Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
I picked up the magicite bundle from the shop and maxed out my ifrit to unlock his rank 2 battle. It was rough, but I managed to beat him first try. Keeping him debuffed was a big deal. Power break and blind lowered his physical dps heavily, and having two units that could cast Cura was able to outheal his aoe fire nukes. His super hellfire attack at 20% killed off two of my guys, but the survivors held it down and finished him.

With rank 2 ifrit junctioned and murasame, my Lasswell has 245 ATK. He's such a beast!

Team I used to beat Ifrit R2:
Terra 5* lvl 80 junctioned to Siren (used blind from Siren, or healed with aoe cura)
Lasswell 5* lvl 73 junctioned to Ifrit (dps'ed with tranquility, dispelled ifrit's buffs using fingersnap)
Russel 4* lvl 58 (armor break every round)
Rain 4* lvl 47 (power break every round)
Fran 4* lvl 56 (alternated between bio for dps, or aoe cura for healing)
friend Bartz 5* lvl 80 junctioned to Ifrit (barrage every round for dps... I want a Bartz now)

Only thing left for me now is continue the arena grind (up to rank A4) and Siren rank 2 fight once she's leveled up.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Did like 20 friend pulls and just cannot get a thief to steal from colosseum. This damn Spiritsand is killing me.
I switched to running ADV instead of INT and just got 3 spiritsands in two runs. Got an Earth's Core too, so I'll be sticking to ADV from now on. INT is just a waste of fucking time/energy in my experience. 90+% of the time the results look like this:

At least I can 5* Lasswell as soon as I get a couple more litrocks and ashes.

How are people spec'ing Siren? Ifrit is pretty much a no-brainer but Siren doesn't seem so obvious.


Potato del Grande
INT got me a lot more Sacred Crystals than ADV, but will try ADV for Heaven's Ash which I'm missing lots of.


Trakanon Raider
How are people spec'ing Siren? Ifrit is pretty much a no-brainer but Siren doesn't seem so obvious.
From what I read, being able to apply debuffs is a big deal on a lot of boss fights, so I specced mine for blind and silence so far (she's still low'ish level). Dispell is really important and Siren can learn that, but Lasswell has that with fingersnap, and unless you whale out, you're probably using Lasswell for a while to cover buff removal duties. Shiva will be the esper of choice for your main magic user, so don't worry too much about trying to get a bunch of magic boosts on Siren. She's a utility esper, go with learning debuffs / buffs.

Songs seem kinda meh though. I tried some songs on the free bard unit, and looks like using a song skill will lock the unit into "singing" for 3 turns, which is horrible. If Siren's songs do the same thing, I'm going to avoid those.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You only get like 1% of the espers stats transferred to the unit, so stat boosts are definitely just things you take on the way to useful skills/spells.

Blind and silence sound good, I don't have either on any of my current units.

Do you know how people are rating the app already? I've seen people saying it's possible once you've linked to FB, but when I try the Play store just says the game isn't available in my region. From what I understand you get lapis for doing it, plus I'd just like the nag window to go away for good.


Trakanon Raider
I got lapis for hitting yes to rate, even though I couldn't actually rate it due to region stuff. For it to go away, I imagine we have to wait for it to release globally so we can actually post a rating. It's definitely annoying asking after every other quest with no way to stop it.

Once your team can handle ifrit rank 2, that's the go to for farming rank experience. It's 500 rank exp per win for 15 energy, a ratio of around 33 xp per energy. Farming catacomb exit map is only about 26 exp per energy. A maxed out Exdeath or Bartz friend can carry most of the dps during R2 fight. Just land poison at least once to knock off ~40% of his health, and make sure your team can outheal and survive his aoe's. Blind helps a lot, and make sure to dispel (fingersnap) his boil buff immediately when he applies it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ah, so maybe I already got the lapis and didn't realize it.

And yeah, I know Ifrit R2 is better for rank xp, but you pretty much have to buy the magicite to get a L30 Ifrit now (which I would consider doing, but I wasn't able to get it to let me buy the early bird pack last week). Farming it in game is terribly inefficient to the point that the game will probably be released before you start to profit from it. Fulan Pass explore isn't too bad either, rank xp is slightly worse than Catacombs Exit, but you get a lot more unit xp and a decent amount of white magicite.


What's the word on farplane dew. It's the last thing I need to awaken Exdeath and it seems to be the worst to gather.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
What's the word on farplane dew. It's the last thing I need to awaken Exdeath and it seems to be the worst to gather.
The biggest thing is I think we're way out of the scope of existing content. Once we get the other continent there should be a better spot for the Heavens Ash, Farplane Few, Spiritsand, etc... The beta at the moment just has such few content it hasn't taken long to bump against this wall.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ash isn't that bad, INT is probably best for farming it. Having to get 13 each for Rain and Lasswell does kind of suck if you have any other premium units that need it too though.

Farplane Dew, Spiritsand, Earth's Core, Talmonite of Life, God's Reliquary, etc. just do ADV and steal from colosseum. C-3 bears and chimeras, C-5 treants, B-1 footpads and thieves for dew.

Fake edit: Actually, I see that I have 10 dews so I must have gotten a fair amount from INT as well.


I've been thieving my way through the Colosseum with pretty good results. Other than my dailies, I have awakening vortex and Colosseum locked in. I've got a decent stockpile of everything but Farplane Dews. They hardly ever drop in anything we currently have access to. I've had maybe 8 total drop since I've started where everything else is around 20+.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
If anyone wants a thief I'm running Vaan as my leader. 264900637 if I'm not on your firends list


Trakanon Raider
This weekend is a magicite special event. Not much info on what exactly it involves, but it should be a good way to level espers, so take advantage when it begins.

Something to work on while playing is unlocking the various trophies (menu -> trophies to see them). Each trophy has a reward at the bronze, silver, and gold level. Most of the gold rewards are 500 lapis. There's also milestone rewards for completing 10, 20 and 30 trophies. Most are things you would unlock naturally during your playtime, such as use magic 10/100/1000 times, etc. Others though may need some work to unlock, like the crafting trophies.

I recommend you always have something being crafted in your equipment, ability, and item synethisis stations. I tend to craft staff or boomerang for equipment (3 lumber per), a shuriken for item (1 copper ore per), and the cure spell for abilities (3 light cryst, 1 alacryst, 1 life crystal). Lumber, copper ore, and life crystals you should have a ton of if you do any leveling through exploration maps. You buy alacrysts in village ability shops for 200 gil each. For light crysts, you can change your friend gift request to that for a day or two for a big supply.

A side benefit of crafting abilities is randomly when you craft an ability, you get a bonus drop of Fine Alacryst. These are used to craft magic keys to open those locked chests you find in the world, most of which have some unique recipes or gear.

If you find that you are running short of gil from all the crafting, do 5 friend summons. Put those 5 summoned level 1 units into a party then go into the advanced experience vortex dungeon. Make sure you can bring a 5* high level friend to carry the party. Best choices are Exdeath (firaga), Terra (firaga) or Bartz (barrage). They can 1-2 shot every wave super easily, though almost any level 80 5* unit can solo the advanced xp dungeon if they're junctioned to ifrit (you need fire nukes to kill the crystal mobs, they heavily resist physical hits).

A single run of the adv dungeon will cap out all your units to level 15. From there, you can either sell them for ~4500 gil each (so about 24,000 gil per 15 energy), or you can awaken all 5 to 2* to work on the awaken 60 units trophy. Then run the dungeon again to re-level your 5 fodder units, then just sell them for the gil. This also works towards the earn 1 million gil trophy.

For those of you working on or farming the ifrit rank 2 fight, you should know ifrit is classified as a beast. The were-bane mace from the colloseum has a hidden property of beast slaying on it (+50% beast damage). Be sure to give it to a heavy hitter on your team (Rain can use it if none of your rare summons can).

If you want free lapis from facebook friends, or you just want 400+ friends sending you gifts every day, you can facebook friend people from this group: lapis rewards are very glitchy, sometimes they won't let you claim them, but keep trying. Eventually it works and you get 1,000 free lapis. I've already unlocked the gold trophy for recieving 1000 gifts in just 2 days of joining that facebook group. The thousand+ friend points per day from gifts doesn't hurt either.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Really hope the magicite event is good enough to hit 30 on both Siren and Ifrit this weekend.

Some of those trophies are ridiculous. 1000000 friend points received? Good luck. I've got less than 8k.

No idea how you already got the 1k gift trophy either. I've been in both groups (~400 friends) for about a week now and I've only received 271 gifts. I think there's more to the FB bugs than just the lapis rewards.


Trakanon Raider
Woops, I said I had the gold trophy, but 1000 gifts is actually silver, which is the one I have. Gold is 10k gifts, I have a ways to go for that one! Facebook friends are buggy too though. Sometimes I'll send out and receive gifts, then go to a new menu, notice I still have the notification about gifts, then when I go back I have more gifts from the same people, and can send them more as well. The whole facebook integration is a glitchy mess, but it's still very worth taking advantage of.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think a big part of the problem is there's no notification to tell you you can send gifts, so people do it like once a day and that's it. So whoever is in their first batch gets the gifts, and they never notice that it keeps refilling all day long since you might have 400 friends but can only send 25 or so gifts at any one time.


Trakanon Raider
Finally hit a massive roadblock. Been cruising through colloseum no problems at all, then I reach the boss of rank S-5. That dude's no joke. Not sure my team can handle him with what I have available. I was wanting to save my summons for after release in case they do promotional rate-ups, but I also really want to keep progressing in colloseum. Think I'll do a few summons and hope for someone like Vaan, but I'm not gonna do more than like five. Incoming disappointment when I get a bunch of trash units.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Is that Europa? Some one on the Reddit posted their strat and it wasn't too bad, but relied on specific pulls.


Trakanon Raider
Is that Europa? Some one on the Reddit posted their strat and it wasn't too bad, but relied on specific pulls.
Yep, Europa, big spider mech. Saw the reddit post, but it relies on stuff I don't have access to (aoe thunder resist buff, high tier units that paralyze, etc). Did some summons, as expected I got all weak units that cap at 4*. Guess my colloseum adventures will have to go on hold until release!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finally got a 3* Paul from my 45th friend point pull. Good timing I guess, since I plan to hoard all my friend points from this weekend until the event on Monday that gives a chance at a bonus cactuar or gil snapper when you pull.

So far, not too impressed with this magicite event. Average from ADV seems to be ~2 plain magicite (300), 1 colored magicite (600, possibly 900 if lucky), and 2 colored megacites (1200, possibly 1800 if lucky). I've yet to see a single red or blue, just white, black, green, and orange, though that's probably just bad luck.

Anyway, I'm getting on average about 3600xp per 15 energy. That's going to take me about 700 energy to max out just Ifrit. The thread on reddit discussing how to farm rank xp while waiting for release estimates less than 500 energy needed to get Ifrit from 1 to 30 using the Earth Shrine exploration map.

TL;DR - Earth Shrine is about 350 esper xp per energy (for Ifrit). Small sample set of the event is putting it at about 240 esper xp per energy.