Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just got into this a few weeks ago and been playing more as of late since hs is boring me and this game is actually a little fun once you get past the auto battle all the time phase.

Just opened my first 11 relic pack last night, do you always get the new relics when you click on that banner or was that just coincidental? I got both defender and hypnocrown.


Potato del Grande
Just got into this a few weeks ago and been playing more as of late since hs is boring me and this game is actually a little fun once you get past the auto battle all the time phase.

Just opened my first 11 relic pack last night, do you always get the new relics when you click on that banner or was that just coincidental? I got both defender and hypnocrown.
The relics in the banner have an increased drop rate. I believe that it is 1%!

Yeah even the normal dungeons stop being auto attack once you get past lv50, shit gets hard. I'm a bit behind, only 1/4th through the last dungeon update and apparently there's another update tomorrow...


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nice, sounds like I had a pretty good haul then, I got those two items and another 5*, adamantine vest or something.


Trakanon Raider
Nice, sounds like I had a pretty good haul then, I got those two items and another 5*, adamantine vest or something.
With that pull you have better gear than me.

Kind of. I have an ensemble of RS gear, but those three are absolutely fantastic. Eiko might be the best WHM in Japan to this day, Light Armor is the best, and Swords are always good.

Congratulations and welcome to your next addiction!


Potato del Grande
The FF14 event which Japan had last month is going to hit Global early to promote FF14 Heavensward... it's coming next month!

We are going to get Y'Shtola (White Mage) and Thancred (Thief). Apparently the White Mage relic (Thyrus) is an alternate Sentinel Grimore but on a character with stats!


<Bronze Donator>
it won't hit us for a long time, but i also just heard that the next JP event is going to be a Seiken Densetsu (aka Secret of Mana) crossover.


Potato del Grande
it won't hit us for a long time, but i also just heard that the next JP event is going to be a Seiken Densetsu (aka Secret of Mana) crossover.
We may not get it, we already skipped a crossover event. If it was released outside Japan it may have a chance.


<Bronze Donator>
i've got my fingers crossed for the Secret of Mana crossover. the crossover you're referring to that we skipped was the SaGa crossover, right? that series wasn't really popular at all in the US, i understand why they skipped it.


Trakanon Raider
I'm reallllllllly tempted to create/hone Bladeblitz or Diaga. I'm sitting on a bunch of GWO begging to be used. Any of you guys loving either?

Diaga opens up the possibility of double-white mage: Curaga, Diaga, Shellga, Protectga. Bona fide damage and all the mitigation; substitute in a summon or bard skill over a mitigation for bosses who only do one.

Bladeblitz seems wonderful. I've managed the last few bosses without it, but it seems like it'd have some advantages over Quake (which I just have at R1, because BLM RM2), namely not getting resisted by all sorts of shit and in Sunday dungeons.


<Bronze Donator>
Diaga w/ WHM RM2 is pretty awesome. lately my white mage usually has a R5 Curaga and a R3 Diaga. i've been using Tyro as a support... Sephiroth's Katana, Genji Helmet, Hyper Wrist, Protectga, and Shellga (or Slowga / Dark Strike / Intimidate / etc. whatever fits). and its nice having my healer able to dish out some damage instead of just chilling.


Potato del Grande
Diaga is great, it scales off Mind so your Healer often is doing 9999, Aeris' RM1 increases the holy damage by 10% if you have a slot spare. I usually use two White Mages, one with Diaga/Shellaga (Aeris RM1) and one with Curaja/Protectaga (Double Hit Josef RM2). It starts with 4 uses though and I've never needed more than the 4.

Bladeblitz is fine but there are better AOEs, you should have a bunch of 4* Summons which are recovered with Summoner RM2 and Quake which is recovered by Black Mage RM2. I tried Bladeblitz on the Turks during Aeris' event and swapped it for Double Cut since I wanted to focus fire Rude dead first to avoid the damage.


Trakanon Raider

Did an 11 pull on the first Soul Break Celebration. I got FIVE 5* items. 1 was a garbage shield. I got a generic Diamond Sword (IX Synergy). Viking Coat with a Shared Soul Break. The big ones were Sleipner's Tail and the Lullaby Rod! I am super happy right now. I was SO pissed when I didn't get anything worthwhile from the Quistis/Selphie event and I decided not to pull on Yuna's Banner since I already had Garnet's Storm Staff. So getting both of those makes me SO happy.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Is there a way to transfer my game to someone that wants, haven't logged in for weeks since class started up again

The Ancient_sl

Has anyone beaten Parade Float++ yet? I keep trying to land sleep on the two back people, but it's so inconsistent I'm wondering if it's not better to just rush them all down.


Trakanon Raider
I finally beat it but it's rage inducing.

I found a Roaming Warrior with Sheepskin Coat. This soulbreak hits the entire group with Sleep with about a 50% success rate per target. So you just keep S/Ling until it lands on all 3. Keep in mind that in about 4 or 5 hours (this was while at work on a very slow day so it's not like I wasted hours on this dumb game instead of doing something valuable with my life) of attempts I only managed to land it on all 3 a grand total of 5 times. I ran into two problems. First: Getting Sleep to land on all 3 at once is, obviously, difficult. Second: It was very common for the 3 to burst someone down before Sleep even was cast resulting in a S/L before I even knew if sleep would have worked on all 3. Once I manged to get sleep to land on all targets you work on blowing up Fujin. All three are weak to Poison and Quake with a really high MAG user helps to work over all 3. Once she dies you need to recast the Sheepskin Coat Sleep. Of the 5 times that I got it to land on all 3 on the first cast, the first 4 attempts had my second cast miss both Seifer and Raijin. They might be low at that point but they still do too much damage. The first time I had Sleep land on all 3 the first cast and the remaining 2 on the second cast I won.

There is also a mitigation strategy that involves using Sentinel Grimoire as your RW and getting Protectga and Shellga up right away and then using Power Break(down) to lower their attacks even further. I tried this method but ran out of steam and died.

It's just a terribly designed fight. It's extremely overtuned and just not fun. The three of them do way too much damage and they don't have "cast times." As soon as their action bar fills ups they get to go. Seifer might be an exception but Fujin and Raijin definitely don't. All 3 have bullshit moves and it's really easy to have someone die before you get your mitigation or sleep off.


Potato del Grande
The battle is fine, very beatable. It's no Schizo or Brynhilda but it is much tougher than some of the recent ones like Beatrix and rush before it is the easiest I've ever seen making it seem harder than it is.

Sleep Buster works like 70% of the time. It's very easy to beat the fight with a little sleep luck as the bosses present little threat to you, however if they wake up and a mitigation wears off they can one shot someone and ruin your perfect run (grr) - most of their abilities do shit for damage other than their 1 rare OP move. The problem I had was not enough DPS abilities causing the last boss to drag on and lose me 4 medals, I'm wondering if I should swap Mental/Power Breakdown for some Double Hits or keep them and try Advance instead for my second attempt.

Tip: Use all of your Forbidden Treasures Tablets on Phase 1 and Phase 5 for all of the eggs (10 tablets). Eggs don't take up inventory space and are ALWAYS useful. You get 2 more tablets when a new phase starts so use those 8 on the gil and upgrade mats as you need.

Also I'm finding Selphie to be a surprise super useful character. She has White Mage 4 and Black Mage 3 with balanced caster stats and the ability to equip rods, staves and whips. This means that she can be a dedicated White Mage or a Black Mage with Shellga/Protectaga meaning no more 2 White Mage required teams for maximum mitigation.


<Bronze Donator>

Did an 11 pull on the first Soul Break Celebration. I got FIVE 5* items. 1 was a garbage shield. I got a generic Diamond Sword (IX Synergy). Viking Coat with a Shared Soul Break. The big ones were Sleipner's Tail and the Lullaby Rod! I am super happy right now. I was SO pissed when I didn't get anything worthwhile from the Quistis/Selphie event and I decided not to pull on Yuna's Banner since I already had Garnet's Storm Staff. So getting both of those makes me SO happy.
i was going to save all 100 of the mythril i have stocked for the Sazh banner, but Yuna is on my A team and all that mythril was burning a hole in my pocket, so i pulled on the SB1 banner last night. didn't even get a single 5*, got two 4*s. oh well.

Has anyone beaten Parade Float++ yet? I keep trying to land sleep on the two back people, but it's so inconsistent I'm wondering if it's not better to just rush them all down.
that fight is so god damn hard. i have not even been able to take down a single one of the three bosses yet. A team is maxed out at level 65.

and i have enough other stuff to do in the game right now that i don't want to go through the annoyance of S/Ling Sheepskin Coat over and over until i can cheese the battle. even though the way its tuned it seems like the devs actually expect you to cheese it like that.

Tip: Use all of your Forbidden Treasures Tablets on Phase 1 and Phase 5 for all of the eggs (10 tablets). Eggs don't take up inventory space and are ALWAYS useful. You get 2 more tablets when a new phase starts so use those 8 on the gil and upgrade mats as you need.
the 10 tablets on day 1 thing might have been unintended (Japan didn't get 10 on day 1), and so we might not be getting the extra 2 tablets each phase. still, spending all 10 on growth eggs isn't a bad idea, but if you want any of the gil or upgrade mats you might want to wait. we'll know for sure if it was a bug tomorrow night.

Also I'm finding Selphie to be a surprise super useful character. She has White Mage 4 and Black Mage 3 with balanced caster stats and the ability to equip rods, staves and whips. This means that she can be a dedicated White Mage or a Black Mage with Shellga/Protectaga meaning no more 2 White Mage required teams for maximum mitigation.
yeah Selphie rocks. i didn't put her on my A team until after i pulled her SB weapon. turns out she's pretty damn awesome/useful. one of the highest MND ratings of any white mage. i usually load her up with a R5 Curaga and a R3 Diaga. Diaga regularly hits for 5000+, sometimes 9999.

P.S. i love this damn game. IDK what it is about it, but i'm so damn immersed and have been since the day i started playing, haha.

The Ancient_sl

The battle is fine, very beatable. It's no Schizo or Brynhilda but it is much tougher than some of the recent ones like Beatrix and rush before it is the easiest I've ever seen making it seem harder than it is.

Sleep Buster works like 70% of the time. It's very easy to beat the fight with a little sleep luck as the bosses present little threat to you, however if they wake up and a mitigation wears off they can one shot someone and ruin your perfect run (grr) - most of their abilities do shit for damage other than their 1 rare OP move. The problem I had was not enough DPS abilities causing the last boss to drag on and lose me 4 medals, I'm wondering if I should swap Mental/Power Breakdown for some Double Hits or keep them and try Advance instead for my second attempt.

Tip: Use all of your Forbidden Treasures Tablets on Phase 1 and Phase 5 for all of the eggs (10 tablets). Eggs don't take up inventory space and are ALWAYS useful. You get 2 more tablets when a new phase starts so use those 8 on the gil and upgrade mats as you need.

Also I'm finding Selphie to be a surprise super useful character. She has White Mage 4 and Black Mage 3 with balanced caster stats and the ability to equip rods, staves and whips. This means that she can be a dedicated White Mage or a Black Mage with Shellga/Protectaga meaning no more 2 White Mage required teams for maximum mitigation.
Sleep buster does NOT work 70% of the time, you got extremely lucky. The actual truth is sleep buster fails to work 70% of the time.