Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
I did about 10 pulls today out of boredom. I pulled a 3 star Bartz who seems to be rated fairly high. The only other notable character was a Kefka.

Question about duplicates: What do I do with them?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Do you want multiple copies of the unit's trust reward? If so, hang onto all the copies until we get the trust moogle event in global. If not, take the highest star one and fuse the dupes into it for +5% TM. I tend to keep my dupes of anything that gives a good item (any of the weapons/most of the armors, Kefka's Ribbon, etc.) or skill (Barrage, Dual Wield, Comet, Meteor, Ultima, etc.).

Also consider if multiple copies of a unit are worth using in a team. For example I have 3 Firions, and even though his TM is garbage I'm going to max out all three and replace Rain and Lasswell with the new ones until we get 6* upgrades for the story characters. I'm pretty sure Firion(Murasame), Firion(Giant's Axe), Firion(Osafune), Kefka, Fina is the strongest team I can field for now. Especially once I can use trust moogles to get the first one barrage and dual wield.


Vyemm Raider
This game definitely loves dupes. After all the pulls it was hard not to notice the strings of 3 sometimes 4 copies showing up within the 10 free tickets. And I don't mean kefka and golbez.

I have seen every single character show up at least once by now. But within the 4* pool, it seems that whatever method determined that you were going to get that galuf, is probably going to give you another one or two real soon. Over all each unit probably has an equal chance, but within a single account, dupes seem to be the rule and not the exception.

Maybe logging inbetween pulls might help to break that, I tried for a while but it was tedious.


Trakanon Raider
I only had 3 rare summons that could evolve to 5*, so I decided to summon on the new banner until I got at least one more 5* potential unit. Got a dupe Fran first, then Golbez. Figures I'd get the weakest of the three rateup units first, but whatever, I now have yet another mage for my already mage heavy team.

The release of new content feels really slow. It's been what, almost a month since the latest island, and since then we've only gotten a 2 minute faceroll trial boss for new stuff? Getting tired of farming ifrit for rank experience, I'm closing in on rank 50 by now.

Lot's of people on my friends list are starting to show up with multiple trust rewards. One of the chirizu's on my list has like 430 attack with doublehand and miyuki's 98 atk trust katana and that new 20% atk materia. Lot of others have stuff like barrage, excalibur, dual wield, etc equipped. I wonder if they're all whales, or did they grind that trust from scratch. I've been playing since the soft launch, and most of my team is around 15% trust, though I spend most energy farming rank, not earth shrine.

It's tempting to setup Nox to just auto-repeat running earth shrine all night to work on trust, but I'm paranoid I'd get my account banned for using macros.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I really want to do that now that I have Zidane, Luna, and 2 Kains. Firion would be godtier with dual wield, barrage, and a pair of Gungnirs (though I wish I had Cecil/Miyuki/Xaio instead). Something went wrong the one time I tried a couple weeks ago, but I can't remember exactly what it was. Maybe the daily reward page popping up at 4AM?

Edit: I still can't decide for my main team if I want 3x Firion, Kefka, Fina, or 2x Firion, 2x Kefka, Fina. I suspect the first one is probably better. Don't like the idea of using 3 of the same unit, but Firion #2 and #3 are still clearly superior to Rain and Lasswell at 5*.


Just yolo'D up Vann 4* from a log in ticket of course right after I leveled and awoken Kefka but I'll still have him maxed in a day or so.

Is there a cap on friend points? Almost have 20 multi summons.


Trakanon Raider
Is there a cap on friend points? Almost have 20 multi summons.
100k points (50 multi summons). You still earn points from dungeons even over the cap, but you can't claim friend point gifts until you go below the soft cap.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
100k I think. I'm at 70k now, still waiting for the event to end before I use any. Might not have a choice though, at 5-8k a day.


I just started this and pulled:

3* Firion
3* Roselia
5* Chizuru
3* Kefka x2
3* Luna
3* Kain
4* Russell
3* Krile x2

Should I go ahead with this or try rerolling?



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Zidane is the best unit for stealing, and he has one of the most useful TMs (Dual Wield) in the game. He's a pretty terrible general purpose unit though, since he can only autoattack and Mug. I only use him for trivial shit just to get some TM progress, and when I need to steal something in particular.


<WoW Guild Officer>
that cactaur dungeon was great. Max leveled most of my units of importance... now onto farming awaken materials. Is the daily dungeon really the best?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Vortex INT for sacred crystals, ADV for holy crystals. Almost everything else can be farmed easier by looking up which exploration it drops in on island 2 and then going there to farm it (bring Steal) by maxing out the encounters. That way is far better for xp, megacites, etc. too.


I just started playing this, rerolled a few times and ended up with a starting group that included Chizuru and Exdeath, so I kept that one. Used the bonus lapis i've earned for another 7 rolls or so, and ended up with Chizuru, CoD, Exdeath, Kefka, and Terra, which I've been just absolutely steamrolling content with. I used the cactuar event to get a couple of them (chizuru and terra) to 5 star, and have the rest at four right now as I slowly farm the sacred crystals for the others.

Other than getting my units max level, what should I be focused on? I've already defeated the white dragon to get the sweet sweet katana for chizuru, and am not strong enough to kill the demon chimera yet. Should i just be focusing on completing the collesseum, farming better equipment, etc? Nothing in this game is a challenge for my squad except the demon chimera. Am I just stuck grinding what I can until the new content?

I suppose one thing I could do is trust mastery. When I did my original unit pulls i ended up with four kefkas total and five golbez's. Would it make sense to grind trust mastery with, say, a group of 4x kefka, or 5x golbez and then combine them when i can get to 100% total?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Accidentally opened up the XP dungeon


Trakanon Raider
That team is amazing, especially as a starting lineup, which means you still have all of the leveling, achievement, etc lapis to look forward to. Don't expect too much challenge for a long time with a roster like that

Definitely always farm colloseum every time you have orbs available. Some of the best stuff is from the higher ranks. The only two fights in the whole colloseum that are difficult are the final S-5 bosses of both ranks (Europa and Frost Dragon). Once you complete the current story (fought Veritas) then you're done until the next content patch.

Things to focus on would be:
- finish all sidequests, even if you don't need the rewards (for the trophies)
- farming player rank to expand your energy pool (farm rank 2 esper battles)
- unlocking and then crafting hero rings (finish 30 trophies, then farm a bunch of ice/fire megacrysts)
- leveling your espers to rank 2 lvl 40 (farm megacites from explorations)
- farming trust mastery (grind earth shrine a million times)

It's also not a terrible idea to build up a stockpile of sacred/holy crystals by farming awakening vortex just so you're ready for future units. My 3 vortex dungeons for the daily each day are farmed on INT awakening vortex, and I've got like 70 holy and sacred crystals available for when I need them.


Trakanon Raider
What are rank 2 esper battles? I see the term thrown around a lot but not sure what they are referring to.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Level the esper to 30 and go back to the same spot and there will be a second fight available. Beat it and your esper is awakened to 2*. You also get 500 rank XP for 15 energy which is the most efficient way to farm that. They aren't completely trivial but you can bring a friend unit (usually Vaan or a someone with 250+ atk and barrage).


That team is amazing, especially as a starting lineup, which means you still have all of the leveling, achievement, etc lapis to look forward to. Don't expect too much challenge for a long time with a roster like that

Definitely always farm colloseum every time you have orbs available. Some of the best stuff is from the higher ranks. The only two fights in the whole colloseum that are difficult are the final S-5 bosses of both ranks (Europa and Frost Dragon). Once you complete the current story (fought Veritas) then you're done until the next content patch.

Things to focus on would be:
- finish all sidequests, even if you don't need the rewards (for the trophies)
- farming player rank to expand your energy pool (farm rank 2 esper battles)
- unlocking and then crafting hero rings (finish 30 trophies, then farm a bunch of ice/fire megacrysts)
- leveling your espers to rank 2 lvl 40 (farm megacites from explorations)
- farming trust mastery (grind earth shrine a million times)

It's also not a terrible idea to build up a stockpile of sacred/holy crystals by farming awakening vortex just so you're ready for future units. My 3 vortex dungeons for the daily each day are farmed on INT awakening vortex, and I've got like 70 holy and sacred crystals available for when I need them.
I know! It was like my fourth reroll and I was getting frustrated because I kept getting garbage. I got exdeath and chizuru, so kept that one, and then just got insanely lucky on my lapis rolls (especially Terra, I wanted her for raise). I appreciate the advice, I've been conflicted about whether I should grind energy or do something else, and I think focusing on the hero rings is especially good advice; so I'm gonna do that.