Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
Maze is too much of a good thing. I've been fusing the small and medium cactuars to DCecil, and saving the big ones, but now I'm out of room to store even just big ones (my unit cap is currently 300). Guess I'll start leveling future units like Garland and Tilith.

The official description for Medius 6* says he's a great chain building unit. If he's basically a 6* Edward, he could be useful. We're getting a fire element gun from the event, and we have a fire katana and fire sword from past events. Could be some potential in that if his skills aren't terrible.

Medius has to learn innate dualwield with guns, right? If so, then he's probably going to be worth it for everyone without 4 copies of dualwield/genji glove, or Lightning/Luneth. Even a shitty unit with dualwield will outperform the majority of other units.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I was hoping that Nazta would have been able to datamine the 6* stuff for Medius and Cerius after maintenance. Guess not though. I've got at least one of each (maybe 2 Medius, can't remember.. I know I combined my extra Cerius though) so it would be nice if they were worth the trouble to max. Sucks that they are on the banner, but it wasn't likely to be worth bothering with even if it was just Noel and Roselia.


Golden Knight of the Realm
No matter what, Medius has passive Draw Attacks. What the actual fuck?

He does have a kinda cool TM, and will probably pull 7 of him on daily pulls.


Trakanon Raider
So I have a question about mechanics if anyone knows. I know for elemental chains, each hit of the chain is +30% damage, but how does it work for dual elements?

For example, I use two units with pure fire attacks to build a chain to let's say 150% damage bonus. Then I come in with a unit dualwielding fire/holy weapons, which means their damage is 50% fire 50% holy, and they finish the chain.

Does the final hit deal +150% damage because it has fire in it, or does it only deal +75% damage because it's half fire, half holy?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think that would continue the chain, not finish it. Like if I chain thundaga with Edgars using coral swords, the thundaga hits for 4x damage but keeps it rolling (and makes timing it trivial). Dual meteors are what I'd call a finisher since they are untyped damage and end the chain each time one deals damage. You can still hit for 4x each time, but it requires timing the start of the Edgar attacks just about perfectly.

To answer your question directly though, if you've built up a 5 elemental chain then the next attack that lands will deal +150% damage regardless of whether it breaks the chain or not.

I got my second Exdeath leveled up finally, and it's pretty funny to see them deal anywhere from 8-16k to the other team. Other than getting Lance'd, the only time I ever take more than one turn to win now is if a unit is highly resistant to thunder, since that prevents the chain from building up at all on that unit. Even then they still have to have more than 3996 hp to live.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
I started running low on gold (dropped down to 800k), and realized it was from the daily bundles as well as the cost of fusing everything to my 6* units... so I started using one mini metal cactaur to level 1 * FP units to max and selling those. Sometimes I'll awaken them, toss two metal cactaurs at them and sell them (though strictly speaking 1 metal cactaur is the "best" way).


Molten Core Raider
Vorph what is your team for such easymode wins? 2x exdeath 2x edgar 1x refia?

You just autoattack chain thundagas?


Mr. Poopybutthole
you use chainsaw on the two edgars to build the elemental chain up and end the chain with dualcasted meteors. Seems kinda pointless when the two exdeaths are already putting out 4200 damage by themselves without having to run a pair of 4* units in arena. That alone gets you so close to wiping out the enemy team, and then you still have 3 more units to act with.

Seems like you're making your arena team incredibly fragile for minimal actual gain.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm using Cecil for Focus and the occasional turn 1 cover when I lose the coin toss. Rest is right, 2 Edgar and 2 Exdeath.

Queue up dual meteors and chainsaw, then about 2 seconds after the meteor animation ends I hit Auto for the chainsaws.

And my Edgars have pretty much the same hp and def as Exdeath. They are a lot less fragile than any of the 5* nukers like Arc I could swap in, since their damage is unimportant and they can equip items strictly for defense. If I had two 6* units with an ignore def AE (to ensure that enemy Cecil cannot trigger Cover), I would definitely use them over the Edgars, but I only have my 5* Chizuru and nothing else viable. I still haven't lost a match during weeks when dual meteors are allowed, so I'm not too worried about it. I could maybe switch in 6* Chizuru once I level her along with Refia for extra defense, since that would probably do 6k to the whole team. Bringing Chirijiraden to arena is a bad idea though, so it would be awkward to use her with just Murasame and Air Knife (wind actually is good) until I finish Miyuki's TM.

Cerius might have potential too, though I really don't see myself leveling up a unit to 6* 100 if she's completely useless outside arena. Certainly not two of them.


Trakanon Raider
Info on the new units and promotions is out.... they're pretty meh. Cerius maybe has a niche use for his dark resist buff (think it's the only unit who can do +50% aoe dark resist). Overall, I'm skipping this banner. They could have made Medius great, but instead he's still terrible....

Santa Roselia may be worth it for anyone who missed out on Refia. She's not bad a healer (can't raise though). Even so, keep in mind limited holiday units typically are forgotten after their promotion is over, so don't expect these to be upgraded with enhancements later on, they have a limited useful lifespan.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Some decent bundles for xmas at least. Everyone should buy the daily festive gift box; 300 lapis for 2 tickets, a key, and some magi/megacites. If you feel like spending cash, $47.99 for 120 nrg, 10k lapis, 10 tickets, 20 sacred crystals, 10 holy crystals, 30 star quartz, and 15 keys is a great deal. Amazon has FFBE listed as a '30% coins back' game currently, but the downside is that it's over $50 after tax, so you can't just pay $43 for 5000 coins and have enough for the initial purchase. You should get 1440 coins back though if you do buy it (I'm assuming they don't give credit back on the sales tax).

Edit: Did some pulling for Noctis since there's no way I'm even doing the daily 250 over xmas, with strange results. Chizuru was the only event unit I pulled, along with 2 Gaffgarions and a WoL which were 4*'s I failed miserably at pulling during their own events. Also got another Exdeath, which makes four total. Rest was mostly crap, 4* Golbez, Ignus, Terra #4, and Firion #6, along with a couple Fangs and a "LOL you're not going to pull during xmas? Here's an early Medius anyway!" troll. Sucks not getting Noctis, but the WoL alone made it worth it.

Seems that it's true that 3* have been normalized to the same rarity. I haven't seen a single Shadow, Bedile, Lani, etc. in a long time, and the only shit common I've gotten has been a couple Russells. Which I don't even mind much because I want a Bladeblitz materia.
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Trakanon Raider
Seems that it's true that 3* have been normalized to the same rarity. I haven't seen a single Shadow, Bedile, Lani, etc. in a long time, and the only shit common I've gotten has been a couple Russells. Which I don't even mind much because I want a Bladeblitz materia.

All lies! Vivi from my daily today! For real though, yeah the units are normalized now. I've been doing dailies for Noctis, and aside from todays Vivi troll, it's been mostly "decent" pulls. I was thinking maybe I'd do one or two pulls on Christmas banner just for a Cerius for the rare niche of wanting dark resist, but fuck it, if I ended up pulling a rainbow and got something like Noel instead of Noctis, I'd lose my shit.

Going to be buying the daily 300 lapis bundle for the tickets each day of course, and do more daily pulls until the banner swaps to shitty xmas banner. Then I'll probably hoard up the tickets until the 29th and dump them all on Noctis banner on the last day. Then maybe grab that 47$ bundle and try some more, depending how the pulls go.

I'm looking forward to the raid stuff this Friday. Hopefully it's a decent challenge without feeling ultra grindy. My favorite fight of the game so far has been the FFIV event vs the four fiends + golbez. Need more fights like that imo.


Trakanon Raider
I've got $60 of iTunes gift cards and I'm seriously considering dropping it on the Christmas bundle. It's the first really good bundle they've had. 10,000 Lapis and 10 tickets. Everything beyond that is just gravy. If Rainbow rates weren't so shitty I'd do it in a heartbeat but I'm still mighty tempted.


Golden Knight of the Realm
fuck it, if I ended up pulling a rainbow and got something like Noel instead of Noctis, I'd lose my shit.

Bought the 300 lapis pack with 2 tickets in it, pulled both on Noctis banner. Boom, Rainbow, Noctis.

Wait, that's dark knight cecil.



Vyemm Raider
how are y'all buying lapis through amazon? I'm not sure i want my wife to see how much i'm spending on mobile games though lol


<WoW Guild Officer>
Got all excited with the new event button and looked for how to join the raid... and it's not in.

Not sure what I'll do until then. The shine on maze is sort of wearing off, wish it gave magicite instead fury seed bullshit.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I've got $60 of iTunes gift cards and I'm seriously considering dropping it on the Christmas bundle. It's the first really good bundle they've had. 10,000 Lapis and 10 tickets. Everything beyond that is just gravy. If Rainbow rates weren't so shitty I'd do it in a heartbeat but I'm still mighty tempted.
Think I might buy that as well... my lapis supply is getting short.


Mr. Poopybutthole
how are y'all buying lapis through amazon? I'm not sure i want my wife to see how much i'm spending on mobile games though lol

you buy coins, then use the coins to buy lapis by installing exvius on your phone/emulator through the amazon app dealie.