Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


<WoW Guild Officer>
elo formula would mean moving up would be easier once people are higher rank. the elo you get is based on how much the other person has. so waiting till later in the week and hitting those higher than you should result in more elo per battle. it's just that those are the fights that typically go 10 rounds and exhausts me from

also, Golem's staff is stupid. I don't have it, but seems every team sub 3K has it. sucks to start off w/ 2 people already turned to stone.
Finish the story line, you should get it and you can start petrifying assholes too!


Potato del Grande
It's so much easier to stay in the top of the rankings if you play early and often when it resets. This is the only week I didn't do that thanks to the fucking different timing and now I'm struggling to get past 10k because I never get any 1.5 ratio offerings.

Also, fuck Golem staff, its cheap RNG bullshit. Oh the other team goes first outright kills my elza, exdeath, leaves refia at 287 health and stones Lightning? GG.

One item shouldn't cause this much havoc.

I have Ludmille finally at 99.7% but no real reason to finish it because the week I was going to finish it they ban dual cast!! Curses!!!


Golem Staff is bullshit. It's the only way I lose unless I come across a whale team that gets 2 early turns in a row.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
elo formula would mean moving up would be easier once people are higher rank. the elo you get is based on how much the other person has. so waiting till later in the week and hitting those higher than you should result in more elo per battle. it's just that those are the fights that typically go 10 rounds and exhausts me from
Yeah, like Daezuel said, the problem is you don't get any fights vs. 1.50 teams if you start slow and try to close the gap to 30k. I was busy at the start of the week and I'm seeing nothing but fights vs. 1.06-1.10 teams. Not only does it make it extremely difficult to get into the 30k bracket it also horribly gimps your medal intake for clearing the boards. I'll need to do as many fights as I did to stay in the 3k bracket last week just to break into 30k this week.

Golem staff makes arena actually tolerable, lol
Also, this.


Potato del Grande
I'd guess a big difference between my arena experience and everyone else's here is they have a cecil and I carry 4 dps because I don't.

Tolerable? Nothing lives past round 3 as is this week and thats with me mana draining everything in sight.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I never use Cecil in arena, and if I did it would be to have a single unit with dualcast Curaja and Focus, not his cover tank bullshit. 4-5 dps is far more effective at winning battles even (especially?) against mega-whales. I curse everyone who leaves him up on defense too, because again it doesn't do a thing to help their team win, it just wastes my fucking time for an extra 1-3 turns depending on whether or not petrify sticks.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I never use Cecil in arena, and if I did it would be to have a single unit with dualcast Curaja and Focus, not his cover tank bullshit. 4-5 dps is far more effective at winning battles even (especially?) against mega-whales. I curse everyone who leaves him up on defense too, because again it doesn't do a thing to help their team win, it just wastes my fucking time for an extra 1-3 turns depending on whether or not petrify sticks.
Even worse with the new helm, right?
nvm, helm doesn't protect against petrify.
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Trakanon Raider
I like using Cecil in the arena. He saves matches all the time. His cover skill isn't too important, but as a second healer, he's great. When whales go first and nuke out 2-3 units, I need two healers to start using revives and heals. Grand Helm and Jeweled ring makes him status immune to everything that matters too.

The arena unit I avoid like the plague is Elza, and to a lesser extent Agrias and Kain. The AI uses lance at an extremely high priority it seems, and a single lance can take one of my units out of the fight with no way to recover at all. Whale doing 99999 damage in a round? Ez, full revive, carry on. Lanced to 0 mp? That's it, that unit's done...


I use Cecil, Ex, Ex, Kefka, CoD. If something manages to survive the thundaga chain I switch to blizaga and barrage. Few fights last more than 2 rounds.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I hate seeing Elza far more than anyone else. Other Lance units take maybe half of Refia's MP, if that. Unless it's a newb team without DW Elza gets it all, every time.


Trakanon Raider
Just wait until we get Odin esper in a few weeks. Then every top dps in arena will have Lance (Odin gives it as a skill, and he's the new best phys atk esper). Going to be loads of fun, right?



Mr. Poopybutthole
I love Cecil, and mostly for his cover tank bullshit. Having one unit 100% immune to excalibur and another unit 100% immune to deathbringer/demon scythe (elza with diabolos) makes whales much easier to survive. I've actually managed an unbroken streak so far this week despite challenging the highest ratio offered to me every time. My lineup for this week is Exdeath, Elza, Refia, Cecil, and CoD. Exdeath is surprisingly useful this week despite dualcast being disabled since he can osmose, stona (I run stona on Exdeath and Cecil), and even with mostly +hp gear/materia (4700 hps) he can still hit 999 on everyone except Refia with meteor. Elza for lance, ravaging enemy Cecil, and madness rush/darkside, CoD for veil, barrage, and esunaga, and my borderline invincible Cecil for backup heals and general meatshielding. Hard to bust through 5600 hps and 527 def (and thats with stona and demonic life slotted).

Currently chilling around rank 500 for the week and low 200s for the month. Haven't ranked up this week due to the crappy ratio on the event but I should climb to at least 300 now that I'm consistently being offered 1.5s.

It's mind blowing how much time and money the retards in the top 20 or so must be spending on this game. I've missed maybe 4 orbs this week (3 on colosseum and maybe 1 today when my phone battery ran low) and they still have more than twice as many points as me. They have to be spending hours at a time just sitting there refilling orbs over and over and over.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I can't even begin to understand that. I wouldn't spend that much time doing arena if the refills were free, nevermind spending crazy amounts of money on it.


Trakanon Raider
Happy for the maze.

The new banner sucks for me. It's very strong but the units are 3 star Charolette, 4 star Chizuru and Mercedes, 5 star Noctis.

I assume that Noctis will be ridiculously overpowered but I have Charolette and 2 Chizurus already so I'd be chasing a 5 star base.


Trakanon Raider
I don't have any of those units, and especially want a Chizuru. I'll do at least some dailies, then see what happens by the banners end.

There anything good to look forward to in the new story update, like equipment, recipes, etc?


Trakanon Raider
My understanding is that this isn't an actual story update. They've added a character specific quest for Charolette for a shield that only she can use. I'm not sure how involved it is but this isn't a fully fledged story update.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The actual story update should be at the end of the month. Limping my way through the google translate of Altema, there is a new set of vault keys but yall can try and sort through those google translations yourself. Fire keys this time, although who knows if the actual word is flame or some other fire synonym. This is only silver chest stuff, there are also quest rewards that are a pain to auto-translate so this is by no means comprehensive.

Definitely in Zoldaad part 1:

Craftable Auto-Shell
Craftable Osmose (or Osmose Blade? Hard to tell from "アスピル剣のレシピ")
Craftable Thunder Shield
Craftable Ice Armor

Maybe in Zoldaad part 1

Craftable Elven Bow
Star Quartz vendor
Craftable Flame Lance
Craftable Sleep Sword

Vorph Vorph here's why I love Cecil in arena. Just fought a triple Lightning team and would have gotten destroyed when they got back to back turns on 1 and 2, except all three of them had Excalibur equipped, so Cecil survived two rounds of covering. If he hadn't survived I would have lost Refia too and then the match.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Chizuru and Rain were supposed to get their 6* at the same time, so it's disappointing that Rain has been delayed. For story reasons I assume, but it would be nice if they picked up the pace on that a bit so that these things don't happen. Not sure if I'm going to 6* my Chizuru right away or not. I want to finish another Exdeath first, and by the time I start thinking about Chizuru it will just about be time for Firion. Plus Rain can't be that far off.

And I see your point about Cecil being useful in some situations, it's just that almost all the time I'd rather just have more dps. I don't even bring Refia either a lot of the time. Only ever lost 1 match (+3 to crashes, which is retarded) to a whale team with 2 Lightnings and 3 Luneths where the AI actually used Hit All and Blitzes from all 5 units instead of just autoattacking with ~3 of them like it usually does.


Trakanon Raider
I had a similar experience in arena a day or two ago. Mega whale team of 2 luneth, lightning, gilgamesh, and cod. I went first, raised CoD, then did some dps, but didn't kill anyone. On their turn they completely decimated me with all of them using aoe attacks... except my CoD lived. Apparently, every member of his team was using deathbringer, and CoD on diabolos was immune to dark damage, so she slowly barraged their whole team down over the next 3-4 turns while being spammed by immune's as the whales kept hitting him. I was amused.

Seems that a new strategy is getting popular where whales setup their arena team with no espers at all. That means, without espers adding fluff abilities into the list like bar-fira, protect, etc, units like Luneth, Lightning and such only have a few possible skills to use, so the AI almost always spams their aoe's every round.