Fires of Heaven - The good, the bad, and the whatever else.


Musty Nester
A good bard really was amazing. A mediocre bard was even pretty good.

It never was that popular of a class. I think that type of player just gravitated to enchanter because... really it was EQ and none of us knew better. You picked a class an 5,000 hours later you wondered if you picked wrong.


Bronze Squire
I would agree with on you on the degree of difficulty of classes but don't forget about wizards kiting/quad kiting either. One mistake and you are 1 shot and I seen a lot of wizards fuck up and me having to kite instead due to their mistakes (not due lag etc). Quad kiting raid shit for AA exp was some of the best exp I ever got outside of the AOE stun groups (don't remember the term used) I use to be a part of.


Mr. Poopybutthole
A good bard really was amazing. A mediocre bard was even pretty good.

It never was that popular of a class. I think that type of player just gravitated to enchanter because... really it was EQ and none of us knew better. You picked a class an 5,000 hours later you wondered if you picked wrong.
I picked bard because I thought that they were "like a warrior, but had spells." Man I was naive back in the day. But it was a fun ride, and I find myself reminiscing about twisting four songs at once. I also remember back when the mentality was that a group needed a chanter, but a bard was optional. I loved hearing them say, ok, we don't need a chanter.

Bard was definitely a class where there was a big difference between the skilled and non skilled. There was a lot more to the class then keeping mana song up at all times, even if groups demanded it. I was actually in groups that got pissed if you did anything else but mana song.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You kind of oversimplify tanking and narrow it to MTing. You probably know that tanking in a group varied quite a bit depending on zone and group makeup, and IMHO offtanking and grabbing adds in raids could be a huge PITA as compared to being a MT and backing into a corner for the duration.

That said, post EQ1 tanking was more difficult, but to be honest that wasn't necessarily a good thing. Not because I or others couldn't do it, but because it's a fucking PITA half the time. I can remember feeling like a fucking bard in EQ1 during Vanilla WoW at times, which made me eat my words from EQ1. During EQ1 I had complained that War abilities were too simplistic, but in WoW the stance dancing and trying to juggle shit was just a pain and I ended up wanting a return towards a more EQ1~ish paradigm. If I wanted to PRASS BUTTONS nonstop like a dervish I'd go play an RTS. Playing GCD whack-a-mole can eat a dick.
Granted it changed later, but for the most part, Hybrid Tanks always picked up adds in a raid so it was never my problem. When I wasnt tanking, I was bored and just tried to keep alive with my HP below 25% so I could make big numbers fly with Crippling Blows. Annoyed the shit out of healers, but I wasnt content with what, in my mind, was shitty DPS at full health. Positioning and being prepared for whatever you're dealing with was very much a large part of playing a Warrior > but in my opinion, once you know that shit, there isnt much skill involved. (not to belittle your opinion of my narrow view)

As far as abilities, you're not alone in that regard. I know plenty of WoW players that despise having to doing a combat rotation. I personally think WoW's combat rotations are just an annoying feature of the game. But Ive found my own fix in that regard.

...and I miss your old Avatar - I didnt realize who I was talking to till I posted this.


Skill in EQ was a weird thing since what that really means depended so much on what your role was. The "real" skill in eq was management, and if you were involved in guild leadership at pretty much any level, you were playing an entirely different game than most people. Your game wasn't auto-attack and doritos. It was recruitment, managing drama, keeping people happy, getting the most out of the people that you had, etc. And really, even though we're all "lol auto-attack", just consider what % of your server's population couldn't even do that right. It's easy enough to say that all you needed was focus and situational awareness, but how many people on your server would you have been comfortable taking along on a really difficult single-group dungeon crawl?

Most of my time ended up being on FV, and with the strange mix of role-players and the plat buyers/sellers (due to the lack of no-drop), it made for a very drama-filled existence. I'm not sure how it was in other places, but since FV had very small number of power-gamers, there were typically only a few guilds trying to raid seriously, and they all had to compete pretty hardcore for the few useful players. It got pretty meta at times with guild leaders/officers hacking rivals forums to stir up drama, secretly buying characters in other guilds just to spy or play (badly) in raids, or just outright buying out key members to hurt their raid capacity or morale.

Oh and if you wanted more to your game that just auto-attacking, charm groups were the best! The things a naked chanter could do with the proper support were amazing. Barring that, you could also keep adding boxes until it got hard to manage. Multiboxing clerics was were a staple of low-manpower raids everywhere I imagine. I know I ran our entire CH chain a few times.


Trakanon Raider
I never ran the -entire- ch chain, but more than once swapped to running 2 clerics after I got the pull in.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
What splock said. If it weren't for recruitment and drama defusing, being a leader or officer in a guild was actually a lot of fun. Fuck the drama, though, especially bored housewife cleric drama.


Parody Account
Fuck the drama, though, especially bored housewife cleric drama.
From my experience most "women" that played EQ were emotional train wrecks that just wanted to spread their own misery. The drama they brought to the game made me hate raiding so much that I switched to being a cleric just so we could start guild kicking the crazy cunts.

EDIT: The one exception to this was a handful of lesbians I've met over the years playing MMOs. I'm not talking about people pretending to be lesbians (guys and girls), but honest lesbians. The ones that I've met and played with were actually pretty solid and drama free. They played hard and kept to themselves.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Anybody got any good guild drama stories? Outing of Manginas was always good. Our guild on test had a combination mangina outing/faked death that was a classic.

The guy played a female cat rogue and pretty much everyone thought it was an actual woman. Apparently he was in some girl-only serverwide private channels and shit as well. He developed a crush on some female in the guild and posted on the board that he was the boyfriend of our "female" guildmate and he had terrible news that he had taken her horseback riding for her birthday and she had fallen off the horse and hit her head and died. He also mentioned that he knew how much the guild meant to her and he was considering playing her characters as a tribute to her and asked that the characters be allowed to remain in the guild. A few members asked about where to send flowers and such which he ignored but unfortunately for him the guild leader lived in the same city that he did and went through the obituaries and such and found nothing that matched the story so he emailed the "boyfriend" and asked for a scan of the death certificate. He got a hilarious photoshop with a huge "SAMPLE" watermark all over it in return and the shit hit the fan. People were super angry because many of them claimed to have shed tears over "her". Obviously he was immediately guildremoved, but a few months later he logged in on the account of an inactive bard and came on our raid pretending to be the bard so he could gate Plane of Tactics Rallos Zek to his bind when he was at 2% health and wipe the raid.

Dude was a pretty good rogue. Topped almost every raid in DPS. Perhaps that should have been a hint that he was not a she but I wouldn't say something sexist like that. Another fine EQ career ruined by pretending to be a woman for some reason.



Dudes that play chicks have issues(or are transgender which in that case is cool)


Trakanon Raider
There was Elfgirl who tried to join foh. Brittney gave me the screencaps from the webcam videos she would do for him, and I added the ones I had and posted it. Someone mentioned Hayley a few pages back. I know there were a few things going on with her and a few dudes in the guild. I am sure someone has pictures or something.


Musty Nester
Our raid leader was a trust fund 20 something that was always using his recruiting position to e-mack on anything pretending to be female. One of the ones we proved was actually a dude... and he went nuts for about a month. Like suicidal rants on /o nuts. So pretty standard EQ guild stuff, honestly.

God the funniest one was a Japanese girl in our guild that would spend the entire time calling us all hardgay gajins and cursing at us. We loved her to death, she was just so full of hate. Good player too. And actually female.

In fact, not to be racist but... all the asians that we had were really good and low drama.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Valhall you had to watch, they were tricky due to having a time advantage at times because weren't they a foreign guild?
Yeah. The majority were swedes, but there were a few players from other countries such as Singapore, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, US and Japan as well.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Valhall were always a class act, though. Great guys to XP with, for sure. The CoE hate on that old poll is mostly due to Leyor's love of stirring up drama, which I did not fully appreciate until I was in his guild for the last six months of my EQ tenure. We used to have a lot of JPN#1 guilds on Veeshan, but I think the bulk of them migrated. Ted Club was the best guild name ever and I remember XPing with some of them and trying to explain to them why everyone thought their name was so damn hilarious.

Anyhow, from the outside looking in, the best FOH drama by far were the various attempts made by CT to catch up to them during Velious. There were a lot of guilds kind of in the same general area of progression at that point, with FOH pretty much beelining straight for NTOV ahead of everyone else, so there was a lot of drama at that point.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
My first character in EQ was a female half-elf. After a few days of being referred to as "darling", "sweetie", etc I changed to a male gnome Necro. F'ing virgins.


I made a human female paladin named Fembot and begged in nfreeport #shameless got a full set of bronze and never looked back.

Those were the days.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Back when /consent would let you loot other people's corpses, I would send people tells when I found a random corpse of theirs laying around and ask if I could have the loot on it. Lowbies gotta' survive, nawmean?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Back when /consent would let you loot other people's corpses, I would send people tells when I found a random corpse of theirs laying around and ask if I could have the loot on it. Lowbies gotta' survive, nawmean?
That was my first experience being a dick to someone in EverQuest. Consent me man! Ill pull you to safety!!!
