Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Mobile Game Hunter
Finished a Miyuki and Chorizo, pushing my Noctis to 730ish atk. Feels good man. He's currently using Excalibur / Sakura. For Chorizo's TM, should I be using 2 katana, or is 1 all I need for the bonus atk?


Vyemm Raider
6* Xiao seems not bad, guys. 255% 3-hit AoE, 180% 3-hit single target with -40% Atk/Def, and self-Berserk which is +100% Atk that stacks with Atk buffs like Cheer or Embolden.

I also really like Ling, she can do a -45% AoE Atk/Mag and Def/Spr break, as well as some other cool utility, and every time she uses one of these "dance" abilities, her next autoattack will do an increased 100% damage that stacks up to 1000%, so she never really loses damage by dancing. Also she has High Tide and Entrust, which Noctis is just itching to get use out of.
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Trakanon Raider
Xiao's berserk buff only buffs her atk on normal attacks according to the wiki. I guess if she berserks (which is also a taunt), it will buff her counter-attacks, since those are normal attacks, but her defenses are terrible. Xiao won't be a good dps, but that 40% atk/def break is excellent if you don't have it from another source, and she's worth slotting in for that alone. Ling or Elza both can do better today, and WoL can do better in a few weeks.

Ling buffing her normal attack by 100% per turn is pointless. She can only equip daggers, and has a garbage base attack with no passive bonuses at all. Like Xiao, she has excellent 45% breaks, and that can justify her slot on a team even though that's really all she brings that matters. Again, she's obsoleted by WoL in a few weeks.

Yun is pretty good, with great stats, a ton of passive atk bonuses, some immunities, and a good chainable attack, but has a bad weapon selection. I don't think he's worth chasing, since he's not as good as Orlandu and that's right around the corner. His TM is awesome, and as a limited unit, you either get it this week or never, so that's something to consider.

I'm going to evolve the Xiao I have to 6* to benefit from her 40% break in the short term, but I'm not going to pull on this banner since Ling has a very short lifespan and Yun will be too rare (and with his weapon selection, he can't ever be "great" without Katana/Greatsword masteries).
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Mr. Poopybutthole
jesus fucking christ @ Yun's TM. I'm sorely tempted to chase that, there will never be anything better for Firion (and anyone else who can use fists and light armor) on GL, ever.

For people with more cactuars than you know what to do with, you might consider maxing out the story units. Somewhere down the road we're getting challenges that you can only take story units to and there are some decent gear rewards.


Vyemm Raider
Why are we calling Fists "bad weapon selection" when Kaiser Knuckles exist? It's no Blade Mastery + Sakura katana but still pretty freking good.


God is dead
Just beat Elite Dark Fina with the assistance of Twilight Sparkles Noctis.

Scrapping by with 6* Gilgamesh, Exdeath, Luka, Dangerous Ariana and Rain was painful. Giant clusterfuck of a non-optimized party carried by Noctis.

(I spent a few bucks in order to grin the shit out of materials and cactuars)
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Why are we calling Fists "bad weapon selection" when Kaiser Knuckles exist? It's no Blade Mastery + Sakura katana but still pretty freking good.

Because having access to fists and nothing else is terrible weapon selection? The existence of rising sun doesn't make CoD's weapon selection not terrible. Your only good weapons being from TMRs is the very definition of terrible weapon selection.

That being said, for characters that have a broad weapon selection fist/katana is far and away the best weapon combo due to the existence of Snow and Chizuru's TMRs (and in a couple days chocobo dude's armor). In time, greatswords will pass katanas since blade mastery doesn't stack and there are multiple GS TMRs coming along. There is, however, one major drawback to fists. The only good one prior to the R66-Y trial is wind element, which means you can't contribute to or finish elemental chains, which is a major loss of damage. You could equip the correct element in the offhand but unless it's fire you'll be losing 50% atk from katana mastery and you won't be getting the full damage bonus since your elements will be split. There are no other good wind element weapons until Aura's TM, which is a long ways off, and none of the wind imperil units are particularly good, especially compared to the light/dark/fire imperil ones.


Vyemm Raider
You don't need to use the same element to finish the chains. You can't contribute, but you can finish.


Trakanon Raider
It's a matter of do you want to min/max or not. Kaiser knuckles are fine, but not being able to equip GS/katana means you're missing out on 50-100% of bonus ATK from "best in slot" gear. That's a really big deal.

Yun is fine as a unit, but when I compare units, I tend to compare them to the top of the pile. He's good, but he's worse than someone like Noctis, or very soon, Orlandu, Tidus, etc. If you're a whale who can afford to chase all the 5* units, go for it. If you're someone like me who's at most a light spender during sales, I have to carefully select who I chase, and Yun just isn't good enough.


Vyemm Raider
I'm not that hyped for Yun but I could definitely see using Lin on my team. I probably won't go HAM for Orlandu since I seriously doubt I'll ever get Excalibur (still haven't pulled Cecil and I hardly TM farm as is), especially if Agrias isn't also on the banner.

I don't know how far away Rikku is but she might be the only unit I really save tickets for considering people won't shut up about how some trials are impossible without her.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I had a slight (but critical) misunderstanding of the way chains work, but it finally clicked just a bit ago when I was doing the raid boss on JP and using piledriver in the middle of a holy explosion chain didn't start the chain over (it just ticked up as a regular chain instead of an elemental chain). As long as it doesn't get interrupted it's all the same chain, elemental chains just build to the cap faster. So if the chain is already capped, it doesn't matter what elements you use when you finish it.

There are no trials that are impossible without Rikku, she just makes everything ezmode. She is by far the most broken unit in the game, even +2 Ramza isn't on the same level as Rikku. If Gumi was smart they would change her LB for GL.


Mr. Poopybutthole
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Single fucking fire flask just broke a win streak of well over 1000. My jimmies are rustled as fuck.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Normally I just faceroll triple exdeath + whatever, for weeks where dualcast is disabled my new lineup is noctis, refia, cecil, chizuru x2. wind katana on both chizuru so a phantom shadow chain does retarded damage. I'll be running the same team for black magic disabled weeks too.


Vyemm Raider
Well I've pulled a Rosa and a Golbez from the free pulls, that means I should have a Cecil finally show up for me someday soon, right?