Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
The game releases tommorow, so I thought I'd mention some good units to stick with as your starter for anyone just beginning. To reroll an account, link the guest account to a dummy facebook, then log out to reset the guest account. When you are satisifed with your initial units, link the guest account to your real (or at least a permament) facebook account to save it. Once linked to a facebook account, it's final. We might be getting 10 free summoning tickets as a promotion, so for anyone just starting you will be able to roll up to 11 units right away before deciding to reroll or stick with it. Anyhow, on to the units:

Exdeath -- Pro: Strongest mage with a wide spell selection and potent limit break. Very tanky, naturally learns osmose, and gets upgraded to 6* form in a few months to become even better than he already is. Con: Can't wear mage armors.

Cloud of Darkness -- Pro: High dps, useful skills and passives, including Barrage (best attack skill). Naturally resistant to every element and status. Has a 6* form incoming soon to make him even stronger. Cons: Poor equipment options and no materia slots (until his 6* promotion), hard to spark.

Bartz -- Pro: Can equip anything in the game. Learns Barrage. Has a 6* form incoming which greatly increases his power. Cons: Just a weaker Cloud of Darkness until 6*

Cecil -- Pro: Very tanky, can sub as a secondary healer. Eventually upgrades to 6* which makes him the absolute best tank. Has Excalibur trust mastery (best weapon in the game). Cons: Kind of meh in his 5* form.

Vaan -- Pro: Only unit that learns fullbreak, the best debuff. Also learns concentrate which can support a mage team. Has great equipment options. Con: Once Rain's 6* form gets released (a few months away) he kind of obsoletes Vaan by also learning fullbreak and having superior stats/skills.

Terra -- Pro: Versatile red mage. Only unit to learn Raise. Has Ultima as a trust mastery, the best magic nuke. Popular opinions say she is getting upgraded to 6* in an upcoming FF6 event. Cons: Weak limit break, not the best in any category.

Any of the above units are great picks despite any cons I may have listed. I loosely ranked them in order with best units at the top, based on my personal opinion. There's also a few units capped at 4* that are still nice to have, such as:

Krile -- Decent red mage that learns dualcast, letting her output very high healing per turn to cover burst damage. Has a 5* upgrade coming which makes her even better.

Edgar -- Learns Bioblaster which applies poison at 50% rate. Poison is very strong on any unit vulnerable to the status.

Kain -- Decent 4* dps unit. Has a 5* upgrade incoming which makes him even better.


Molten Core Raider
Firion seems pretty good right now too. He has blade bash (paralyze) and bladeblitz (ae). He can equip the murasame from white dragon if you arent using Lasswell. Supposedly gets a 6* pretty soon.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
For long term growth, I'd put Exdeath and Cloud of Darkness on a separate tier above all the others. Cecil's a tough one. He's nothing special at 5* and will hinder you as a starter pull unless you pull a few more times and get lucky, but once his 6* is out you definitely want to have him.

Firion is good too, JP just got his 6* upgrade and it looks really strong. At 5* he has a ST paralyze, fairly strong AE melee attack, and a good health drain attack. He comes with bird/plant/bug killer and can equip any weapon and most armor. At 6* he gets even more _____ Killer abilities (really useful ones like dragon, demon, etc.), a bunch of passives that give him large stat boosts depending on what weapon he has equipped, and his final ability is a 180% damage attack that ignores 25% defense. About the only downside to him is that currently you're probably still using Lasswell, and that means Firion has to settle for something like Ogrekiller (36 ATK) instead of Murasame.

Really hope they've been rigging the registration page like people on reddit have been speculating. Last official word on it was that it was over 5 million a week or so ago, so it will probably/hopefully 'magically' complete just before release. I've got 10 tickets now and would feel a lot better about having 20 going into the first rate-up event we get in Global.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I'm with you Vorph, be nice to have that. Excited about the release finally being here. Was really burnt out on what little was available.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I stopped trying to do anything after I maxed out all my current units and hit 5k lapis for the 11 ticket package. Only reason I did more than the daily login the last couple days was because I was short on Heaven's Ash for getting Fina to 5*. Now that's taken care of, and with the cactaur event coming back this weekend it should be simple to get her to 5* and maxed out right away.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Reminder: If you care about getting your 50 lapis (and login reward) every day, be sure to do the dailies ASAP. The daily quest reset time is changing to midnight PST, so they will be reset in the morning after the ~7 hour maintenance ends.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Maintenance got extended (surprise!) but now whenever I try to log in, it says a newer version is avaiable and sends me to the store, where I can only pre register still. Can't find any uploads of the newer version yet.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
No need to uninstall, or at least there wasn't for me on Nox. Supposedly if you update Google Play services it will allow the game to update automatically again too.

So the game isn't being officially "released" yet. We did hit the 5.5M milestone and will get the 10 tickets, but they also added 2 more milestones at 10 and 15M.

Also they lied about quests being reset, so it seems instead of a really short day we're getting a 32 hour day instead. Decent compensation for the extended downtime though at least--just remember that if you use a 45 energy potion when you are full on energy it will add it past your limit, but if you use it while not maxed out you will only fill the bar and the excess will be wasted.


Trakanon Raider
New content feels so good. They tease me by showing Fina right away when I start up the main story again, but of course she doesn't join yet. Sigh... time to chase her!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah IIRC you don't get her until pretty much the end of the island. Hopefully, 34+30+45 energy is enough to unlock her and do at least enough XP vortex to get her well into 4*.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I have almost all of the +energy compensations saved up. Was able to do the first part, level, continue to 2nd and 3rd part
Now am waiting on some regen. Thinking about sitting on it still until the cactaur event, but am going to have box space issues holding on to them if there is no rate up event to get units to level.


Trakanon Raider
Just a tip for those of you who are already really powerleveled for this content. If your storyline units are max level already, and you don't actually need them to beat dungeons, you should bench them. You still see all the cutscene and dialogue even if they're not in the active party. Storyline characters though have no trust masteries, so it's best to run 5x rare summon units to work on those slow to raise trust skills!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Or run Fina by herself with an OP friend unit that can AE everything down like Exdeath/CoD/Bartz/Firion.

Inventory space is becoming a serious problem. 80 material slots is bare minimum now with all the megacrysts being added. 50 slots for equipment is hardly adequate either since equipped items still count against you.

At least we can finally craft some important abilities now though. Being able to slap Steal, Bio Blaster, Thundara, and Barthundara on characters that don't normally have any of those abilities is very handy. Still trying to figure out if there's anything useful from locked chests on island 2, but slogging through google-translated altema pages is annoying.


Trakanon Raider
This site is super useful for maps and such, including listing what's in locked chests:Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

I upgraded my equipment and material capacity to 150. That may be overkill for what we have right now, but if brave frontier is any indication, we're going to need far, far more inventory slots down the road anyway. Good investment and huge quality of life improvement to just expand your capacity now.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It's handy for the first island but hasn't been updated for Lanzelt yet.

From what I can decipher from, Lanzelt silver chests contain:
Recipe: Muscle Belt (5 def and +10% hp)
Recipe: Bio Blade
Recipe: Shell
Recipe: Deshell
Recipe: Aerora
Recipe: Barstonera
Recipe: Parana
Recipe: Endure
Recipe: Barwatera
Recipe: Spirit Break
Recipe: Barblizzara
Recipe: Blizzara
Recipe: Baraerora

Bizen Osafune (probably not the right name) - 42 ATK katana

Nothing terribly impressive, though I assume we'll need Barstonera and Barblizzara to defeat 2* Shiva and Golem respectively.


Potato del Grande
Finished the patch (and it's a good patch!)... now what? It's an awful lot of tedious farming to get Rank 2 summons, should I care about max level friend summon units and I'm not sure if any of the complicated crafting recipes beyond bar-element-ra are worth looking at. Maybe I should do an 11 pull and level up some real characters but it's a low chance to get something good like Protega/Shellga or Full Break.

Meanwhile FFRK has had about 5 smaller patches since FFBE soft launch and another tonight and another in a few more days. I think that FFRK's substantial weekly temporary events and twice monthly permanent content with simple farming for off days is a much more suitable model for a mobile game you play every day.

Again I hope that at launch, the Final Fantasy game themed events are like FFRK's and keep up the interest between story patches. I'll give it a pass for now since it's beta.

Lasswell is an asshole.