Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Me and my filthy casual friends are just now around to starting the relic stuff. We've been leveling different jobs and so on and had a few new friends start every couple weeks so been running early dungeons to help them.

What kind of equip do you need to start a chimera and on from there ? A few pieces of Darklight and i55 weapon ok ? And also do you just 100% over to do a relic quest for a different job once done with first or is it shortened at all ?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Posted before seeing others had answered trollface.

In other news:
Lightning event is boring.


Trakanon Raider
What kind of equip do you need to start a chimera and on from there ? A few pieces of Darklight and i55 weapon ok ? And also do you just 100% over to do a relic quest for a different job once done with first or is it shortened at all ?
You have to do the whole relic quest again to get a 2nd weapon. That gear level will be fine for Chimera/Hydra/Ifrit/Garuda. You might need a bit more to do Titan. You want probably 3.3-3.4k life to survive the AEs.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Posting my quick highlights of the live letter here as more people check this thread then the subforum for whatever reason.

Highlights of the first part of the live letter.

Dragoon damage is going up about 10%, Jumps animations are faster to allow them to not get fucked by landslides.
Monks are getting a dps boost as well, via their buffs getting beefier, and their positional attacks getting higher bonuses.
Bards are getting nerfed because their dps and support is too much, causing them to do the job of other classes plus some. *no number given, but its enough to not want to bring two*

Raids :
CT loot will be ilvl 80 for sure, no mention of materia slots in it to inflate it above coil.
CT loot will be on a item ticket basis?, basically you can get one item per run. But the raid isnt a lockout timer like coil. So run it all day if you want.
1 chest per group, so 3 chests per encounter? They mentioned that half the raid should see a piece of loot. So 4-5 encounters.
CT requires you to have a premade 8 man group. You are then matched up with two other random groups. You can not do 3 premade groups and queue together as an FC/LS, thats a feature coming later down the line.

Highlights of part two.

Cosmetics :
Styler will cost 2000 gil, and include Face paint, hairstyle, face paint coloring, tattoos and maybe eye color
Unlockable styles will come from events and fates, like lightnings hair style
Phantasia will be added as a item you can acquire no details yet on how
Complete the first phase of lightning event to unlock hair style

King moogle will be around garuda HM in difficulty, alittle harder
Compared to 1.0, you'll fight many moogles at the same time, king moogle + 5-6 others
Will be released with normal and HM
ilvl 80 weapon drops from mog king-
Allagan wearpons will be raised to ilvl 95? Unconfirmed
Leviathan will appear in 2.2 and in 2.3 you'll see Ramuh and Shiva
Chimera and hydra will eventually appear in duty finder, not in 2.1 but later - coil will not be added to duty finder in any foreseeable future
New party recruit feature will be the solution to BC not being in duty finder

Dungeons/Duty finder :
4 catagories : Low level, high level, main quest, guild order
You can do one of these a day and get a bonus of exp and token rewards
If you join as a job/role thats currently missing, you also get an additional bonus on top of that
Locked dungeons/content will not be included as options for random rewards until you beat it once
Dungeon exp is increase substantially so leveling in this manner should be enjoyable
Fate exp will be great casual, but dungeon exp and a focused group should be better.
hard level dungeons will reward you more tomestones since you cant take advantage of the exp bonus reward
vote kick will be included, you cant overuse it, will be used for sleeping/not moving characters after a set period of time?
MIP *most impressive penis* will be voted on by who was nice and helped explain things, not who did the most damage/heal/tanked at the end
There will be achievements and presents to those that get this often *MIP*
MIP is only got when you join a queue solo with others, no premades
They are adding harsher penalty to those that leave a dungeon early to combat people trying to get easier random reward content

New dungeon/Hard modes of old dungeons :
New items and better token rewards
boss is a ff staple, refuses to show it off
new gimmicks in the dungeon not seen in other areas of the game so far
Haukke and copperbell will have hard modes
new routes and new bosses
rewards for hard mode will just expand ways of getting second jobs loot ala AK/WP

Extreme primals :
requires you have killed titan HM
ilvl 70+ required
garuda has her and her adds doing ariel shriek
ifrit has 16? nails all around the arena with a giant nail as well, plumes are basically the whole room as well
titan has three landslides at the same time, adds that tether to him and 2 gaols at the same time - this fight is very very tight on execution
Ultima weapon HM and extreme modes will be added as well
You get a ilvl 90 weapon if you defeat all three of the extreme modes
Drop rates for HM primals furniture items will be increased, extreme mode will have their own drops as well

Random crap :
Snowmen costumes in holiday event
Vet rewards for 180 confirmed to be FF1 character minions and black mage outfit for chocobo mount
270 rewards : the GC leader minions, and a behemoth mount
They plan to go around japan and do live letters to have more fans interact with them
Fan fest world tour next year to include more countries in their live letters - US EU DE, around oct
2.2 - They apologize for the 4 week delay on 2.1 and are hoping to get back on track for 2.2. Once 2.1 drops, better information will go out on 2.2

Next live letter :
Daily beast men quests, Treasure hunts, PVP and PS4 coverage
Live letter on 14th of dec

Release date : Dec 17th 2013 is current target


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Poopsockers are gone and have moved on to the console thread. In-game server populations are unaffected though.


I re-up'd my sub for one more month. The game doesn't have a ton to do unless your hell bent on maxing all the jobs etc. I've enjoyed getting two to cap (non-Fate grinding). Raid game + myth cap'ing is 4-6hrs a week or so. Depending how things roll with the next update, unsure i'll give it a push into January. For now, my extra time will be gobbled up by all the awesome game sales that happen in Dec.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Still people playing. Content patch has a release date, abit late, but whatever. It looks promising, just going to take some time to ramp up the content. I think anyone that didnt poopsock it but enjoyed the game could come back and have a solid 2-3 months once the patch drops.


The population is still thriving in the game. The raiding scene is lacking severely, although fun for what is currently available. Patch 2.1 is a little over two weeks away which will add another tier of raiding (Mid-Tier), however the content being added is intended to bridge the gap between Coil and 4 man dungeons. So if you aren't already raiding coil now, you'll have a bit of stuff to keep you occupied once 2.1 comes out. If you're on Coil now you're going to be looking at about 6 months before higher tiered raid content gets released.

I'm hoping because the foundation has been laid for the low level game (Outside of minor tweaks, some of which will be addressed in 2.1 like dungeon exp) that raid content will become the heaviest focus for the game.

TL/DR; game is fine and doing well, a lot of the hardcore MMORPG scene has left however tons of casuals still around.


While the new raidzone is a slightly lower tier, I am excited mostly for the new primal battles & the 4 extreme modes. After watching the video for titan, and seeing how badly most people still fail that fight, I can't wait to do it and laugh at some people.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The endgame is sparse but I find the 8man fight very well designed and the difficulty progression is probably the most well tuned I've seen in a game, starting from Garuda Hm onwards.
They definitely are off on the quantity/quality balance tho. And the fck melee vibe , which has a rich history in mmo raiding, is definitely honored here