Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


<Bronze Donator>
Kuja fight is pretty annoying. Still been trying to do these fights with minimal strategy help from Reddit. Probably gonna have to get some guidance here tho.


Potato del Grande
It's a straightforward fight, just a gear check really. AoE heal after gravija and the two phase changes, kill him fast enough to not need a 3rd AoE heal. Lightning res is key.

Lightning resist accessories mitigate a ton of damage. If you kept all the ones we got you should have 5.
I've got 4, think I must have sold a 4* bolt ring or something?
6* abyss one, then 5* ff9/ff2/ff5 ones?


Potato del Grande
Phew I have it still, literally has a lightning bolt on it and is the second best accessory I could have used with attack on it too. Doh.


Trakanon Raider
Vincent dark mage is amazing. Sure, he just spams DPS, but that's what three of my characters already do. WHM + SUP carry all my mitigation--might take a break as filler (because R3 Lifesiphon doesn't last the entire fight)--and there's a lull in great physical ability combos right now anyway. Full Charge+Faultsiphon will do great, Saint's Cross is obviously outstanding, but Thief's Raid is still limited by characters able to truly use it (Faris when?! Thancred soon! Yuffie in a week!). Getting use out of my 5* mage gear is often better than my 3rd/4th-rate 5* physical gear.


Golden Squire
Managed to pull 2x Beatrix SSB... immediately gave it 20 Rosetta stones and it's now my top sword. Helped tonnes in clearing Kuja and Reraise Abyss... Even though it doesn't actually hit Evrae, Saint Cross will 1-shot the soldiers that come in Phase 3, and can deal decent damage against the mirrors.

Re: Dark Zone... holy crap it's amazing used alongside Memento Mori. Using Devotion and a synergy rod it was hitting for ~8k x 2, with Memento Mori itself hitting for nearly 9k. Definitely worth the hones. Unfortunately I was out of Dark Orbs from R3-ing Thief's Raid... time to start saving again.


Trakanon Raider
I've been soldiering on, working through missions and leveling my team. Most of my guys are about to hit level 65, but I only have 2 of the crystals to buy 65 -> 80 level break items. It takes a long time for me to farm up 10,000 of the gyshal greens to buy more level break materials, so any recommendations on which two of my team I should buy the break item for first?


I'm thinking maybe Basch and Celes, since Basch can do the retaliate thing, so him being higher level means more dps overall, and Celes is my only AoE with that tornado strike we got as a reward recently.


<Bronze Donator>
if you're using Basch as your retaliator, then definitely break him.

the Record Materia that gets unlocked when you break Tyro's second level cap is one of the most useful RMs in the game.;s%20Teachingsso there is a strong argument for breaking him first. Tyro's relative usefulness drops a lot once you get a good stable of characters levelled, but the point you're at it seems like you'll still be using him for awhile?

Celes rocks too, i use her a lot. she's consistently underrated for whatever reason, but she's got great stats and a great default soul break. i don't even have a unique relic for her and i end up bringing her along to a lot of stuff, including the occasional Ultimate/Ultimate+.


Golden Squire
I would actually say to save your Gyshal and buy those Major Orbs. 1 Major Orb = 10 Greater Orb, which will greatly help your ability honing. For breaking the 2nd level cap, I would recommend looking more into what their RM2 does. Tyro (and Cloud) for example, gives 1 full bar which i feel is nearly mandatory nowadays, especially if you have Haste / Wall SB's. Ace Striker from Tidus is another interesting choice if you have good SB / SSB and want to run life siphon.

Good thought on breaking the retaliator, but I don't think Basch has his RM2 available yet. Perhaps Cloud or Gilgamesh instead? Cloud has an amazing RM2 and Gilgamesh is pretty much the full package.


<Bronze Donator>
idk, for a relatively new player i think MC2s are a lot more valuable than Major Orbs.

just make sure to look at the upcoming events atEvents A Final Fantasy Record Keeper Guideto make sure that you're no buying an MC that is going to be released soon anyway.

btw just learned how to run multiple FFRK accounts on the same Android device. tried running an alt global account and an alt japanese account on my PC on an emulator several times, but playing this game on a PC kinda sucks. definitely looking forward to replaying it through again on my Droid 2 Turbo and seeing just how much the early game has changed since i started in april of last year.


Trakanon Raider
Guess I'll buy Gilgamesh and feed him growth eggs to replace Basch since he seems to be recommended all over the place. Cloud looks like he has an event not too far off looking at that calendar, so I can unlock his stuff for free soon then get his materia. Tyro's another one that people keep saying get rid of, so don't want to sink more resources into him at this stage.

The only thing that was holding me back from replacing people in my lineup is I only have 1 of the hero souls to buy characters. How often are those given out? I think I've only found 2 since I've been playing (one was used to unlock Celes).


<Bronze Donator>
they're given out relatively often, but typically as a reward for rather difficult battles.


Trakanon Raider
You get a free hero soul, MC1 lode, and MC2 lode every week if you clear the events. Way more than you can use - I don't recommending buying them from the green shop.

I recommend breaking Tyro, Cloud, Ramza to 65+ sooner rather than later for their Record Materias. After that, Beatrix, Locke, and Tidus.


<WoW Guild Officer>
You get a free hero soul, MC1 lode, and MC2 lode every week if you clear the events. Way more than you can use - I don't recommending buying them from the green shop.

I recommend breaking Tyro, Cloud, Ramza to 65+ sooner rather than later for their Record Materias. After that, Beatrix, Locke, and Tidus.
Yeah I bought an MC2 from the shop and regret the shit out of that, especially with the new accessories coming into the greens shop.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm in the Rude++ battle and having some problems. I've got my own boostga and medica, and taking a RW wall (and tossing in Shellga, but I think protectga might be better), but I'm getting an unlucky string of grenades from the MPs... should I just slow them (tempo flurry) and ignore it? It's hard because the medica SB is taking a long time to charge :|

Also, can someone explain the way breaks worth with resists? Even the description says "He's resistant to break effects but you should still use armor breakdown!"... so it's only partially effective or it's not effective at all?


Potato del Grande
Partially effective. Use the breaks.

Grenades sound like a problem because of no Protega. You need to be able to cast both Protega and Shellga and have them last over every battle, it's rare to only need one - the AI thread on reddit will help you know if a boss only uses physical/magic.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I am finding myself JUST shy of being able to master U++ Angel of Death. I think this is one that without native wall or shout I'll just be unable to do. Le sigh.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Partially effective. Use the breaks.

Grenades sound like a problem because of no Protega. You need to be able to cast both Protega and Shellga and have them last over every battle, it's rare to only need one - the AI thread on reddit will help you know if a boss only uses physical/magic.
So I'm stuck dropping my damage dealer (bartz), boostga (jecht), medica (yuffie), or ramza (full break) for another WM (or Pecil, I guess).