Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Golden Squire
I find I still run out of abilities running Ifrit CM... Keep getting him within a sliver of life and die / run out -squall at soft cap only hits for 6.5k bilzzaga strike and maybe 5.3k blizzara strike doesn't cut it. I hope he'll stay open until the YuRiPa event, chain blizzaja should do the trick.

And yea echo-ing ff13 boss being a joke in comparison. Went straight for CM and downed it.


Trakanon Raider
The Nightmare boss actually took me 3 tries to get right as a CM. First try I went with Wall and not Shout. That was a mistake. My second try had him nearly dead when he came out of Stagger he was absorbing Thunder just as Lightning hit him with her Crushing Blow SSB healing him back up for over 30K. I wasn't able to recover from that. Also in hindsight I would have loaded my Hope with different spells to avoid absorbs during non-staggered periods.

During my kill he was staggered nearly the whole fight. It was ridiculous actually and I took almost no damage.


Trakanon Raider
I was weak. I've had a lousy week so decided to treat myself to this banner since it's so strong. Results were a Rosetta Stone in the shape of an Ochu Tentacle and 2 Fire Lash Whips for Krile. I wasn't sure how I felt about that at first but I really like Krile and the whip is one of the stronger relics on a very strong banner. Especially for going Mage Meta (I've got all the tools for that with Lulu's Hairpin, Edea's Headdress and Kefka's Cloak (Edea and Kefka's relics do the exact same thing). I would have liked a bit more variety in my pull but I'm content with it.


Golden Squire
0/11. Guess I was having a long string of good luck so dena decided no to the banner I actually want stuff from. Totally broke now.


Trakanon Raider
100 gem: Exdeath's Cuirass
2/11: Bartz Cloak x2

Overall kinda shitty. I wanted bartz sword, gilgamesh sword, or krile whip, got none. I definitely should have stopped after the 2nd 50mith pull, but figured there's no way I could get another 0/11.... jokes on me I guess. I think I'm done with pulls until guaranteed as well. Down to 104 mythril, and I only have like 10 story dungeons remaining, so my mythril supply is about to dry up. Sad times.
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Trakanon Raider
This banner is such a tease with G5 right around the corner. Very strong banner with relics that don't come back, but the 5* rate is only like 60% what we will get very soon.

Would have done 3 pulls, instead I'm doing zero.


Potato del Grande
Pulled for Faris BSB, got Faris BSB.

Now I need to work out how to use it since it doesn't stack with any other breaks, one use is not needing to bring full/power/magic break but you have to charge the thing first and I'd prefer bow damage RM. Could be I bring them anyway and it's just a damage upgrade.

Just need a healer BSB now and I'm finished with the game lol. I really appreciate it being ranged too since 4/5 of my A team can equip ranged weapons now :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
Got Krile's SSB after two draws trying to get Gilgameshes BSB with no luck. Gives me Bartz/Faris BSB and Krile/Gilga SSB's, just need to find a good white mage medica now. I think its the only thing I'm lacking to start pushing 120 difficulty.
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Potato del Grande
Got Krile's SSB after two draws trying to get Gilgameshes BSB with no luck. Gives me Bartz/Faris BSB and Krile/Gilga SSB's, just need to find a good white mage medica now. I think its the only thing I'm lacking to start pushing 120 difficulty.
You should be able to clear every event with two BSBs (and even the #1 and #3 ranked ones from a JP list a few months back), especially FF5 events. If you don't have Wall/Shout then RW Shout. Shared medica should be enough but you can get Yuna's from the Tyro Selection, I think it's Cura and Regen.

Some of us are clearing events for Cid's Missions with one of wall/shout and sometimes no SBs at all other than shared medica. Post your team here if you can't clear a boss and we can help with setups, a lot of the game is knowing which characters to use because you memorised their weapon/ability setups.


Trakanon Raider
Bartz down CM style. I actually didn't realize that Gilgamesh was a requirement for the CM but was using him anyway. My setup:

Gilgamesh: Lifesiphon, Banishing Strike to remove that Haste. SSB Faithful Companion
Lenna: Curaja and Protectga. Shared Group Heal SB.
Faris: Full Break and Power Breakdwon (Old SB that reduces DEF and RES)
Krile: Bahamut and Firaja. SSB as above.
Exdeath: Waterja and something else. SB Grand Cross which is mostly irrelevant since he's almost all physical.

Bahamut worked really well to help burst him down since I don't have a lot of burst SBs in V. With Sheepsong, Full Break and the SB from Faris I was capping Damage with Bahamut (20K) and that helped a lot. I really would like a group heal for Lenna but I got by with a Shared one just fine. With tons of Mind I was healing plenty. Especially with two sources of Heavy Regen (Gilgamesh's Faithful Companion and Krile's Sheepsong).

Bartz was given a bad reputation on Reddit as being really hard but I got him on my first try. I didn't think he was too bad.


<Bronze Donator>
This one goes back to old-style FFRK "hard". Took me several attempts to get him, since he kept nailing me with two 3k AEs before I could get mitigation up. Once I was able to get mitigation up without dying it was satisfyingly tough without being frustrating.


Trakanon Raider
This is the fourth or so time I've had to deal with Omniscient as a boss, and this time I decided screw his mechanics, he's going to be killed with brute force in an all physical team. His Minotaur helper wasn't anything special, and once he died, I landed a celerity stop on Omniscient and went to town unloading all kinds of physical damage. Fairly easy starter battle to be honest.

Bartz was straight up insane. Even after the 150 mithril I spent (and basically got bleh) my FF5 synergy is still terrible, so I didn't bother with cid mode. Even with my prime team, it took a bunch of loads to get an attempt without him killing 1-3 people before I could act. Once rng lined up and I got a load where my healer could instantly medica in between his first two aoe's, I was able to actually try the fight. Having a team all in the front row with almost no synergy made things harder than I needed, but it worked well enough to master the fight.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So I just came back after a LONG time away...

I see that to get 65 and 80 you need to get the person's thing, and there are apparently generic motes. Can I theoretically get 5 or whatever motes and unlock whoever I damn well please? In my case, I really like a tanky Paladin Cecil and my rarest gear fits him perfectly, but he's 50...

I picked up Bartz and Gilgamesh and unlocked their 65. I also happened to pull 3 straight cloaks for Bartz (wtf) and his weapon so he's probably a keeper, and Gilg just seems great too from what I can see (and my lazy style). I apparently missed Ramza and am pretty salty about that.

My core team now is Cecil, Bartz, and Terra with the best of my gear and new soul break shit, Cloud who used to be my best but strikes me as mediocre, and Gilgamesh with probably my worst gear but I can draw fire and retaliate with him. I have a handful of 50 melee but I think only Rydia as a caster alternate is 50, and Aerith is close (like 47 or something), I usually auto'd through shit so was kinda melee heavy.

Any suggestions on where to start and what to do first? Tons of old dungeons for stamina if I go there, or farm some of these recurring things? I assume getting the 65/80 unlocks is top priority? Mote dungeon?

What abilities/spells are must-haves now? Any particular item I should aim for? I wanted Gilg's weapon but struck out. If it is possible to farm and unlock one person with generic motes, is there an all around top-notch? I'd probably drop it on Paladin Cecil and/or Terra if left to decide on my own. Assuming that's even how it works - I really don't think I totally get some of the new shit.


Golden Squire
Yea Bartz was pretty crazy... His opener which brings everyone down by 70% life or something hurts. I don't see anyone beating it CM mode without the help of a few relics - I had Lenna's Mini-Shout and Bartz' BSSB myself, which was instrumental in beating him. I managed to master it thanks to Lenna's Flame of War, which allowed me to run SG while maintaining "Shout". Also it's the first time i've spammed 4 BSSBs in a row, I can see why it gets addictive lol.

If anyone's interested:


Bartz: Life Siphon / Steal Defense (Ace Striker). BSSB
Gilgamesh: Saint Cross / Banishing Strike (+Fist Damage)
Ex-Death: Flare / Protectga (Devotion)
Faris: Full Break / Power Breakdown (+Attack + Regen)
Lenna: Curaja / Memento of Healing (Mako Might). Flame of War (Mini-Shout)

Had to restart a few times to make some tweaks here and there - having Lenna with Flame of War is definitely NOT ideal, as I had to move Protectga to ExDeath since I didn't use any medica. Also if you can get Heavy Regen use it - i brought AE Regen which was definitely a life saver.


Trakanon Raider
Any suggestions on where to start and what to do first? Tons of old dungeons for stamina if I go there, or farm some of these recurring things? I assume getting the 65/80 unlocks is top priority? Mote dungeon?

Always do as many of the events as possible while they're up, since it's time limited and usually great rewards. Once you finish all current events (or hit a wall), work on story dungeons to raise your max stamina and collect more orbs.

If you have some decent relics, it's probably worth saving for now and only spending again once guaranteed 5* comes out next month.


Potato del Grande
What the fuck Bartz... my A team destroyed in one round.

Going to have to gear for Def, that was brutal.


<Bronze Donator>
I ended up bringing Minwu's instant cast medica as my RW against Bartz. Was only able to do that because I brought native Wall and Shout. Probably wouldn't work for a CM clear. But it allowed me to brush off that first Monk Kick from Bartz and get mitigation up.


Trakanon Raider
My inept JP team beat Bartz, so it's doable with enough layers of mitigation but requires a fair amount of luck setting up.

I did it with strong Realm Synergy, Gilgamesh's Tauntaliate BSB and Agrias' ATK/MAG breakdown, Bartz's +DEF SSB, and probably Wall.

It's a S/L fest certainly, after the game had really moved away from that and into easier fights for most content.


Trakanon Raider
So I didn't want to go out like a punk, and decided ultimate Bartz was going to die cid style, terrible synergy be damned. After growth egging the entire team all the way to level 80, dumping a massive amount of orbs to rank 5 almost every skill on the team, using two shared medica rods with double full healers, and giving the dps a bunch of leeching attacks, I beat this bitch for cid mission. I had to put the entire team in the back row, and give weaker people like Lenna +defense accessories. Even with all of the above, I spent over 2 hours tonight making attempts, and failing, usually when he decided to quad shot Lenna twice in a turn.

I can say I feel proud of myself beating that encounter cid mode with the only FFV relic being Bartz's shitty cloak.

My kill video:

Gilgamesh -- Blood of the Wyvern, Leeching Leap -- Default SB
Bartz -- Leeching Strike, Armor Break -- Chocobo Rush SB
Exdeath -- Curaja, Diaga -- Shared Medica SB
Faris -- Power Breakdown, Full Break -- no SB
Lenna -- Curaga, Protectga -- Shared Medica SB
RW: Shout