Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Mr. Poopybutthole
Pro tip for Dragon Trial: When the Dragon uses boost, the ONLY thing it can do the next turn is release. So controlling when you take it past a 20% health threshold can let you skip the swallow that happens on every fifth turn. You can also use ability damage without triggering dragon's voice, so you can bust out your strong damage dealing abilities on your tougher 6* units.

dragon down first try, Cecil now has 504 defense! wheeee
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Molten Core Raider
Oninlan should be requesting you - make sure you get him. He needs a good DPS to carry him!


Mobile Game Hunter
Thank you Murked - I used your gilga to clear ELT big bridge - my first trust moogle went right into my own Gilgamesh!


Potato del Grande
I have a 517 atk Lightning if anyone wants, I get a bazillion requests though so either say something here or on your in game profile about foh.



Trakanon Raider
I've been very active since release day, with trash pulls the whole duration. I go all in on FF5 banner and get mostly more trash. I spend 100$ on lapis, go in more on FF5 banner, get more trash (not even good TM units, like ultra fucking trash). I read this post on reddit that gives the conspiracy theory that pulls are nerfed for super heavy playtime players, and boosted when they start to play less as a way to keep them from quitting.

I take a short break from FFBE for 3'ish days or so as a hail mary last resort to see if reddit was right. I log in today, do 2 ticket summons, and:


Coincidence? Conspiracy theories are correct? Who the fuck knows, and I don't care anymore either. I FUCKING FINALLY have a good 5* base, and dualwield in one pull. Mission accomplished.
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Trakanon Raider
Looks like the base droprate of gears from elite is around 200'ish now. With a Lightning friend, that's around 400 or so per run, or a lot more if you have your own synergy units to go with it. Worth taking a new look at the mog shop and maybe buy some stuff that before was skippable.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My team is Elza, Exdeath, Cecil, Refia, CoD. I was going to pull hard on this banner for Lightning, especially since someone mentioned there are no good banners for quite some time, but now I'm having second thoughts. What am I saving my tickets/lapis for right now? Orlandu in February?

P.S. Add me. I have a 467 ATK Elza up but can put up others or a Sazh for bonus if you need. My code is 867,105,202.


Trakanon Raider
Friend request sent. Only have an average CoD as my friend lead (and no ff13 units despite 6 daily pulls), but I'll have a better friend lead soon!

For banners, Lightning is very good (and better in a few months), but the rest of the ff13 banner is really bad, so if you don't get Lightning, it's going to suck. The FFV banner is still up for about 18 more hours, which has Gilgamesh as the rare unit (about as strong as Lightning, with a far better TM), but the common pull on FFV are a lot more useful (Bartz, Exdeath, and Faris if you need FB).

There's almost certainly going to be some kind of special banner for Christmas, which should be announced before the FF13 banner closes. If you don't need more synergy units for the current event, hold off on pulling until the announcement next week about what comes next, then decide.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Added you! I've been using this site Unit Rankings - Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki to rate units, but it seems it may not be as accurate as I thought, especially if Gilgamesh is closer to Lightning than they suggest. I basically was ignoring Gilgamesh because, according to their ratings, he isn't much better than CoD, even though he has the best TM in the game. I have 2 Exdeaths and a Faris, but no Bartz. I didn't know about the Xmas event, so I'll probably hold off until that. Thanks for the heads up!


Trakanon Raider
The ranking site doesn't include possible TM's. If there's no TM's in the comparison, Lightning is tied for best unit in the game with Luneth, entirely because she can dual wield. To be on Lightnings level, Gilgamesh needs dualwield (like every other unit...) but the thing with Gilgamesh is that he comes with dualwield as a package deal if you feed him all your moogles, etc. So long term, Gilgamesh is just as good as Lightning.

If you already have one or more Zidane, then Gilgamesh isn't nearly as big of a deal.