Fires of Heaven - The good, the bad, and the whatever else.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
I'll echo some ones sentiment that in our guild ( The Order of the Scattered Wind - Bertoxx ) we were always hyper critical of people "coming from FoH". They never panned out.


Trakanon Raider
Viscidious was a soul crushing retard check. I don't recall why exactly but Visc was much harder for horde guilds and not many downed him during the AQ era.
It must have been the extra frost damage from Shaman, and also that Poison Cleansing Totem from Shaman that made it a much harder fight.

Oh, wait. What?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Briefly stated (I am in the middle of some work I took home but will elaborate later tonight/tomorrow):

1) If you weren't around back then this may not seem like a big deal on its face but Brad would, constantly (and I do mean constantly) make posts asking our opinions about him leaving his company, asking if we wanted to "team up" to create a game with him, hell there was one time he responded to a rickshaw post (seemingly wasted on something based on how he was writing - I really wish someone had a copy of this particular one) about suicide and how God shelters all from "it". It was weird to say the least.

2) He would just randomly appear on our raids sometimes (and fairly often). In fact, it wasn't only on raids this would happen either. We could be at the vault, on a raid, in a group, fighting mushrooms in lower seb, whatever/wherever, and he would just appear. Often with different armor asking "what do you think? How do I look?" I remember one day I said something like "are you truly that narcissistic that you care what random people whom you stalk think in a video game?" I think it was Alloria with me but, regardless, he didn't show up for days after that and then, after that, is when that whole suicide post took place. I am not saying he was threatening suicide because he wasn't but, at the same time, he was in a way. It's really difficult to put this one into typed words and hopefully someone reads this and recalls it as well. The post was something simple initially where someone made a comment in a joking manner about suicides going to hell (poking fun at religion) and then, all of a sudden, he butts in talking about how "God Shelters all his lost sheep" or some shit like that.

3) When Alex decided to take the job at Blizzard. Things were extremely weird at this point in terms of Brad. He would do his random show up crap but the moment Furor appeared (logged in, etc), he would immediately disappear and would send a weird smiley face message. Something like "duty calls, I have a world to create as only I can
". On it's own this would seem like nothing but then some of us started to talk and we all learned this was happening to nearly all the core members. On top of that, (I cannot prove this) I am one of those who firmly believe (it was a big deal back then) that he would make different forum account names to try to find out information on some of us as in real life names, where we lived, etc. There was one particular forum dweller named "RosettaEQ" or RosettaEQ1 (something similar) who (again, we learned this later when we just were randomly talking - myself and other core members) claimed to be a member of the guild long disappeared (bard named Cripps) and asking for information on Furor and a few others as in their phone numbers, etc and "how can we convince him to not join Blizzard as it will kill EQ?" Originally we just thought it was Cripps as he seemed to know everything about him and wanting to assure EQ remains top dog. After some time it became more and more apparent it was Brad based on some PM questions/comments. For example, "Rosetta" constantly talked about how "cool it would be to have a flaming sword" and shit like "if Blizzard would take me too, Alex and I would make the best game to ever be created". Finally the nail in the coffin, per say, was when this Rosetta started (after Brad left on his own) bringing up Vanguard constantly and doing "her" best to advertise it at the exact same times that Brad was making forum post after forum post about the same thing. Hell, they even used the same phrases.

That is just a small taste as I have several briefs to take care of but, suffice to say, Brad was weird and acted very obsessed about many things.
None of that seems really weird. I mean, he's entitled to post his opinion on issues, even if they are a little off. As far as following you around, everyone wanted to be with the cool kids. I was in a top guild on my server (Silver on Tribunal, back when it was good), and everyone humped our legs. As far as trying to get inside info by making a fake profile, he wouldn't be the first.

Got any more stuff like this? I love hearing about back in the day EQ stuff.


Molten Core Raider
None of that seems really weird. I mean, he's entitled to post his opinion on issues, even if they are a little off. As far as following you around, everyone wanted to be with the cool kids. I was in a top guild on my server (Silver on Tribunal, back when it was good), and everyone humped our legs. As far as trying to get inside info by making a fake profile, he wouldn't be the first.

Got any more stuff like this? I love hearing about back in the day EQ stuff.
Dood, this is incredibly fucking weird behavior from a developer to customers. I mean, seriously, he's ingratiating himself to a bunch of fucking neckbeards clocking 60+ hours a week playing a fucking MMO. No well-adjusted and happy man acts this way. Asking other men what they think of his video game characters ARMOR? Rofl!


Toe Sucker
Bro you know you were jelly seeing those non plate classes running around in full efreeti armor.
Or that super gay human ranger in his green plate armor and gay dragon claws, jk i just wanted to call sean gay~


Bronze Squire
Taloo's version of FoH and what I had always read about FoH are two different entities. One was a fairly upstanding group of folks who just wanted a fair chance at shit and had proven they were above the rank and file. His version looks like petulant children who enjoyed exploits/hacks/gm help and tried to intentionally fuck over everyone else as much as they could.

Color me conflicted by this "revelation."
I assume you are talking about the WoW version and them having internal strife as I know in EQ if you wanted to stay ahead of progression you made sure to down bosses that were of no use to you any more to halt the guilds behind you. This was common practice for all server first guilds. It I still cared about being top I would still want it to be this way. I am no longer that way though so I do prefer the instanced version of things.


Vyemm Raider
Taloo's version of FoH and what I had always read about FoH are two different entities. One was a fairly upstanding group of folks who just wanted a fair chance at shit and had proven they were above the rank and file. His version looks like petulant children who enjoyed exploits/hacks/gm help and tried to intentionally fuck over everyone else as much as they could.

Color me conflicted by this "revelation."
Huh? Where did you get any of this from Taloo's posts about late vanilla to BC?

EQ GMs did nothing but fuck us up the ass for our entire seven year run. Our guild was nearly disbanded because after waiting with a full raid force OVER SIX HOURS (giants respawned) for a conglomerate of guilds to gather more and more people in front of nagafen, we charged in after their horrible wipe only to find that nagafen hadn't fully reset (bind rushers/pets.) We were promptly kicked from the zone and lectured like children. With today's rules we would have had zero obligation to wait, but back then the ruthless, evil FoH respected the "first to arrive and clear trash" rule rather than the arbitrary "first in force" (who decides what a "force" is?) that they use now.

There are countless more. But the thread was about WoW, where after some strong reps on Onyxia we were told to wrap it up for the week because "reasons." Yes that rumor was true. But we never approached WoW the same way as EQ, because the spirit of competition was completely different. Many of the EQ vets became more interested in PVP than the PVE aspect. People who were solid in EQ just weren't as into WoW, or were outright terrible. And with Furor (and many of the rest of us) having an actual job, our raiding hours were way down. Hell I was a total flake because with a day job I decided I liked sleep better than playing games and our raid start times kept getting pushed later and later. I also hated the first few classes I tried until I landed on rogue - the problem being we had an army of them, and way too many melee overall. I just never found my place in FoH WoW. I was never comfortable the way I am now with my hunter pug bitch.

FoH mainly died because we just stopped recruiting and settled for whoever bothered to log on. With 15 million fucking players, it was a hell of a thing to adapt to - recruits were complete strangers rather than friends of friends. You have to model after a corporate HR process for fuck's sake. We just didn't adapt, for whatever reasons. The thing is, Furor WAS Fires of Heaven, and with him barely around, the guild was on life support for years.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
Taloo.. I remember your ass from Avarice. What a drama piece of shit you were those days. love always.. bloodshot (not ej bloodshot).

HI littles! Smooch.
Holy shit... If you hadn't said you were Bloodshot, I'd not have known. More people still around from Avarice than I thought.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Huh? Where did you get any of this from Taloo's posts about late vanilla to BC?

EQ GMs did nothing but fuck us up the ass for our entire seven year run. Our guild was nearly disbanded because after waiting with a full raid force OVER SIX HOURS (giants respawned) for a conglomerate of guilds to gather more and more people in front of nagafen, we charged in after their horrible wipe only to find that nagafen hadn't fully reset (bind rushers/pets.) We were promptly kicked from the zone and lectured like children. With today's rules we would have had zero obligation to wait, but back then the ruthless, evil FoH respected the "first to arrive and clear trash" rule rather than the arbitrary "first in force" (who decides what a "force" is?) that they use now.

There are countless more. But the thread was about WoW, where after some strong reps on Onyxia we were told to wrap it up for the week because "reasons." Yes that rumor was true. But we never approached WoW the same way as EQ, because the spirit of competition was completely different. Many of the EQ vets became more interested in PVP than the PVE aspect. People who were solid in EQ just weren't as into WoW, or were outright terrible. And with Furor (and many of the rest of us) having an actual job, our raiding hours were way down. Hell I was a total flake because with a day job I decided I liked sleep better than playing games and our raid start times kept getting pushed later and later. I also hated the first few classes I tried until I landed on rogue - the problem being we had an army of them, and way too many melee overall. I just never found my place in FoH WoW. I was never comfortable the way I am now with my hunter pug bitch.

FoH mainly died because we just stopped recruiting and settled for whoever bothered to log on. With 15 million fucking players, it was a hell of a thing to adapt to - recruits were complete strangers rather than friends of friends. You have to model after a corporate HR process for fuck's sake. We just didn't adapt, for whatever reasons. The thing is, Furor WAS Fires of Heaven, and with him barely around, the guild was on life support for years.
I miss the days of camping. Maybe I'm a sado masichist, but I miss the camping, whether it was solo, group or raid. Oh the drama that ensued on the jboots, fbss and cleric epic raids! It just felt more real, also, instead of going into an instance where everything was handed to you.

I feel you on WoW. I did have some fun, but at the end of the day, RL took over. When I got a promotion or two on the job, and got married and had kids, play time went down down down.


Vyemm Raider
Isn't Furor coming back to WoW for WoD or that's just a rumor?
No idea. I'm sure he has his own blizz crew that he hangs with these days. Unless they get sick of each other after endless internal raid tests etc and want to go hang with the norms to do it for real.

The last time I saw him in game I accidentally joined his low level crusader's game and killed him when all the mobs leveled up to match. Oops.


Trakanon Raider
No idea. I'm sure he has his own blizz crew that he hangs with these days. Unless they get sick of each other after endless internal raid tests etc and want to go hang with the norms to do it for real.

The last time I saw him in game I accidentally joined his low level crusader's game and killed him when all the mobs leveled up to match. Oops.
I remember someone was talking about it in the Diablo 3 Rerolled chat that he was leveling up a warrior in WoD.