Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Blackwing Lair Raider
Finally, averaged out somewhat on the last lucky draw, got 4 5*'s. Cloud's cross-slash sword, paladin cecil's sword, Squall's blade, and Edward's harp.

Memory crystals you're at the mercy of events right? There is no other way to get them, (well besides ones in the regular dungeons, I've gotten tyro and white mages)?


<Bronze Donator>
there's an event that happened in Japan where you get a handful of "blank" memory crystals and can use them to break anyone's level cap. we should get it in a few months.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Cool, I wasn't high lvl enough to get some for some characters I really like now. I'd like to get Cloud's mc2, but the 90 difficulty dungeon is about my limits and I think the mc2 dungeon is 110 difficulty.


<Bronze Donator>
the battle for cloud's MC2 is pretty easy if you just chain stop the boss. i used orbs from phase 1 to make two R3 Stop's... barely took any damage from that fight.

getting through the boss rush before that is tougher tho.


Silver Knight of the Realm
the battle for cloud's MC2 is pretty easy if you just chain stop the boss. i used orbs from phase 1 to make two R3 Stop's... barely took any damage from that fight.

getting through the boss rush before that is tougher tho.
The boss rush has just straight up kicked my ass. I'm usually doing REALLY well, then bam, my healer gets 1 shot...I stopped wasting stamina on it and just decided to level everyone up as high as possible.

The Ancient_sl

I'm pretty sure 3/4 of the boss rush is vulnerable to stop too. If you can get a silence down on Dark Nation at the beginning of the Rufus fight all you have to do is kill Rufus too.

It's worth extending the effort to get Cloud's MC2 IMO.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So they just dropped 2 free 5* on us for Halloween. Pretty awesome since they've never done seasonal events before. Both are XIII synergy and both have shared soul breaks. Throwing weapon with a chance to blind SB and a hat with a group-wide magic buff. This team is killing it for a mobile game.


Potato del Grande
Just finished the FF13 event, I'm definitely over gearing everything now.

Did the 3 man Barthandelus but needed two bits of gear: An armor with a Shellga Limit Break and a White Mage AoE Heal. Full Break also seemed necessary. Took:

65 Cloud/Loner/Retaliate/Tempo Flurry
65 Y'Shtola/Double Hit/Protega/Boost (Healers Robe for AoE Heal)
65 Wakka/Solitude/Full Break/Armor Break (Minotaur Armor for Shell)
Tyro Sentinel Grimore RW


<Bronze Donator>
yeah IDK how i'm going to be able to do that 3 man quest... every setup i can think of is either short on DPS or short on mitigation...


Golden Knight of the Realm
My build was similar:

80 Cloud/Loner/Retaliate/Tempo Flurry
65 Y'Shtola/Double Hit/Curaga/Protega (Have her Stoneskin II but my bar wasn't built enough to use, didn't need it)
65 Sazh/Mako's Might/Double Cut/Full Break (Mako's Might enables Boon)
RW Luneth Advance

Didn't even have to S/L once. I think you went overboard on defense in your build and the lack of heals sounds like S/L city on trash. But if it works it works.


Potato del Grande
My build was similar:

80 Cloud/Loner/Retaliate/Tempo Flurry
65 Y'Shtola/Double Hit/Curaga/Protega (Have her Stoneskin II but my bar wasn't built enough to use, didn't need it)
65 Sazh/Mako's Might/Double Cut/Full Break (Mako's Might enables Boon)
RW Luneth Advance

Didn't even have to S/L once. I think you went overboard on defense in your build and the lack of heals sounds like S/L city on trash. But if it works it works.
I did a couple S/L, should have done it more really. I used two AoE Heals, one on the boss phase 2 and one on the trash before it. I autoed down the trash to build limit breaks up. Barthandelus actually doesn't have that much HP in phase 2 so if I did it again I'd probably drop Boost for Curaja and take Boon/Lunatic High.


Trakanon Raider
I'm debating on whether or not I'll do the quest for the Holy Orb. I'm sure I can do it but it's just getting the motivation to pull it off.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm debating on whether or not I'll do the quest for the Holy Orb. I'm sure I can do it but it's just getting the motivation to pull it off.

i still haven't finished the latest dungeon update even. kind of a PITA for a single Major Holy Orb. perhaps if i get everything else cleared before the event is over i'll give it another shot.


Potato del Grande
It's going to be very, very gear dependent (usually you can work around it with strategy). Barthandelus was the first 99 event boss I took down with a realm team too, they have been getting better and better but I usually have to get Cloud out to finish things off. It was stressful running out of abilities without retaliate. So maybe if you found the boss easy or beatable with an unoptimised team give it a go.

I used most of my orbfest orbs today on hones and I'm seriously considering using Alexander. Most on reddit are honing Valefor but it uses orbs I want for other things, while Alexander is using stuff I don't really need. What are you guys using your 4* summon orbs on? I also need to choose between Meteor and Flare.


Trakanon Raider
I, immediately, got Ruinga up to Rank 3. I don't think you need to take it higher than that. Rank 2 isn't enough and Rank 4 is almost too much. Rank 3 is the sweet spot in my opinion.

I honed Shiva to Rank 5 and I went ahead and got Valefor up to Rank 4. Reading your post I kind of wish I had waited. The reason people like Valefor up as high as possible all comes from the old Sunday Daily Stigma when Quake and most other Summons were useless. Now that we have Ruinga I think that will change. But at the same time my Summoner is now viable to bring to dungeons. With 5 casts of Shiva, 4 casts of Valefor and Summoning II RM to extend that out a Summoner is very viable as more than simple trash clearing. It's rare for any fight to last more than 9 rounds anyway.

My next Hones are going to be Thundaja to Rank 4 when I get more Greater Black Orbs. We just need too damn many of those things. That will compliment my Waterja Rank 4. I read an interesting thought on 4 Star JA spells. The person said that the reason we want them honed up high is not to hit weaknesses. Sure it doesn't hurt but if a boss is weak to Fire (as an example) than 99% of the time Firaga is good enough to hit for max damage. So the reason we want a varied array of 4 Star JA spells is to avoid weaknesses. Having Waterja Rank 4 is all well and good but what happens when you hit a Water resistant boss? That's why it's important to have a couple of highly honed JAs.

Also looking at my Breakdowns. I know Power Breakdown isn't very popular because of Steal Power so I'll probably get my Magic Breakdown to Rank 4 one of these days. I've got the orbs but haven't pulled the trigger yet.

Right now I couldn't care less about 5 star abilities (even Meteor). I figure I'll need Full Break sooner or later but not pulling the trigger on that one yet.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'll probably craft meteor once I get 1 more MBO so I can R2 it. I did end up with R5 valefor and its great. Even against EX fights that's 50k damage right there and most bosses don't have over 250k hp yet. Better than diaga for your white mage but you do need to waste mind or have a red mage weapon. I'll probably not hone ruinga. I might eventually but I have plenty of AE for now.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Also. Don't forget 2* Dragon for another NE summon. Because summons hit so much harder than black magic its basically AE comet. Great for heroic dailies and most if us should be able to R4 it. That, R2 Valefor, and summoning spring and your Summoners can clear all dailies by themselves without needing to check resists. Until the EX dailies hit at least.

Edit: Of course they release the new difficulty daily right after I post. Carry on.


Trakanon Raider
I decided to install this last night and give it a whirl.

My first pull it gave me a 5* Blitz Sword.

The Halloween event gave me the throwing pumpkin to put on Wakka. So between Cloud using the sword and Wakka with the pumpkin things are dying quite quickly.

Any good hindsight advice from folks who have sunk many hours into this? Should I drop $30 on this for some quick relic rolls for a nice boost in the beginning?

I'm using Cloud, Wakka, Keeper, White Mage and Black Mage. They are all sitting around level 10 since I just started.


Trakanon Raider
I'd suggest NOT putting money into the game right now. Early on they throw tons of Mythril at you so save it up and pull as soon as you get 50. Even if you're unlucky and don't get any 5* items you will still see a massive increase in power from the gear you do end up with.

Check your quests too. There is one that gives you a free 5 Mythril pull. You spend 5 on the pull and immediately get it back.

Mostly focus on busting through as many classic dungeons as you can. You'll get a to of Mythril and stamina. Once you have about 80 stamina things become much better. 100 is better. Once Classic dungeons start getting tough switch over to the Elites. We are at the point where the current Classic dungeons are much tougher than the early Elites,