Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Curious how other F2Pers are doing. Did two more 11 summons since I last bitched about my luck and still have no 5* or 6* weapons (minus the daily login one), although I did get a Cyandine or something like that.

Hoping to hear that others who aren't buying anything are having better luck. I'd love to know that I'll likely get something good in the future as opposed to being told I'm fucked due to a relatively low volume of draws.


Potato del Grande
Curious how other F2Pers are doing. Did two more 11 summons since I last bitched about my luck and still have no 5* or 6* weapons (minus the daily login one), although I did get a Cyandine or something like that.

Hoping to hear that others who aren't buying anything are having better luck. I'd love to know that I'll likely get something good in the future as opposed to being told I'm fucked due to a relatively low volume of draws.
I'm F2P other than buying the 100 Gem pulls (like 8 so far) and using the Mithril I would have used for inventory slots (140). EVERY Mithril other than this method has been used on single pulls other than when they give us ~50 at once in a dungeon update, so 2-3 11 pulls. Have you used Mithril on things like stamina refreshes and continues?

I have pulled 5* Dark Sword, Giant's Glove, Official Ball, Ice Whip for character limit breaks. 6* Blitz Sword, 5* Judgement Staff, 5* Kaiser Shield / Minotaur Plate / Genji Armor / Genji Helm / Regal Gown x2 for generics. I also have more than double of that in 4*+ and 3*++ gear.

I had a bit of luck at the start but it dried up as soon as I got that fucking common pull Ice Whip I hardly ever use :/

The Ancient_sl

Curious how other F2Pers are doing. Did two more 11 summons since I last bitched about my luck and still have no 5* or 6* weapons (minus the daily login one), although I did get a Cyandine or something like that.

Hoping to hear that others who aren't buying anything are having better luck. I'd love to know that I'll likely get something good in the future as opposed to being told I'm fucked due to a relatively low volume of draws.
I've done 4- 11 pulls and I've gotten Danjaro, Enhancer, Genji Shield, Butterfly Edge and Diamond Pin.


Molten Core Raider
From someone who went from refusing to pay, to dishing out the 99.99 for the big gil pouch, the biggest difference for me now is time. Before I had any 5* shit, I spent 20 minutes just fixing up the right party for the right event/level. I absolutely had to use synergy. Now while I can't blow through everything, I can be a lot lazier due to the stats the 5-6*s give. None of the Specials have made/break anything for me, the extra Shiva's make leveling up new characters easier. And as for the draws there's still a lot of luck involved too, plenty of F2P with 5-6* items, I wasn't lucky enough to be one of them so I said fuck it.


Trakanon Raider
I only "bought" one 11 pull with real money. I had money left over on my iTunes account after buying a Hearthstone expansion. The transaction didn't go through properly which resulted in both Apple and Blizzard crediting my account. That pull I got nothing from except for a couple of 4 star items. In addition to that I've done about 4 more 50 mythril pulls and a bunch of 5 mythril pulls. Results are as follows:

4 Danjuros
1 Sentinel Tome
1 Healing Tome
1 Zanketesen
2 Genji Armors
1 Genji Helmet
1 Judgement Staff
1 Storm Staff (Garnet's Staff)
1 really crappy 5 star shield that wasn't character specific

I took the Danjuros and combined them into 2 six star weapons. While having soul break equipment would be nice, I love my Danjuros. Anyone can equip them and I can ignore Realm Synergy for the most part. With the free Zanketesen from the Festival of Gold I combined the one I pulled to a 6 star. It's really nice having 6 star weapons for all of my front line melee. As Jait said, it's really nice to be able to say "fuck it, not dealing with RS" and just load up a standard group and go to town.


<Bronze Donator>
this new Favorite Party feature is great. been wanting something like this for a long time.


Thanks for the anecdotes about luck with draws, guys. Got what I was hoping - either you're all really lucky motherfuckers or my luck will improve given enough time.


Golden Squire
So, scrimped and saved up 50 mithril, did the 11 pull under the sephiroth ultimate item......11 3 star items.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, I feel your pain. I've never gotten above a 2* on a daily pull and once had two 11 pulls, with 21 3*s, 1 god damned 4* and no 5's.

But I've also had a 3 pull, with 2 5*s, so.... yeah. Fuck RNG. Maybe they should do it so 50 mythril can be 11 pulls or 1 guaranteed 5*


Mr. Poopybutthole
I feel like I got burned out on this one way faster than games like P&D or Brave Frontier.

I just don't give much of a shit about logging in, and I'm not sure why.


Trakanon Raider
I think part of the problem is that they are in catch up mode to get us to up to Japan's events. As such everything just goes so fast. There's not enough time to actually enjoy the game before a new event rolls around.


Trakanon Raider
I think part of the problem is that they are in catch up mode to get us to up to Japan's events. As such everything just goes so fast. There's not enough time to actually enjoy the game before a new event rolls around.
Catch up mode is indeed rough. I'm up to 83 stamina (into the latest dungeon update! yeehaw) and feel incredibly behind. I've managed to get the MC for each of the characters (except Garnet, which I somehow missed/skipped/decided not to get), but my abilities/hones are way behind. I've been pushing anything to get Mythril for relic pulls, only to be let down at every turn, and getting only the necessary stuff (i.e., characters/MC).

I've started to get some characters to 50 (Cloud, Sephiroth, Wakka), so I have a strong squad when I need them and I am starting to rotate characters in/out. I want to like Sephiroth, but my weapon options are limited. Squall and Tidus are both options, but I'm not stoked about either of them. The rest of the characters seem weak in comparison - I'm looking forward to some of the characters that appear to be coming out soon (e.g., Yuna, Lightning). Cecil event looks like it'll provide a couple decent weapons (4++ sword and dagger, yeehaw RS!).

There's a big slog element to the excitement. Put me in with the "I need more time!" crowd.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I feel like I got burned out on this one way faster than games like P&D or Brave Frontier.

I just don't give much of a shit about logging in, and I'm not sure why.
The rolls did it for me. I just didn't see the worthiness of continually playing this when I can't even get a decent 4* item.


Potato del Grande
The rolls did it for me. I just didn't see the worthiness of continually playing this when I can't even get a decent 4* item.
This is impossible, there is a 35% chance of getting 4* or 5* and if you played since near the start you should have over 100 free pulls. Did you get 35 harps and staves or did you spend your Mithril on stamina on revives? The game even GIVES YOU 3*++ from events, 4* from some early elite dungeons and a 5* sword from a few events ago.

What are you even doing?


<WoW Guild Officer>
This is impossible, there is a 35% chance of getting 4* or 5* and if you played since near the start you should have over 100 free pulls. Did you get 35 harps and staves or did you spend your Mithril on stamina on revives? The game even GIVES YOU 3*++ from events, 4* from some early elite dungeons and a 5* sword from a few events ago.

What are you even doing?
I quit a while ago. I've upgraded my way to 4*++ on items, but I've never rolled (from purchased currency or from mithril) a decent 4* or 5*. I got a stave and a whip, neither of which were great.

edit: grinding for the 4* item drop and then continually pulling bullshit from the machine just ate at me. Now I know how other P&D players felt. So I just stopped playing.


Potato del Grande
4*++ is just below 5* in stats and is vastly above with Realm Synergy. I have a 5*+ sword and I'll bench that sometimes for a basic 4* with Synergy. I'm even using two of the 4* armours they give you from dungeons in the current event over my 5* armour.

You were playing it wrong if you were grinding for anything.