Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Golden Squire
You do not, however Archers turn into Bards, which are more utility based, and Pugilists turn into Monks, which are more damage based. Also the Archer limit break is an AOE healer, Monk limit break is huge damage to one target. There's also Marauder, which are the highest physical DPS right now, which turn into Dragoons, with lots of mobility.
Marauder becomes warrior, not dragoon.


Golden Knight of the Realm
One more quick add - I'll be using my leves for crafting... you know what to make and can stock up rather quickly, then hand in 5-10 at a time with a little repeat running. Don't forget to try and hit HQ as the leves will reward you with 200% more xp / money (huge).
Yea, I didn't abuse this but know a guy who did and has crafting levelled up really high as a result. The only problem with this is that you need a lot of leve allowances for the Grand Company hunting log random mobs


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Marauder becomes warrior, not dragoon.
Pretty sure he meant lancer/dragoon though. No way is WAR going to be the highest dps.

Is DRG really higher than MNK though? People seemed to think their dps sucked in 1.0 and were only played because they have the best looking armor by far, so they'd have to have had one hell of a revamp in ARR for that to be true.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Has anyone else noticed how well this game runs? This graphical engine they're running with is probably one of the best I've seen in recent releases. It's got pretty damn impressive graphics (technically) without the typical annoying side-effects other than zoning. The draw distance is pretty far and doesn't suffer from GW2's player pop-in syndrome. The client also seems like it can take throwing a ton of players at it without throwing the frame rate into the single digits when doing FATEs or walking through a city. It's pretty surprising that a company who put out a game as bad as FFXIV 1.0 three years ago can turn around a produce something like this.

Here is some of my FFXIV eye candy for all you old curmudgeons.

http:[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Been a long time since I've been in a beta and flat out saying turn that shit back on.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I know its a different animal but this beta so far has restored a bit of faith into the final fantasy series after the disaster that was ff13. Got my beta access Thursday played 7-8 hours over Friday and Saturday. Turn it back on! I'm fiending!


Golden Squire
so some black mage spent all weekend to find out what i told you all 30 pages back about optimal dps rotations, of course all i did was look at the list of skills.
Best part about that thread isn't even the content, but rather the showcase of the average dumb mmo player/guild.

For me, personally, it is worth noting that my former Free Company laughed at me when I proposed these spell rotations. They failed to hear me out and favored the word of a vastly inferior Black Mage who had better equipment and many more levels over someone who actually spent the time studying and number crunching game?s new mechanics.

I fail to understand how even when the game has been available for only 4 days, some people still feel that equipment and levels means more than actual skill. When I tried to submit these findings to my FC, they considered it an aggressive act against the other Black Mage and kicked me out. In the end I?m submitting my findings here on the forums for everyone to review and to read, when all of this could have been exclusively kept within the FC.


Silver Knight of the Realm
He also sounds like a total dick, I'm guessing that was part of the problem

"I proposed these spell rotations"... "They failed to hear me out"... "When I tried to submit these findings"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
ya, the entire thread is pretty pathetic. I intend on hijacking it when im unbanned in 90 minutes.


Golden Squire
He also sounds like a total dick, I'm guessing that was part of the problem

"I proposed these spell rotations"... "They failed to hear me out"... "When I tried to submit these findings"
Oh yeah. The guy definitely thinks he's beyond hot shit, and it probably showed in all of his interactions. The part where he said "And this could have been exclusive knowledge!!1111" was probably the most hilarious. As if other people would somehow be unable to run a simple analysis to figure out an optimal rotation.

Figuring out MMO's is easy. The great part about that thread is that you have one side which can't figure out basic stuff, and another side that takes way too much pride in figuring out basic stuff. It's amazing really.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also, switching from flank/back position was frustrating on really large bosses (such as Cancer). However, I didn't notice how severe the necessary angle was with flanking and back position until I started leveling lancer, using heavy thrust.
Can you talk in general terms about how positioning affects attacks? Is it also true for ranged?



Can you talk in general terms about how positioning affects attacks? Is it also true for ranged?

Flanking requires you to be on either side of the mob, without too much leniency in angle. Back facing requirements have a rather large angle from behind the monster. If you can figure out the angle where back/flank connect, you can pretty easily weave between the two. It's difficult on larger mobs because you have to identify flank/back and quickly move over a greater distance between abilities. I didn't realize how specific the angle requirement was until I was trying to stun + flank heavy thrust on lancer and it wasn't working. As far as I know, only pugilist and lancer have abilities with flank modifiers. This further compounds on the issue of moving targets for melee. It's hard to chase monsters (you can't catch up if you're out of range and they're running away) and you can't execute your entire positional system on a moving target. Targets that spin frequently (Aiatar spitting acid at people, Cancer flipping to cleave, Longstep frog dude casting on people) are an issue as well. This makes for a pretty clear ranged advantage if it weren't for the fact that MNK/DRG get such insane modifiers on their abilities.


So of lancer/monk, which is least annoying to play? Or glad/marauder?
Positional requirements are easier to manage on lancer (there's less of them). They have a +10% damage buff from flank, and a 180 potency chain starter from the back. Pretty simple. Monks are a little crazier: two stance one abilities, one from back one from flank. Two stance two abilities one from flank one from back. One stance three ability from flank. Gladiator/Marauder are a totally different style, neither are positional requirement because they're tanks. People have argued that gladiator/paladin play style is very boring, but very effective compared to marauder.

Edit: That being said, I really enjoyed pugilist at 35 if it weren't for the TP issue. Combat is a little simple feeling so far, and pugilist has felt the most engaging of the DPS roles.

Beef Supreme_sl

So of lancer/monk, which is least annoying to play? Or glad/marauder?
Between the two, lancer was much more enjoyable. I managed to get a pugilist and lancer to 17 on my bro. Did a few dungeons as each. Both are fun, but lancer feels better and does better damage. Can't wait to try out the Dragoon.

Is there a limit to the amount of classes and jobs on a single bro?


Between the two, lancer was much more enjoyable. I managed to get a pugilist and lancer to 17 on my bro. Did a few dungeons as each. Both are fun, but lancer feels better and does better damage. Can't wait to try out the Dragoon.

Is there a limit to the amount of classes and jobs on a single bro?
A bro can be every class/job in the game but inventory slots are limited.