me nervous. At least I haven't spent any real money though, just Amazon coins that were going to expire anyway.

I can't log in on phone because the TM macro is running at home, but I'll add you later on.

Details on 6* Agrias came out this week. She's a bit weird. Gains Curaja, 20% ATK, 30% SPR/DEF while equipping a light shield, a 30/50 cover for female allies only, and a holy debuff that also hits for 160% with -50% ignore armor. Sad times if you like using her and fail to pull Orlandu I guess.


Trakanon Raider
I'm going to be going hard for Gilgamesh, mostly because it fixes two of my problems. For one, he's a top tier dps, which I don't have. More importantly though, he gives dual wield as a TM reward, since I don't have any Zidane's.

I'll only be able to do about 40-60 pulls, depending on my luck when going for Refia, so chances are I still won't get Gilgamesh. Have to try though! If nothing else, I should get a few Exdeaths as fluff pulls during the attempt, so I'll have a good mage team. Too bad mage teams kind of suck when compared to physical lineups...


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you make that many pulls on the FFV banner, you should be able to field a full team of Exudesu and another full team of Butts.

The game does seem heavily biased in favor of physical dps. The only event that sort of favored casters since I started playing was elite orbonne, and even then it didn't really favor casters so much as it was faster to do it with casters if you could form a strong enough blizzard chain to one-round everything. The other problem with magic teams is you need specific casters to form good chains for a given element. Currently my best fire chain is Exdeath, Terra, Vivi, and Butts with Chiri and my blizzard and thunder chains are even worse since I don't have a good weapon for Butts to boost the elemental chain with. I can toss any top tier physical dps together to make a solid team since it's much harder to put big physical chains together until farther down the road.

Multiple 6* Exdeaths should dramatically increase the power of elemental chains though courtesy of dual black.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Casters win by a mile if you don't have lots of TMs. You don't even need Lightnings to do it; a pair of Edgars gets the job done just as well. Once a 4 mage/2 Edgar group starts to struggle we'll have Setzer to really make shit absurd.

It's only when you have a bunch of 100+ ATK weapons, Dual Wield, Blade Mastery, 20% ATK materia, etc. that phys units win again.


Mr. Poopybutthole
whats so crazy about edgar, is it just that chainsaw with an appropriate elemental weapon boosts the chain real high?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, you can boost the chain to 4x damage using Chainsaw with Coral Swords, then drop a bunch of Hyperdrives on the boss. Sadly I have the 3 Kefkas to do it, but I merged my extra Edgars a while back.


Trakanon Raider
I have one Edgar (always been just fusing the duplicates) but I've never played with his chainsaw stuff for chaining. It's so hard to really test stuff since the numbers all jumble together when you chain a bunch of hits at once, and you can barely see the actual values. WTB a training room like Gumi added to Brave Frontier so I can do some actual numbers testing of my units.


Mr. Poopybutthole
FF3 announced as next, but CoD is not on the banner, so I'm thinking the FFV banner will only be Gilgamesh, Mercedes, and Faris. No Butts or Exudesu.