Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

Nope. My first retainer is almost completely filled. My second one is basically old equipment right now. But it'll soon be filling with crafting materials too.

That's partly the reason I've started leveling up all my classes, is to get rid of old shit. I'm doing adventurer classes right now. Once I get my THM to 10, I can dump all my sub-10 gear. It'll be awesome. I still need to pick up 3 crafting classes, so I'll probably wait a bit on that.

Another plus side to leveling all my lower levels is that I can use my battle chocobo more often and actually level it. It's at rank 2 at the moment, but once I get some actual time to play (this weekend) I can hopefully make some good progress.
ya i fucked up and sold all my old gear not thinking that i could use it on other chars
oh well ill probably get some along the way.a


So did the servers really go down or were there just some serious lag / login issues? I've heard accounts of both. I'm just hoping that my guy is still on when I get home from work.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I am a 1.0 player never subbed but fully registered the product etc, on my account history is says I have a valid registration of 1.0 dating back to Sept 2010 but when I go to log into realm reborn it says I do not have a valid product, log onto the new moogle account system and it says I have nothing,given up even trying to work out why, it is square so I expect nothing less from them when it comes to account handling


I think the way the 90 day rewards is going to work is once they charge it we will get them all. I set up my 90 day sub this morning and with the early access and my CE it says 33 days left. So other than a 1.00 hold on my CC to verify it I see , there won't be an actual charge for 33 more days at which point you get your rewards.

( ie they aren't going to give you your vet awards now because you aren't actually paying anything sub wise for another month )


I actually thought the game was quite boring for me until around level 10ish. However, now that I'm 15, things are starting to pick up and I'm really starting to enjoy it.
I think a lot had to do with the clusterfuck crowded areas and Pugilist is pretty much a very straightforward class to begin with. I felt like I was just facerolling everything along with 4 other random dudes next to me. Mobs would just die before even getting off a few skills - not so fun.

Like I said though, now that I'm away from all that......I'm REALLY starting to enjoy the game.
I'm shocked at how good the game runs for how good it looks. Some of the areas look great and the gameplay is very crisp and clean.


<WoW Guild Officer>
btw are your servers getting spammed with gil sellers already? im about to block shout.
Now I know you're trolling. Barrens chat 6.x in any of the shrouds made me block shout starting on beta2. You'd have to be a masochist or an idiot to not have done that already.


Molten Core Raider
Now I know you're trolling. Barrens chat 6.x in any of the shrouds made me block shout starting on beta2. You'd have to be a masochist or an idiot to not have done that already.
Shout's been alright, people have generally been pretty friendly or at least entertaining. Not a lot of bullshit that I've experienced so far.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone have a 1.0 account then buy the CE digital from somewhere else? Where did you have to pop in your code? Im assuming Ill be on their support line tomorrow if no one knows whats up.
Yes me. From Amazon.

Short answer - You're fucked.

Long Answer - SE's shitty account system does not allow you to enter a full purchase CE code into an existing service account so you either have to make a new account (which will not gain access to any of the CE items and characters do not transfer over and early access /preorder items do not cross over) or bend over and buy the 20$ digital CE upgrade for your existing account and sit on a useless non-refundable $50 CE code like I am doing right now.

Long ass thread about basically this issuehere
holy shit i just got an air ship and watched some cinemas, although there was alot more to be excited about, 2 things really stuck out. 1. mentioning of magitek which i assume is the magitek armor in ff3 (awesome!) and 2. the sith lord guy wielding a fucking gun blade. shits getting real final fantasy up in here.


Might be a server thing with shout - on Exodus there have been very very few trolls and lots of friendly chat and answering questions , in fact one of the far better crowds I've seen in years.


Silver Knight of the Realm
The CE gives you a cat (coelaoueraoerl) mount, some rando pet, and another barding for your chocobo. If you are into that shit then its worth $20, if not probably not. 90 days of subs gives you an eyeball mount, although I can't figure out how to prepay 90 days and get it today instead of waiting 90 days. Good job Square, don't take my money.

Pretty much all NA/EU servers are locked for character creation so, interesting launch day.
I saw a post that if you use a game time card it credits the days up front, and you will get your vet rewards on the spot. Otherwise you have to wait until your card is charged after the initial 30 days free you got with the game purchase.
yea shout has been great until this morning, 2 different gil spammers keep making new chars. not sure how to report. at least this game is is pay to play and so eventually the bans will cost them something.


Lord Nagafen Raider
holy shit i just got an air ship and watched some cinemas, although there was alot more to be excited about, 2 things really stuck out. 1. mentioning of magitek which i assume is the magitek armor in ff3 (awesome!) and 2. the sith lord guy wielding a fucking gun blade. shits getting real final fantasy up in here.
Personally I want to be a gunblade weilder. Forget all this happy-go-lucky-fairy-let's-all-be-friends-and-hug nonsense. I want to watch the world burn and bask in my glorious power.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also anyone who want's the full digital CE version of this game purchased via Amazon (and doesn't have an existing account) I'll sell it to you for 20$ (paypal)

*Warning code cannot be applied to existing account.