Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
Took the last couple days off the dailies. Got up to 93 stamina, which gives me an extra ~18 minutes before I need to burn stamina again; also been banking that Mythril for Lightning so the double-win is nice.

Took my orbs and got Power + Magic Breakdown, my -ga spells up to Rk 4 (so 8 casts each of Firega, Thunderga, Blizzaga, and Waterga). A week of farming really paid off, though it'll get a bit slower from here (still lots of good stuff to buy like Quake and oodles of 3* breaks and spellblades to hone). Hoping to hit 50 on WHM and BLM tomorrow during the EXP daily for their RM2.

Currently running Quistis (breakdown/-ga/), Vivi (-ga/-ga), Yuna (Curaga/random); then choosing between Cloud, Sephiroth, Wakka, Tidus, Squall, and Tyro with all broken the level cap. Not sure who to level up next after BLM and WHM, I guess SUM and maybe Rydia?


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'd prioritize Josef after BLM/WHM. His RM1 is huge for retaliate meta with the attack soft cap changes. It beats the 10% sword/katana damage by quite a bit if below cap. Otherwise it's worse than them. And then his RM2 is god-tier for retaliate setups. Free double cut. Sounds like it's been a good week for you.


Trakanon Raider
Sunday is experience day. I know some people like to only take one or two people in and get huge experience for those two but I go the route of taking 5 people in who all need levels and make my whole group stronger as a result. My strategy is to take a Summoner and a good RW like Sephiroth or Tidus. The first group of enemies without an Imp in it gets hit by a Summon. The rest just get killed off by a Roaming Warrior. I only do the first stage and retreat. I know you get eggs for completing the whole thing but my current experience party is too low of level to survive all the way to the end. Right now I'm working on Sabin and Edgar who are in the high 20's and Josef in the high 30's.

I've still got the last two events from the Edgar / Sabin event to finish. Plus the Boss Rush and the bonus battle. I'm hoping to do them all tomorrow. I'm just running lower on eggs than I'd like so I wanted to use Sunday to boost the two VI characters as high as possible before using eggs on them to finish the event stuff off. The Boss Rush sounds like it sucks actually with a TON of AOE damage going out.

And it does look like we're getting Tifa's event next. Works for me. That will be 20 more Mythril for the Lightning event (10 from Tifa and 10 from Lightning). That will get me a 50 pull plus some left over. I'm looking forward to my 10 three stars and the four star I'll get from the pull...


Trakanon Raider
Took the last couple days off the dailies. Got up to 93 stamina, which gives me an extra ~18 minutes before I need to burn stamina again; also been banking that Mythril for Lightning so the double-win is nice.

Took my orbs and got Power + Magic Breakdown, my -ga spells up to Rk 4 (so 8 casts each of Firega, Thunderga, Blizzaga, and Waterga). A week of farming really paid off, though it'll get a bit slower from here (still lots of good stuff to buy like Quake and oodles of 3* breaks and spellblades to hone). Hoping to hit 50 on WHM and BLM tomorrow during the EXP daily for their RM2.

Currently running Quistis (breakdown/-ga/), Vivi (-ga/-ga), Yuna (Curaga/random); then choosing between Cloud, Sephiroth, Wakka, Tidus, Squall, and Tyro with all broken the level cap. Not sure who to level up next after BLM and WHM, I guess SUM and maybe Rydia?
Summoner's RM2 is amazing and will be "required" in the future when we need to use Summons for trash clearing.

Also one thing to note regarding BLM, WHM, And Summoner's Record Materia 2: The RM restores 1 charge for each SLOT that a corresponding ability is at. For example if you have the WHM RM 2 equipped on a healer with Protectga and Curaga, you will recharge 1 use of BOTH Protectga and Curaga per fight. I didn't realize that at first and thought it just randomly restored a missing charge. But it makes trash clearing so much easier knowing I can burn Protectga each fight, top a character off with Curaga and blast two trash enemies with two different BLM spells.


Trakanon Raider
Summoner's RM2 is amazing and will be "required" in the future when we need to use Summons for trash clearing.

Also one thing to note regarding BLM, WHM, And Summoner's Record Materia 2: The RM restores 1 charge for each SLOT that a corresponding ability is at. For example if you have the WHM RM 2 equipped on a healer with Protectga and Curaga, you will recharge 1 use of BOTH Protectga and Curaga per fight. I didn't realize that at first and thought it just randomly restored a missing charge. But it makes trash clearing so much easier knowing I can burn Protectga each fight, top a character off with Curaga and blast two trash enemies with two different BLM spells.
I don't understand who we're supposed to use as a proper summoner (yet)?

I have Rydia, who has decent stats except she has less HP than a wet noodle; and Yuna, who fits the WHM role rather than the summoner.


Potato del Grande
Rydia, Yuna and Garnet are all summoners. You don't need to give them healing spells and mind gear.


Trakanon Raider
Tyro as well. I'm actually more likely to toss a Summon on him along with SUM RM2 for trash clearing. That way my White Mage can use WHM RM 2 with Curaga and Protecga (or Diara).

I'm working on the last few stages of the Sabin and Edgar event. I beat Ultima Weapon and now I'm doing the last stage of Edgar which ends with the Blue Dragon. The ability to clear trash as quickly and efficiently as possible cannot be overstated. This trash hits HARD and they will spam AOE attacks if you let them. This leads to a lot of Saving / Loading to get a clear I can live with. But the WHM and BLM 2nd Record Materia are critical for this to ensure you reach the boss with a decent number of abilities available for use.


Trakanon Raider
Holy hell. I just beat the Edgar / Sabin Boss Rush and that was brutal. The Magitek Mechs were easy. Vargas wasn't too bad either with Fire attacks to kill the bears fast. Ultros wasn't terrible either once you Magic Break him (his counterattacks do almost nothing). The Tentacles are where things start getting hairy. Each Tentacle has a bunch of hitpoints so by the time I got through them I was starting to run on fumes. And then I got really unlucky on my Elixir recharge.

Ultima Weapon was brutal. Just REALLY hard. I was nearly out of damage abilities after the Tentacles but I timed an Edgar and Sabin level up to occur right after the Tentacles so they went in with full hitpoints and full breaks. The problem was I'd either get a bad start where he just chain cast Flare on me and I couldn't keep up. Or I'd get a good start but couldn't get Intimidate to land. I have 6 charges of Intimidate. The first time I had 4 Intimidates land, I won. I actually had a 5th land (only missed once) but he died immediately after that last one hit. I did the Save / Load thing an easy 10 times or so until things finally lined up and he died. If I didn't kill him that last attempt I was going to have to suicide and burn a Mythril to get all my ability uses back. Thankfully it didn't come to that.

Mastery is actually really easy though. So long as Edgar and Sabin are a decent level then you're going to get a TON of bonus medals. The only fight I didn't get a Champion score on was Ultima where I missed 4 medals (2 for damage and 2 for actions). Tentacles I lost 3 medals and still got a Champion on. Spending all day Sunday power leveling the brothers was definitely the way to go.

Just waiting on Stamina to recharge to finish the last fight. Based on everything I've read it looks pretty easy since he's vulnerable to Lightning. It looks pretty easy to do legit and still get Mastery on.


Trakanon Raider
OK... I take it back. Blue Dragon is a bastard. He might be vulnerable to Lightning attacks but he spams AOEs 80% of the time. Without a ton of mitigation you just can't keep up with the damage he puts out. I had to retreat to change up my group. It also didn't help that I wasn't offered Tyro with Sentinel Grimoire the first time. I got him now along with Magic Breakdown to rank 3. Just waiting on Stamina again.


Trakanon Raider
I'm just spamming this thread today...

Blue Dragon was MUCH easier with a proper setup. With Sentinel Grimoire and Magic Breakdown his attacks were hardly hurting me at all. I still lost 2 medals for damage and 1 medal for actions but that's typical for the EX++ bonus battle and it's enough to get Mastery. The biggest problem is having to bring in the "dead weight" brothers for Mastery. Their skill selection sucks so I ended up with Quistis as my Black Mage since she could Thundaga and Magic Breakdown. It was awkward having to juggle the two but it was necessary for me and it worked out.

Finished everything up just in time for Tifa's event which should land tomorrow.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If you get RWs that you dont need, just go to fabul castle normal. Use 1 sta, fight and retreat. Full shuffle on your RWs.


Potato del Grande
I'm on Ultima Weapon with only two Retaliate charges, going to try doing Magictek Armors again.

EDIT: Didn't help. I've now learned how to get three rounds of attacks off retaliate with a boost round before, this allowed me to get it done with only 2 charges.


Potato del Grande
New Event!

Do the Mage's Path first, you'll need Shellga for Gi Nattak on the Knight's Path. Boss is brutal without any mitigation. I'd probably suggest using all your breaks for mitigation on Rapps and save BOTH Sentinel Grimores for Gi Nattak, because you can't break 2/3rds of the damage sources. I wonder if you can one shot it with Revive like in FF7..? The nostalgia is strong in this one, he was a bitch without that trick in the real game.

Oh and don't try Tyro-Retaliate or ranged weapons on the Mage's Path, they all have stupid defences. Take 1 support, 1 white mage, 3 black mages, ethers have a higher drop rate so you are OK using your abilities as long as they one shot the trash.


Trakanon Raider
I brute forced the Knight Path up through the Gi Nattak fight. I had a very underleveled Tifa with me and had to S/L when she got possessed right off the bat on my first attempt. My next one I beat him easily once I got some mitigation up and just took a very traditional "beat him until he's dead" strategy.

The Mage path is interesting. I went with one melee (for lack of anything else), Yuna as a Healer with Diara, Garnet with R3 Mist Dragon, R3 Shiva and Summoner 2 RM, Vivi and Quistis with BLM spells. The waves give a LOT of elixirs but with loading up on WHM, BLM, and SUM RM2, you really don't need them.

I'm at the Boss Rush on both paths. Just need Stamina to finish them off.


Potato del Grande
Wow, R3 Shiva and Summoner RM2... I've been slacking! Going to be farming for Summoner RM2 after this event. I'm totally unable to use a summoner at the moment, however I don't think they work well for the extra boss after the rush unless you need AOE.

I did the Knight Boss Rush with the usual Retaliate/Boost and Breaks, make sure you take Shellga and Sentinel Grimore as Gi Nattak is much harder!

On the Mage boss rush I'm waiting for stamina but using Wakka (Sleep Buster/Posion Buster), Garnet (Slowga/Curaga), Quistis (Mental Breakdown) then as much black magic as I can fit on Quistis/Vivi/Rydia. Slow every boss and Sentinel Grimore the FIRST two bosses, then sleep the third and fourth - don't use melee after sleep hits. You can also poison the last boss.


Trakanon Raider
Summoner RM2 was a bitch for me to farm. It took me 3 days worth of stamina to get it. But it's SO nice to have it finally.

I've been playing since mid-April. I crafted one Mist Dragon way back and haven't crafted a single Summon until yesterday. I chose Shiva because Lightning orbs are a pain to farm and there's not too much immune to cold attacks.

The Ancient_sl

I brute forced the Knight Path up through the Gi Nattak fight. I had a very underleveled Tifa with me and had to S/L when she got possessed right off the bat on my first attempt. My next one I beat him easily once I got some mitigation up and just took a very traditional "beat him until he's dead" strategy.
You know if you just cast reflect on the possessed person the fight is a cakewalk.

I'm always curious too what people mean when they say underleveled. Someone on reddit was talking about doing figaro boss rush with seriously underleveled brothers, but then he posted his party and they were both 40.


Trakanon Raider
Tifa was like level 15. I got caught off guard with the Gi Nattak fight. I wasn't expecting him to be so soon. I didn't have Reflect loaded in my lineup either (or Carbuncle). I'll probably use that for the Boss Rush though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
anyone got a good list on must have RM vs not so much? finally about to start giving a shot at them, but dont want to waste stamina if need be.