Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Whelp there goes my time, since my CE is tied to a different account thanks to their broken system I can no longer play until they resolve it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Don't just toss in a ticket and wait for a reply, that will literally take 2 weeks. You have to live chat or get them on the phone and bitch to get any movement.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Whelp there goes my time, since my CE is tied to a different account thanks to their broken system I can no longer play until they resolve it.
Yup, I'm in the same boat. I'm basically screwed out of playing the game because the 'beta/EA' account is now inactive (the one with both Vandyn and Kirana) while the 'wrong' account continues to count days (currently now at 26 days left). There is no way I'm making a new character in the wrong account just to have that shit wiped when they finally get around to merging the two accounts. It's beyond bullshit that I have to subject myself to hours and hours of waiting on the damn phone just to 'escalate' a ticket that I put in 3 fucking days ago so I can play their game. I'm going to try their chat once it opens at 9PST today and see where that gets me. Definitely the worst experience with accounting issues when it comes to MMO's (and that's saying something).

So yea I'm a little pissed.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'd say the worst was having War Hammer Online overdraw my Bank of America account by 10k and me having to fight the bank for 4 months to have the charges removed. This is a pretty close second though.

Edit: I've yet to see a way to get a hold of their live chat, anyone share some insight here?


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'd say the worst was having War Hammer Online overdraw my Bank of America account by 10k and me having to fight the bank for 4 months to have the charges removed. This is a pretty close second though.

Edit: I've yet to see a way to get a hold of their live chat, anyone share some insight here?
How long? :p


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just go without me. I doubt I'll be able to play until Monday, maybe later.

Just fucking shameful, I really just want a refund.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Just go without me. I doubt I'll be able to play until Monday, maybe later.

Just fucking shameful, I really just want a refund.
Bullshit. I've worked in customer service. If they refuse to help you, request to speak to their manager. If that manager refuses to help you, ask to speak to their manager. If they refuse, tell them you're recording the call and ask them again clearly if they are refusing to escalate your call. Works every time. They will fix it for you within 5 minutes of you being on the phone.


Just go without me. I doubt I'll be able to play until Monday, maybe later.

Just fucking shameful, I really just want a refund.
I really want a refund, as well. Two of them. Amazon wouldn't do it, nor would Square on an Amazon purchase. It's really starting to look like "sell account" or "chargeback". Maybe both.


French Madman
Well at least they fixed mine yesterday evening.

Created the ticket the hour I got my code from GMG (so like on the night of monday to tuesday) and no news since them except an automatic e-mail the day after.
Called the UK support yesterday morning, they escalated my ticket, and it got fixed yesterday evening.


I had been planning to pick this up today but what Im getting from reading the last few pages of this thread is that I should probably just wait. That an accurate assumption?

Ive got friends playing on the Lamia server, would a different server selection from what you guys are on avoid some of the issues you're running into or are they game wide?


<WoW Guild Officer>
I had been planning to pick this up today but what Im getting from reading the last few pages of this thread is that I should probably just wait. That an accurate assumption?

Ive got friends playing on the Lamia server, would a different server selection from what you guys are on avoid some of the issues you're running into or are they game wide?
Apart from not being able to roll on a server, server problems have been whined about far more than their worth. Honestly apart from the first few days of duty server issues, I haven't had a problem with the servers



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The billing system wont charge you until your free trial is up, looks like you can get it early with Game time cards or something.


FPS noob
for those who registered a key to the wrong account here is a reddit thread link discussing what to do and how fast its being solved for people

tl;dr version for people thinking about this game: it reminds me a lot of rift and tera. mechanically very, very similar to every other MMO. does a few things in a weird way that makes it fun for now, will be supremely tedious after a few weeks. a few cool features (from ff11) like jobs (one char can do EVERYTHING eventually). Just like tera and rift, in 3-6 months almost everyone will stop playing unless square is the single MMO developer in the world who can release quality content on a regular basis (yeah right).

Enjoyable for a few weeks to months though. If you are currently playing an MMO, it is very unlikely you will like this (unless you are a final fantasy/anime nerd), you pretty much have to have that MMO-craving from being unsubbed for months or years to enjoy it.

Servers are all fucked during prime time so don't play unless you are ok logging in at like 10am and staying logged in all day.