Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Vyemm Raider
Well shit, this is a good start to my day. First pull got my third galuf, second pull... Warrior of Light... And I am done pulling for a while.


Trakanon Raider
I gave myself a budget of 6 summons on the banner. I spent 3:

4* Vivi
4* Tellah
3* Lenna

Thought I had a chance of WOL with back to back 4 stars but no dice. Lenna was the one I wanted the most just for a solid healer so I stopped pulling once I got her.


<WoW Guild Officer>
4* Edgar
4* Kain (#3... he's getting fused into my current)
3* Cyan (#2, ditto)
4* Garland (#2)
3* Lenna
5* Artemios
3* Krile
3* Miyuki

Ugh, how bad did I do?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I got a bunch of crap. Nothing noteworthy.

Is there a list of TM's that are "must have" other than Zidanes?


FYI: If you just don't want to deal with explorations for the daily, you can do the SIren fight for exploration. Not sure if this is a bug and/or known.
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Vyemm Raider
You have two exdeaths already right?

Now you have two garlands as well. Garland is pretty strong right now but gets really good with his 6*. He and CoD, are monsters in the pvp arena when that comes out.

You got Artemios as well. Which can utilize the 41 atk bow and has barrage. But he doesn't have a 6* so eventually he gets overshadowed.

Lena is the best healer out right now. Great healing, status removal and physical damage support. But again, no 6* form.

Kain and miyuki have great tmr's and kain becomes a beast for a while when his 5* comes out.

You have a lot of solid units for magic and physical damage and healing right now. Which is pretty much every role except tank. Some of these units won't age well unless they get updates though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hold onto that Miyuki and level her when you get the chance. Somewhere down the road (Lien Chan Battle event that I mentioned above) you'll be happy you have a unit who can use Throw.

Artemios is the worst Barrage unit, but any unit with Barrage is still better than almost everything else. Also, the next trial is Brachiosaur, which rewards a 60 ATK bow, and that will improve Artemios considerably. It shouldn't be too long before they release it.

Is there a list of TM's that are "must have" other than Zidanes?
All the weapons are must-haves if you have units to use them. Kefka, Hayate, and Celes have the best armor/accessory TMs. Camo and all the ___ Killer TMs from FP units are must-haves. MAG+30%, Doublehand, and Blade Mastery are the best passives after Dual Wield. For skills, Barrage and Ultima are the only two that really stand out to me. Maybe Meteor if you have Golbez and not Terra.

FYI: If you just don't want to deal with explorations for the daily, you can do the SIren fight for exploration. Not sure if this is a bug and/or known.
Not a bug, esper fights are intended to be explorations. That said, if you aren't pressed for time, the Shrine exploration is the best thing to do for your daily quest. Almost the same rank xp efficiency, but you also get gil, megacrysts, megacites, crafting mats, and unit xp if you need it.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
Yeah, I have two exdeaths. I fused one of the Garlands without thinking for the TM bonus, c'est la vie.

Is it worth blowing the 150+ friend summons I've saved up to try and complete some TM stuff from those units?


Molten Core Raider
Had a limit of 4 pulls and got Tellah, Anzhelm x2, and Shadow... Threw caution to the winds and tried one more time and got 5 Lenna. Pulled more than I wanted to but it turned out alright.

My Mage heavy squad just got heavier.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Is it worth blowing the 150+ friend summons I've saved up to try and complete some TM stuff from those units?
That's all FP is good for, so yes. If anything, don't be like me and procrastinate until you're hitting the 100k FP cap. Sorting out 500 summons is a huge time-consuming pain in the ass.

Also, you probably have the 50 little cactuars in your inbox still. I suggest using those to max level all the shitty 1*'s you get that don't have a TM worth bothering with, so you can sell them for gil.


<WoW Guild Officer>
That's all FP is good for, so yes. If anything, don't be like me and procrastinate until you're hitting the 100k FP cap. Sorting out 500 summons is a huge time-consuming pain in the ass.

Also, you probably have the 50 little cactuars in your inbox still. I suggest using those to max level all the shitty 1*'s you get that don't have a TM worth bothering with, so you can sell them for gil.
Already used the mini cactaurs!

But yeah, I might start doing that. Just built a TM farming squad so I can do earth shrine+explore for the daily. Though I'm thinking I might do the 3 quests to open up shrine for exploration, and then do shrine exploration for the daily.


Molten Core Raider
I picked up Lenna and Terra from my pulls this morning. I guess I will use Lenna to replace Fina, not sure if Terra is worth using over my others. I really wanted 5 Tellahs though to make the bard hate group. Couldnt bring myself to pull more than a few times with Zidane banner soon.


Silver Knight of the Realm
hmm,. I spend 10k lapis on two summoning packs, got tempted after resisting locke and chiz and catching up on the world map quests.

First 11 pulls, nothing but garbage except one tellah, regret spending the tickets now.
Second set of 11, starts with vaan, lenna, and pull 10 & 11 were both wol. Extreme luck.

Two questions for the ones who are further along.

1) what is ideal team wise?

Notable chars: wol-x2, exdeath, cod, firion, lenna, vaan, tellah, kefkax2, golbez, rydia, krile.
Untill now, my main team was ex/cod/firion/laswell/maria.

2) TM business.

I've been combining most of my 3* to save space, is this the way to go unless the tm is crucial? (which ones, I know of the mythical Zidane DW which I have none, and read vivi and kains and kefka are decent), or is it worth it to spend the mythril to expand to keep more copies around?

2 WoL, that TM worth grinding them both out for? If not, is it worth keeping two tank chars around?
Can't really find much info on Reddit about light's blessing.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If you cast Cheer (Fina/Lenna) always, Auto-Brave is useless because it doesn't stack. Ditto for Focus (Vaan) and Auto-Faith. Sometimes you don't want to waste a turn on casting a buff if only one character benefits from it though. Like I would absolutely use Light's Blessing on Kefka because I almost never cast Focus when I use friend Vaan.

Regen is 100% worthless until we get the JP update that drastically increases the amount it heals.
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Trakanon Raider
Did some summons for WoL, but struck out. Got Lenna and Tellah, as well as Kefka and Locke (didn't have either), so it wasn't all bad. Kinda wish I hadn't done so, since now I have less to dump into the Zidane gate, but what's done is done I guess.

I did get one gold crystal though.... Cyan...


Vyemm Raider
Basically every unit that caps at 4*'s is a troll just waiting to hop into the first golden crystal they can find.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I got a Lenna and a Tellah. With her limit I've switched to a mostly Mage group with those two, Kefka, and Golbez. Have a maxed Arteimos as barrage is nice. Eventually I hope to get more melees so I can take advantage of Lenna's cheer, but for now only have Zidane and Arteimos.


Molten Core Raider
Finally got the 80 demon hearts. Im real sick of those damn bloody eyes, so I think I'll wait to farm the rest of the stuff. I didn't know that you couldn't craft or buy Phoenix downs. Used them all to get those hearts. Whoops...


Trakanon Raider
Current group i'm running with is 5* Ex, Golbez, Rain, Lass, Roselia. Have a 3* Kaine, Mizuki, Zidane and Locke. Which should be my priority here in terms of endgame? I was thinking Golbez is a poor mans Ex so I should look to replace him? Maybe Golbez for Kaine?


Trakanon Raider
I'd drop Rain, Lasswell, and Golbez (all of them either have a weak, or no trust mastery) and put in Mizuki, Zidane, and Locke (all three have strong trust masteries, so having them on the main team slowly works on it over time). Mizuki can use the masamune katana, but Zidane and Locke don't have strong weapon options, so they may feel weak. I think it's still worth using a lower dps team that has a far bigger payoff in the long term for TM.

Kain is amazing after his 5* upgrade, so level him to max when you have time, but he's not that great as an actual unit at 4* aside from his TM.


Trakanon Raider
So I've been leveling the wrong units pretty much =/ . Glad I hoarded a bunch of metal cactuar's, guess i'll be spamming the gil vortex all week though.

Need some RNG luck, stat.