Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


<WoW Guild Officer>
I got the shared regen SB staff on an 11 pull... hoping to get another 25 mithril by the time the banner ends to get another 11x in.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I did 1 11x and 2 singles, and got nada


<WoW Guild Officer>
So uh... SS2/SG are the same right, so they don't stack. Protectga doesn't stack with the other soul breaks that raise defense do they?

I have the Barts SSB that deals damage and then raises the defense of all allies... it stacks with SS2/SG but not with Protect/Protectga/MightyGuard/etc, right?

I've got 1 third of the trinity (Medica via Wutai), so I guess I'm waiting for scream/wall relic.


<Bronze Donator>
Wall, Protectga, and Shellga stack with everything. that Bartz SSB will stack with all of that, too. a second straight +Defense effect would not stack, tho -- it would overwrite.

something like Hand of the Emperor (+Attack and +Defense) would stack with all of the above, tho. in general, if an effect does two things at once it will stack with effects that only do one of those things. so you could even, in this hypothetical scenario, add in Shout (straight +Attack) and every ability i just mentioned would stack. but casting Planet Protector (also straight +Attack) would not stack further... it would overwrite Shout.

this is why Full Break stacks with everything... it hits Power/Mind/Armor/Mental all at once, so it stacks with all the individual Breakdowns, as well as with things like Wakka's Official Ball SB that lowers DEF/RES as one effect.


Potato del Grande
The +DEF and +RES Soul Breaks DO stack with Protect and Shell and DO stack with SG/SS2.

Protect is a status and +DEF is a buff, arbitary difference I know but they DO stack.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Ok, so SS2 and protectga and Barts SSB would all stack, meaning physical damage would be pretty pathetic (or manageable, depending on the situation).

I'm assuming if I find something to augment resistance and use shellga the same would apply.


<Bronze Donator>
That's pretty much the gist of figuring out whether or not effects stack. The only thing I can think of that breaks the rules laid out is a single Rikku relic that boosts defense or resistance (forget which) along with something else (atk+?), but they count as two separate effects for stacking purposes rather than a single double effect.

So the general rule is that everything stacks other than effects that effect the exact same stats. This is why Hand of the Emperor is a sweet sleeper RW... It's one of the only SBs out there that boosts both attack and defense, so it stacks with almost everything.


Golden Squire
It's a bit more convoluted - basically every buff has a buff ID. In general, same buffs share the same ID, and will overwrite each other when cast - e.g. boost (25%), Punishing Palm (30%) Steal Power (50%). The way is coded, effects with Multiple self buffs (HotE or Focus for example) actually uses different ID, and thus will stack with other boost / faith effects. Protect / Shell have their own ID, and thus stack with everything else but not each other (Like Shell and Spellbind Etude)

It's the same thing with Break / Breakdown not stacking with each other, but stacks with Full Break. For reference:


Sentinel Guard is under #608, so it mostly stacks with everything except memento of protection (which no one uses anyway)


The Ancient_sl

4 pulls got me plat sword, Grand armor and the booby prize dagger. By events end I should have enough mithril for one more pull. I really want something for Agrias...
So I hadn't really been checking reddit, but apparently they exploded in anger regarding this banner and the fact that the character SBs were at a lower rate than expected and the off banner rates were higher as a result. I had been planning to squeeze out another 11x pull on this banner in the hopes of grabbing something for Agrias, but now I'm not so sure that's wise.


<Bronze Donator>
at the end of the day, this game is freemium. its like reddit has never seen the south park episode.

The Ancient_sl

Well...there are different levels of "freemium" IAP dependency and this game has always been pretty good about it even if(or maybe because) your dollar doesn't go very far. I think it's a legitimate complaint that a reasonable expectation of drop rates weren't met. Their response has been nuclear though so...yeah maybe some lack of proper expectations of a freemium game is present.


<Bronze Donator>
Iirc, the Tactics banner had unusual droprates in Japan, looks like international is upset that we didn't get the same.

At the end of the day it's all up to RNGesus anyway.


Potato del Grande
Sounds like someone on reddit posted a 0.01% difference in what they expected the drop rate to be on the SB items, and the JP banner specifically said drop rate boost for those items and ours doesn't. So now there is some major autism rage going DeNA's way from people who didn't get Platinum Sword even though it wouldn't have made a difference even if they are right. I haven't really seen a lot of data posted to back it up.


Trakanon Raider
I posted yesterday.

What people were expecting were SSB 1% each, Character SB 2% each, everything else 1%. That leaves about 2% for off banner stuff. What ended up happening was that the Character SB rate is only 1% (instead of the expected 2%) which increased the rate of off banner pulls. If you're pulling for Platinum Sword than this change doesn't affect you. But if you want the Shield for Agrias, the armor or the bracer for Ramza than the rate was cut in half from Japan's. They did some clever wording in the descriptions to justify thee rates.

It's a shitty move but I got the two items I wanted most (Platinum Sword and Agrias's shield). I've got real life problems right now so I'm not too invested in the "scandal."


I started playing this again yesterday. Everything has changed so much.

Here is my current roster, is there a decent "go-to" group I should work on or some necessary characters I need to go get and then level up asap?


The Ancient_sl

What people were expecting were SSB 1% each, Character SB 2% each, everything else 1%. That leaves about 2% for off banner stuff. What ended up happening was that the Character SB rate is only 1% (instead of the expected 2%) which increased the rate of off banner pulls. If you're pulling for Platinum Sword than this change doesn't affect you.
LOL. Half the people on reddit don't even understand the issue then. Everyone all like "I wouldn't have bothered if I had known!"

Yeah okay, the game changing relic you were chasing is exactly the same as it was. I'm just happy I got it. Slotted in Ramza and wrecked FFX(U) with no issue. I could have gone sans WHM.