Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
I started playing this again yesterday. Everything has changed so much.

Here is my current roster, is there a decent "go-to" group I should work on or some necessary characters I need to go get and then level up asap?
Welcome back! I still summon your RW regularly.

Get Ramza and Agrias, for sure. They are amazing characters to fit onto your team.

General consensus is Tidus sucks, Wakka's stats are horrible, and Sephiroth is too limited by his skillset and equipments to do anything aside from Lifesiphon+SSB spam. The Cloud chosen boy days are over.

Celes is one of the most underrated characters, her default SB is superb.

The Sunday exp daily will do wonders for you, as will all the extra eggs from events.

Pull away at any of the banners in the next month - Tactics, VI, VII, XII are all superb.

The game revolves around spamming 4* and 5* skills now.


Golden Squire
Yea reddit is seriously going full retard on this.... like that 1% difference would deter you from putting in as much as you did, or seriously increase your chance of getting the drop.


Potato del Grande
Just keep up with events and do as much as possible, same as before but you get way more characters/memory crystals in each. You can break 5* orbs into 100 3* orbs (or 10 4* orbs) so you an catch up on basic abilities pretty fast.

A standard team to work towards would be something like:
White Mage (Curaja/Shellga)
Paladin (Banish Strike/Protectga)
Support (Full Break/Power Breakdown)
Support (Armor Breakdown/Magic Breakdown)
Flexible Slot - Spellblade for elemental weaknesses or Machinist for statuses. Drop a support if you need both. Use a Samurai for Retaliate if you don't have much gear.
RW: Tyro or Y'Shtola

You'll get Agrias (Spellblade/Paladin) and Ramza (Support) this event, pull on their banner until you have 0 Mithril as all of their relics are great.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Yea reddit is seriously going full retard on this.... like that 1% difference would deter you from putting in as much as you did, or seriously increase your chance of getting the drop.
To be fair, it's a 1% difference overall, but it effectively cut the rate in half.

The Ancient_sl

So? They still cut a rate in half.
You rate of receiving relics remained the same. You could theoretically get something better off-banner in it's place, something that would have RS. I'm just saying...some perspective on what people are actually flipping the fuck out about.


Trakanon Raider
The shield was the best drop from that banner and the loss of 1% cut the drop rate in half.

I completely understand why the folks on Reddit are pissed. Personally I'd like the 28 bucks back from the gem pouch I bought Monday night that I used for another 11x pull trying to get the shield or armor....both of which had hidden nerfed drop rates.

The Ancient_sl

The shield was the best drop from that banner
Yeah, no.


Silver Knight of the Realm
My takeaway from all of this is that you can't gleefully engender and exploit a gambler's fanaticism to your game without doing due diligence in certain key areas. The nature of a game like FFRK shifts the onus of work from things like expensive art assets, narrative, and marketing. DeNA needs to have an exact fucking pulse on their community, including what they want, and what their expectations are. If they shift one piece in the invisible slot machine we are all pulling, there will be understandable outrage. Keep in mind that analogous games in the real world have very real regulations surrounding what you can and cannot do to the reward calculation mechanisms that are invisible to players.


Potato del Grande
I don't know why people were expecting 2% vs 1%, it's always been 1% expect for during the SSB Festival and apparently Japan's FFT had a double SB drop rate advertised (but Global didn't).


<Bronze Donator>
And international had months to hoard for this banner. Japan never gets that luxury, of knowing everything that is going to happen three months ahead of the fact.


<WoW Guild Officer>
And international had months to hoard for this banner. Japan never gets that luxury, of knowing everything that is going to happen three months ahead of the fact.
JP's was right after an orbfest and SSB banner too?


<WoW Guild Officer>
I think so actually. Some FFRK scholar can confirm better than I can.
I may have come across as a dick, but I'm trying to temper my own (and hopefully others) salt swords with a comparison.

Though JP gets the rolling gacha, and Global/NA doesn't, so it's not that great an effort to temper...


Trakanon Raider
Are you dudes still attached to my Advance, or would you prefer something else (namely Shout)?

Tactics bonus battles were a joke - finally feels like my global team has eclipsed my JP team. Won the ultimate in six rounds. No more free orbs on JP, but I converted my way up to R2 Full Break and starting mastering U+ fights.


Potato del Grande
Yeah I annihilated the bonus battles and got max medals, never done that before I think. Could have ordered abilities better and killed it faster too. It was only lv130 though instead of the usual 140 so they may have made it easier because of the lack of synergy gear.

FF6/Relm is next but after that is FF7/Vincent which is apparently much harder and has the first Ultimate+ battle. My FF7 synergy is pretty solid though so shouldn't be a problem.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I am having an issue with the ultimate. I have 2/3 of the trinity and bring along a RW SG/SS2, but I really struggle to push out enough damage to belius before the wall wears off. My damage just completely fucking sucks once my abilities are all through. My setup (Thinking of toying with it):

Zidane (65) with FFT Spellblade (and orichalcum SB). R2 Siphon life / R2 Venom Buster
Sephiroth (73) with OWA. R3 2x cut / R1 siphon life
Quistis (65) with Red Scorpion. R2 armor breakdown / R1 Power breakdown
Yuna (71) Lullaby rod. R4 Curaga / R2 protectga
Beatrix (65) with random 5* sword. R2 Shellga / R1 saint cross (for medals)

I just seem to do shit damage. Could be I just don't implement some of the more commonly known damage methods? Not sure, but this isn't too easy for me. Closest I've gotten is Belius or @ 25% and he cyclops'ed my entire party dead, because I had nothing left to mitigate damage.

edit: forgot to add that I am thinking of substituting Tifa (65 with burning arrow and a 7* dragon claw) for Beatrix, but then I need to worry about putting holy damage on someone, and I also lose shellga...gah.

edit2: I also have a 7* wizard rod on Garnet (65) who I could substitute for Quistis, so could load her with protectga/shellga, put diara on yuna, and give that a shot...