Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Mr. Poopybutthole
I could see them still scaling abilities back with prior levels, simply because 150 potency vs the 220 potency of a higher rank would still decimate dungeons even without unsyncing. Leveling and trial roulettes with max abilities means they might tone down the rewards for how easy they are going to be.

I suppose, but giving people access to all abilities such as Enochian and Fire IV seem to defeat that purpose anyway hah. If it's just to keep WHMs and scholars from soloing dungeons, then hey fine. Just weird to put in one mechanic and then effectively "trump" it with another in all ways except for 2-3 of the classes.

Only reasonable explanation is JAPAN!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Or it's to keep people engaged. I just did a sastasha. I had like 4 buttons. It was boring as fuck.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I've seen asshole tanks leveling on alt accounts get sastasha in leveling roulette and proceed to pull 15 things, wipe, then threaten to votekick the healer "for dpsing". There's no way they're healing that with only Cure 1 or equiv.


<Silver Donator>
Need some people to play with. Jut hit 50 on warrior on Gilg, got a 53 ninja on Ultros
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Trakanon Raider
I really hope the bit about not losing access to your skills in level sync content is true (ignoring the abilities upgrading/downgrading based on traits). Losing buttons already sucks as is; it's only going to get worse now that jobs are getting these new mechanics added to them in later levels.


Molten Core Raider
Do we know where the MSQ will pick up or where we enter Stormblood zones ? Guessing we'll get a hint in recommendations ?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Heavensward started in Coerthas where the last quest left off. IIRC the last quest here left off in Rising Stones so my guess is that is where the expansion will start.

I would assume we enter the Stormblood zones from Limsa because we need to take a boat right?


French Madman
I think we are gonna start with Ala Mhigo, probably get our asses kicked and then have to travel to Doma.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Heavensward started in Coerthas where the last quest left off. IIRC the last quest here left off in Rising Stones so my guess is that is where the expansion will start.

I would assume we enter the Stormblood zones from Limsa because we need to take a boat right?
Likely we'll be going to Othard from Limsa (because the boat in the trailer is owned by a Limsa NPC) but we'll probably start the MSQ itself in Mor Dhona, take a hike to East Shroud, pop over to Rhalgr's Reach and Gyr Abania's Fringes, and go from there.

I'm still putting money down on us going to Othard because Xeno has a cursed sword like the Muramasa or something like that.


<Silver Donator>
The story will pick up wherever it stopped, that's pretty standard, so yeah Mor Dhona. Not that logging out in Mor Dhona would save you more than a few seconds anyway, shit's pretty pointless, it's like ppl asking where the RDM and SAM trainers will be so they can log out there, like, why? There's no race to cap and the 15-30secs you save isn't going to do shit when it'll probably take 20+hours to get to cap anyway.

Personally probably spending the first 10mins just turning in quests and shit I have anyway. I kept most of the dungeon quests for content I hadn't cleared after clearing the dungeons so I can turn them in for a little bit of xp. Not much but might help with less grinding at some point.

Gonna level as SCH, kinda sucks for my plan of leveling my monk second though since that'll be when a lot of SAMs/RDMs will be leveling too. Hope the FATEs and stuff aren't too shitty.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm kinda hoping character creation lock on higher pop servers mitigates a lot of launch issues. Sure, there will still be login queues but I expect things will be more smoother than other game launches.

Shadows of Luclin, we will never forget you.


<Silver Donator>
What I'm hoping is for Primal to not be dead for hours. My server should be fine since I'm not on Gilgamesh but the entire datacenter fucking up would be annoying. I'll be transferring to the free EU server shit whenever that's available but since they said nothing I assume it won't be available until actual launch, after EA.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm just hoping that they took note of HW release and the slow decline of quests till you run out before hitting cap. This is mitigated by doing the roulettes over the course of multiple days, but there really should be enough "raw" xp between required dungeons and quests+sidequests to hit 70 without needing to take it slow/grind.

It wasn't and won't be terrible because I'm a healer either way, but it definitely sucked having to run the Vatican like 5x more times than necessary while trying to get xp for the next MSQ/Zone. Hopefully it's a little smoother this time around.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah hope that too, running dungeons repeatedly kinda sucks, it's not terrible xp but it's just really boring especially when it's in the middle of when the story gets good or whatever. The vault was a good example, story starts getting good in the cutscene after first clear, then you have to clear a bunch more times for the next couple hours or whatever until you can resume the story stuff.

Trying to get some shit to drop in Dun Scaith since I haven't been playing until a few days ago instead of preparing over a longer period of time like I thought I would and that's the most efficient way, but goddamn are the drops still shit as hell. I've ran like 12times and still haven't seen 3 of the healer pieces, I actually have as many pieces for other classes from greeding on stuff than I do for healer. One more day to get the stupid chest to drop.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I've 100% given up on getting 260+ gear; the zones are going to be designed around 230~ and progression will follow that path. It just means I don't have extra shit in the bank when I hit 64, really. The gear I get will be the gear I equip.

I came back a couple of weeks ago but I have focused hard on getting my beast tribes maxed while F'n around on other classes. Ilvl 75-ish in PotD, so not really dragging that down if/when I choose to use it to level.

I -really- want to see what is available to crafters/gatherers. That has been one very quiet facet of the expansion info drops.