Fires of Heaven - The good, the bad, and the whatever else.


Vyemm Raider
We have absolutely no idea if there will be a WOD FoH at this point. Some people will trickle in to see the content, if we can make a raid force out of that, great. I mean at this point all it really takes is one guy willing to set shit up, because WOD makes it easier than ever to fill spots with pugs. No more waiting until 11pm est to start a raid bullshit like we tried to limp along with in MOP.

I'm sure if I ever posted here "I am leading FoH. Send me your resumes and let's do this shit" I'd get enough of a response to get going. But I'm not that guy. I have zero interest in managing raids or a guild. Censura was pretty much the last person we had with the patience and skill for that shit.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Taloo's version of FoH and what I had always read about FoH are two different entities. One was a fairly upstanding group of folks who just wanted a fair chance at shit and had proven they were above the rank and file. His version looks like petulant children who enjoyed exploits/hacks/gm help and tried to intentionally fuck over everyone else as much as they could.

Color me conflicted by this "revelation."
Yeah man, FoH was totally 100% legit and perfect angels.

Please, if you honestly think they(and every other high end raiding guild) werent showeqing it up and using every exploit they knew I have a bridge I want to sell you.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Briefly stated (I am in the middle of some work I took home but will elaborate later tonight/tomorrow):

1) If you weren't around back then this may not seem like a big deal on its face but Brad would, constantly (and I do mean constantly) make posts asking our opinions about him leaving his company, asking if we wanted to "team up" to create a game with him, hell there was one time he responded to a rickshaw post (seemingly wasted on something based on how he was writing - I really wish someone had a copy of this particular one) about suicide and how God shelters all from "it". It was weird to say the least.

2) He would just randomly appear on our raids sometimes (and fairly often). In fact, it wasn't only on raids this would happen either. We could be at the vault, on a raid, in a group, fighting mushrooms in lower seb, whatever/wherever, and he would just appear. Often with different armor asking "what do you think? How do I look?" I remember one day I said something like "are you truly that narcissistic that you care what random people whom you stalk think in a video game?" I think it was Alloria with me but, regardless, he didn't show up for days after that and then, after that, is when that whole suicide post took place. I am not saying he was threatening suicide because he wasn't but, at the same time, he was in a way. It's really difficult to put this one into typed words and hopefully someone reads this and recalls it as well. The post was something simple initially where someone made a comment in a joking manner about suicides going to hell (poking fun at religion) and then, all of a sudden, he butts in talking about how "God Shelters all his lost sheep" or some shit like that.

3) When Alex decided to take the job at Blizzard. Things were extremely weird at this point in terms of Brad. He would do his random show up crap but the moment Furor appeared (logged in, etc), he would immediately disappear and would send a weird smiley face message. Something like "duty calls, I have a world to create as only I can
". On it's own this would seem like nothing but then some of us started to talk and we all learned this was happening to nearly all the core members. On top of that, (I cannot prove this) I am one of those who firmly believe (it was a big deal back then) that he would make different forum account names to try to find out information on some of us as in real life names, where we lived, etc. There was one particular forum dweller named "RosettaEQ" or RosettaEQ1 (something similar) who (again, we learned this later when we just were randomly talking - myself and other core members) claimed to be a member of the guild long disappeared (bard named Cripps) and asking for information on Furor and a few others as in their phone numbers, etc and "how can we convince him to not join Blizzard as it will kill EQ?" Originally we just thought it was Cripps as he seemed to know everything about him and wanting to assure EQ remains top dog. After some time it became more and more apparent it was Brad based on some PM questions/comments. For example, "Rosetta" constantly talked about how "cool it would be to have a flaming sword" and shit like "if Blizzard would take me too, Alex and I would make the best game to ever be created". Finally the nail in the coffin, per say, was when this Rosetta started (after Brad left on his own) bringing up Vanguard constantly and doing "her" best to advertise it at the exact same times that Brad was making forum post after forum post about the same thing. Hell, they even used the same phrases.

That is just a small taste as I have several briefs to take care of but, suffice to say, Brad was weird and acted very obsessed about many things.
please, please, please swing by the Pantheon thread for more Brad lols


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah man, FoH was totally 100% legit and perfect angels.

Please, if you honestly think they(and every other high end raiding guild) werent showeqing it up and using every exploit they knew I have a bridge I want to sell you.
Exploit early, exploit often. Simple bug testing really. If others were too stupid to figure it out, not your problem.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah man, FoH was totally 100% legit and perfect angels.

Please, if you honestly think they(and every other high end raiding guild) werent showeqing it up and using every exploit they knew I have a bridge I want to sell you.
BP hit the nail on the head. Wall hacks, ShowEQ, MacroQuest, Rez bug, etc. But I cant dismiss either of them, cause really, some people really thought everyone was a perfect snowflake. When Officers and the clique were the only ones that knew and did everything. (Though, the wall hack is a little hard to disguise)

I cant believe some of you arent more annoyed at the fact that the "I KNOW FUROR AND I SUCKED HIS DICK" posts keep showing up. The only WoW guild I joined from this community is James guild and I had a lot of fun in that one. Wish he was still a part of the community, even if he was gay. That guild had several forum users in it that had nothing to do with the EQ FoH, though.


Vyemm Raider
MQ warping type shit didn't hit its height until post-POP I thought anyway. ShowEQ only let you see data, not manipulate it. At any rate, I can't think of any scenario where any active hacks were being used.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, the really active hack stuff with MQ was the post WoW era. Lots of people got banned in late GOD and Dragons of Norrath time.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Well, it is the truth. Nobody is denying it's cheating, but it does only give you information. It doesn't do anything to the actual game.
ShowEQ wasnt the only game in town back in the day.

Either way its just hilarious and only noteworthy because some here have the "we didnt cheat or abuse exploits, we were just that good!" mentality when its more than obvious how rampant cheating and exploiting was in EQ, especially at the high end.


Musty Nester
SEQ and packetsniffers were still upheld as cheating by the vast majority. Yea, nowadays it's lul... wtf? But you gotta remember how a lot of us were coming out of PK muds where stuff like SEQ really -was- cheating. And it was rampant to the point of institutional among MUD admins. And our guilds were formed in great numbers by those who -detested- that aspect of muds. I know we had a hard and fast rule that we booted anyone we could confirm was using it.

Yes. It's insane. It was EQ. We had that rule and enforced it twice when a guy was just obviously stupid. Even so, I'm pretty sure we had at least 3-4 out of our 42 guys that were using it and were smart enough to be coy about it. And we really did mean it... don't cheat. If you can't do it honest, go join some other guild.

Stupid and insane... but that was EQ.


Trakanon Raider
EQ2 drama of FoH was some great memories. Having do DT b/c the guild leader "GF" alts need gear. I wanted to bash my brains in so many times we had to do that stupid ass zone.
Oh yeah swing are e-dicks in EFP docks showing off are prismatic weapons i can't believe that shit was 10 years ago December. Oh yeah how can i forget the Triton bitching at the eq devs b/c someone started triton on permafrost. good shit


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Everyone used their tricks. Before SEQ, you had the broken game code itself.

/guildinvite Trakanon_01
"Player not found in zone" = Trak not up
"You can only invite player characters to your guild" = Trak up! Move your asses!


Millie's Staff Member
there is an entire thread devoted to "sploits" on this board, no reason to rehash them all. i will just say that sometimes you had no choice to think outside of the box because shit was broken or you didnt have ten hours to untangle horrible yard trash that was in your way. at some point you have to ask yourself, what exactly is cheating. is it cheating when you have a mob with an AE spell and you hide everyone behind a wall ? is it cheating when you have a mob that fluxes the raid and so to counter it people get to a high point so they dont take falling damage? is it cheating when you time a mob's "special ability" and have your people run in and do damage and thn run out right before it fires off again? is it cheating to use your epic to continually rez in your dead to keep a fight going? is it cheating when you have a class with feign death blurring mobs so you can achieve single pulls?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Everyone used their tricks. Before SEQ, you had the broken game code itself.

/guildinvite Trakanon_01
"Player not found in zone" = Trak not up
"You can only invite player characters to your guild" = Trak up! Move your asses!
lol I had forgotten about that one. You could dive down into the Moat and just do /target Trak and it would work too. I dont even know what to classify stuff like that, though. Mechanics? Cheating? fuck if I know.

MacroQuest may have hit its heights after I left, but warping across Dreadlands to get to any whichever fucking Dragon that was up wasnt uncommon. ShowEQ at one point showed you the loot that was actually on the mobs. Oh Snap~ Dracoliche Pop! Nevermind, Staff of Undead and our 30th Monsoon. Too me, thats cheating? Hell, being able to walk from the entrance of hate at full spawn to Maestro's room was a piece of cake with ShowEQ - Thats a hell of a feat w/o ShowEQ, but is it cheating just knowing where mobs are going/patrolling and when to stop/run?

FoH used the wall hack to do some of ToV - people had ShowEQ, people used warping tools etc. You're just deluded if you really thought it was all rainbows and butterflies. Fuckin' Popeye's is the Shit!


Bronze Squire
IMO the part of ShowEQ that gives you the loot information isn't cheating. The rest of it...ehhh, starts to get a little blurry then but shit was so unknown back then compared to all the information available today so opinions will vary.


The only "hack" I can remember resulted in the ban (which led to a massive rant of epic proportions from him - too bad nobody has a copy) of Kalaran and (if memory serves) it had to do with a dup'ing items hack between the zone near North Karana. On that note:

Everquest 1 Music - Karana - YouTube


Blackwing Lair Raider
The only "hack" I can remember resulted in the ban (which led to a massive rant of epic proportions from him - too bad nobody has a copy) of Kalaran and (if memory serves) it had to do with a dup'ing items hack between the zone near North Karana. On that note:

Everquest 1 Music - Karana - YouTube
No, someone gave us a program which allowed you to trade no drop items to characters. We used it and he moved alot of gear from the plane of fear to other characters. I did the same, I loaded up a level one paladin among other characters. The program wasn't detectable but a GM noticed the items on his characters and he was banned within 72 hours on all accounts. This is how he lost Kalaran and Kartak. He then made Furor. As far as I know only me, Furor, and maybe 1 other person used this program. Once I found out he was banned I deleted those characters and never got in trouble.


<Silver Donator>
EQ had the best damn music.

Edit because i just noticed that was Elderan that posted that. Swear to god dude every time I "THINK" of death touches I remember your ass getting DT'd way up on a chain in Plane of Sky.