Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fuck you lucky draw, 10 - 3* and 1 - 4*. The guaranteed 5* can't come soon enough, nearly quit this game all together when I had a streak of 2/99 on relic draws.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Fuck you lucky draw, 10 - 3* and 1 - 4*. The guaranteed 5* can't come soon enough, nearly quit this game all together when I had a streak of 2/99 on relic draws.
Yeah, I quite for a while back when it started because the rates were terrible.


Trakanon Raider
Reddit has a really bad signal to noise ratio but there are a LOT of people complaining about blanking on this particular Lucky Draw. More than usual it seems. DeNA won't publish drop rates but it wouldn't surprise me if they tinkered with the pull rate on this banner intentionally or unintentionally. It seems whenever they try to do something for Global they make coding mistakes so it's possible that 5 star rates were unintentionally lowered a bit.


Trakanon Raider
I feel bad for you bros who go 0/11 on Lucky Draws. I seem to always go 1/11, this time it was Firion's SSB. Solid character now, who becomes Gilgamesh 2.0 in the future, and synergy in a rare realm. Single target lifesiphonable SSB damage, plus chance to blind with the ability to use rare weapon types that lead to synergy issues.

My IX synergy is poor, and multi-target fights are always a PITA. After an hour of S/L, I gave up on the U Cid Mission (I barely had enough damage to get it done, but without a Support or native Hastega I always lost one character and would invariably run out of hones), and ran with Celes' Runic for easymode victory (5* AOE Wind Spellblade + 100% mitigation of single-target magic damage was stupid strong). I didn't realize how good Banner2 is for the current IX event, I almost did some drunk pulls. Haven't run the U+ yet because I'm obvs too occupied with Orbfest to spend 1 stamina, might be able to pull of the Cid Mission with 5* ability spam and Break/downs that I couldn't fit into the U.


Trakanon Raider
100 gem pull on the FF12 banner... Vaan's BSB dagger. I am quite pleased right now. Was gonna do a 50 mythril pull because I wanted Ashe's sword and Vaan's dagger, but guess now I'm saving!

Looking forward to these cid missions. My team is ready!
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Meh I got ripped on that special 11x relic draw, all healer rods for the 3 5* relics. Generally use Lenna, and already have her big group heal/regen (Princess's Favor or somethin)

Other than that my only useful relics so far are Zacks SSB Apocalypse, and Terra's Blood of Espers BSB. Maybe Barret's Satellite Beam. I have a bunch of others for characters I haven't bothered leveling yet though.

I pretty much just farm and build up orbs ect for now, doing up to 90-99 difficilties for now.

I should probably man up and start doing upgrades and get into the harder stuff I suppose. Haven't spent a dime on this, don't see the point.


Trakanon Raider
If you're able to push to complete the special events every week, you really should. I probably could have beaten some of the harder event fights early on when I started, but didn't put out the effort thinking why bother. I seriously regret that now, since I missed out on things like the free r1 5* skills such as dark zone, so now I have to craft it, which is like 25 major orbs I wouldn't have had to spend.


Trakanon Raider
Tuesday is another Lucky Draw. The pool is all characters with Celerity 5 so it's a pretty good pool. Some highlights are BSBs for Tyro, Zidane, Tidus, Vaan (another chance at it for a lot of people) and Lightning. Other Han that there are just a bunch of solid relics. Nothing game breaking but good for synergy and fleshing out groups. It's a solid pool so I'm fully expecting 0/11. Lucky Draws typically hate me (Sephiroth's BSB last week being the sole good relic from a Lucky Draw).


Trakanon Raider
I've done I think 4 lucky draws since I've been playing. They've been 3x 1/11 and a 0/11. At least the 3 relics I've gotten from lucky's have been really nice (chocobo brush, traitor's bow, braska's staff).

I'm hoping for a bsb for Tidus, Tyro, or Lightning from the event, or sentinel grimoire. Mostly I want them for cid missions, since my main team is basically "complete" on relics (all 5 have their best bsb or ssb already).


Trakanon Raider
My first time, both ultimates beaten Cid mission style, full stars!
Videos: Hashmal and Gabranth

I have awesome synergy in FF12, and the orb fest let me level a full team in preparation, so both of these fights didn't seem very bad at all. The cid setup I went with for both fights:

Basch -- Banishing Strike r3 __ Draw Fire r2 __ RM: Paladin's Devotion
Vaan -- Lifesiphon r3 __ Magic Breakdown r3 __ RM: Mog's Teachings
Balthier -- Dismissal r3 __ Lifesiphon r3 __ RM: Battleforged
Fran -- Power Breakdown r3 __ Full Break r3 __ RM: Mako's Might
Penelo -- Curaja r3 __ Protectga r2 __ RM: Healer's Prayer II
Roaming: Wall

I forgot to give Penelo a shared medica SB, so healing got a little risky near the end of Gabranth, but still wasn't too bad. The combo of draw fire + paladin's devotion RM on Basch was a great help to relieve the healing load.

I'm already leveling the units needed for the next few cid missions, so hopefully from this point forward I can always do them cid style.
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Trakanon Raider
Agreed these CMs weren't bad at all. My XII synergy isn't great but I do have both of Penelo's group heals and a few weapons. Back at launch we were getting a lot of generic 5 star gear and I ended up with 4 Danjuros which I combined into two 6 star versions.

I spent the first half of Orbfest leveling XII characters to get ready and now I'm leveling XIII characters for the next one. Before the era of CMs I neglected characters I didn't have relics for so I'm playing catch up. I need to level characters from II, III and VI still and then I should have characters for all realms.


Golden Squire
Having access to Thief's Revenge, St Cross and Full Charge really makes quick work of the U & U+. Only Danjuro and Fran with her SB Bow but a lot of 4++ weapons.

I'm quite excited about northen cross, it will likely be my first 6* skill although shame that it'll take forever to R2 it:



Potato del Grande
Fairly easy CM other than AoE spam in weak phase. Two supports and a paladin really helped. We've had CM for most realms now so confident I can clear any ultimate CM now.

Got every non core at 65 so levelling 8 and 13 characters for the mote CMs.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Such a bitch to get the Teir 2 level cap crystals. Got two with 20,000 greens from the fat chocobo, but usually the event ones are too difficult for me with my best team.

Really want the Terra one as shes so versatile, 5* black magic/summon, ability that has chance to recharge black magic abilities each turn, and I snagged her burst relic rod which is probably my favorite soulbreak at the moment. Rest of my team lvl 70ish, all with 5* relic armor and ssb weapons, except bartz, still using that damn Gilgamesh sword blah. All 3-4* max honed skills, and bartz has that 5* wind attack.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Bartz and PCecil are my fucking homeboys. Both have BSB and SSB (and bartz has that wind one too). Those guys are just fucking icing on my "every physical team".
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