Fondest memories of gaming (non-MMO)


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
C64:Beating Ghost n Goblins one day on Commodore 64 when I was 9 or 10. Dad came home and didn't believe me and I was able to do it again on first play try. First time I ever remember my dad being blown away by something I had done. Knowing now hard hard that game is, I'm kind of impressed by it too. Lots of C64 memories with dad. Temple of Asphai, Pool of Radiance, Archon, Pole Position, Beachhead...good times.

NES:Playing Dragon Warrior for months on end. Saving up money for a couple months to by Final Fantasy on NES for $42. Beating Battletoads. All nighters with cousins, drinking Jolt Cola all night playing Ice Hockey, Punch Out, Adventure Island, Mario 2 and so many more.

SNES:Being blown away by the graphics at the time. Hours upon hours with Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy's, Chrono many good RPGs with my buddy Tuyen. Still friends with him, still talk about our gaming days back then...great nostalgia.

Playstation:Teenaged drug and alcohol fused all-nighters. Vigilante 8, Jet Moto 2, Tony Hawk Pro skater. Many good RPGs...Final Fantasy Tactics.

Playstation 2 / XBOX:So many games! Modded xbox MAME parties were a blast.

Xbox 360/PS3:Online Halo all-nighters. Massive game variety. Culdcept Saga binges. Disgaea fun. Gears of War campaign duo's with good friends.

PC:Has been there since the c64, 386 days. Too many memories to even count...single player, LAN, taking turns with dad/friends, MMO's. Main form of gaming nowadays.


Bronze Baron of the Realm


Silver Knight of the Realm
Christmas morning of '93 -- a Super Nintendo under the tree, with Super Mario World and Super Mario Kart alongside.

Pokemon. Everything involving Pokemon. (Red & Blue)

Sleepovers with my friends; staying up 'til dawn playing Super Smash Bros and Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball.

Finishing Xenogears.

Lazy days in college, getting baked with my friends and playing Geometry Wars, Gears of War and Paperboy for endless hours.

Inorite! I still keep a taped up wiffle bat ready at all times during the nice seasons of the year. You never know when you'll burst into a spontaneous game of wiffle ball!
I love wiffle ball so goddamn much. It's the sport of kings.

I got really baked one hot summer day and made a video of me throwing a wiffle ball. I put it up on YouTube. It now has 50,000 views lol


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Beating the helicopter mission for Pilotwings and landing successfully at the end.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Beating Battletoads? Now we know you are full of B.S.
Haha I know. It's my personal best gaming achievement ever, I don't know anyone else that beat it. I played that game SO much. The hardest part was the stage going down through pipes with a ball or something chasing you. Ridiculous.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Turtles in Time on Super Nintendo.

Some game I used to play on our first computer, crashed on a random island and you had to side scroll through certain areas finding clues and type commands into a little CLI on the bottom. You'd say shit like "Open Door" and you'd get a smartass response from the fucker who never did anything you said.


Molten Core Raider
Few highlights over the last 27 years (playing since I was 5)

- FF3 for SNE; the early seen with Tera and the malachite etc then shortly followed by FF3's opera scene. I'll never forget those until the day I die.

- FFT; working so hard to get the most super elite fighting team with all the best job abilities etc and then fighting the ending boss and crying at how easy he was

- FFT; me reading about the game and not being familiar with computers or anything really but sending money to get the game "3 months" before US had it available. I waited every day like it was my secret decoder ring coming in the mail and when it finally came I go to play and its in fucking Japanese and WORSE it wouldn't let me actually get passed the title screen. I was so devasted, I had saved up for that game working my ass off

- Infiltrator for the NES; first level (at least as a kid) may have been the hardest experience of any game I have ever had. First level was a flight sim in a helicopter basically and oh god...battle toads speed racer? No problem what so ever; infiltrator? Almost made me quit gaming before I started...was my first game for the NES basically.

- Killer Instict; SNES...first and second controller I have ever broke on a gaming system. Hardest difficulty last boss (had multiple heads and shot fire); I had SOOO many times I had him 99% dead and lost because you had to play just pure perfection. I finally beat it with my go to player which was Orchird (sp). I've never been so happy to not play a game again. So much rage as a teenager....

- Tactics Ogre (PS1) - I had over a 120 hours into that game; I was working 80 hours a week that summer and had TWO full days off the whole summer so basically any free time was lifting for football or playing TO. I came home one day and my brother was mad because I had grounded him from my PS1 for a week for being a little shit (I had bougth with my own money so I could!)...well he showed me by deleting my saved game. Oh the carnage....

- Double Dragon (NES?); There was a secret invisible guy you could beat with a baseball bat and get leveled up a shit ton. Was always such a fun game

- Operation Wolf (NES; think that was the name) Was like the arcade game that had the gun but was way harder on NES. It was one of about 3 games I ever played with my dad growing up.

- NBA Live (1999 maybe?) - I was so big into stats I'd literally play max length games and do a full season and I'd cheat by playing some games against myself on the other remote. I'd get like 50 blocks in a game by timing it with two controllers (I'd have one on the ground with my feet haha). David Robinson averaged a Penta-Double on my team yes some how didn't get MVP.....I quit the game on the spot.

- And the last memory which isn't anything special but will never leave my mind for some reason is FF1 after you kill the pirates and go over to the elf town on their boat. You get to buy Fire II (or was it 3) but everything is so expensive. You get Ogre's that give mass amounts of gold and exp compared to previously but they were ass rape and god forbid if you went to far away from town you got a green ogre with 3 over period. I farmed ogres forever and hadn't saved in town and got wiped and about cried. I guess that was were it all started for me as far as trying to pick the best team combo's and wanting to work hard for progression etc. Its funny it really helped define me to this day....long grinding hardwork sessions sacrificing the short term to succeed in the long term and always trying to maximize (I do a lot of Six Sigma and similar approaches in the department I run). I owe it all to FF1!

So many more memories but those were all the random ones. Notice everything is from my younger years? Partially because MMO's consumed what little free time I had later on and I just didn't get the same enjoyment from newer games. The only exception was Disgaea. I was a college football player and at the end of my Junior year I had to get a back fusion that ended my career and was a huge life changing event for someone who had played sports year around from age 5 on. I was so depressed coming out of the surgery they took me off the morphine because they thought it was having bad effects. The only thing that kept me going was Disgaea; I tore into it with such a competitive nature and the game was perfect and consumed so many sleepless nights worth of time trying to level and maximize characeters etc. Its 1 of maybe 3 game series I buy period in the last 5 -7 years for console.
Ordering shitty pizza and playing super smash bros brawl with my friends in college.

Beating ikaruga on hard mode after 4 months of playing everyday.

Beating ruby and emerald weapons in ffiv



I still remember to this day the first time I beat Gary in the finals of Pokemon blue.

All of my Pokemon were dead except for my level 25 haunter. He was using whatever his last one was, I think it was a blastoise. For some reason, I was able to keep him hypnotized and used dream eater to slowly wittle away his health. Yes, my level 25 haunter won me the game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I still remember to this day the first time I beat Gary in the finals of Pokemon blue.

All of my Pokemon were dead except for my level 25 haunter. He was using whatever his last one was, I think it was a blastoise. For some reason, I was able to keep him hypnotized and used dream eater to slowly wittle away his health. Yes, my level 25 haunter won me the game.
Man the elite 4 have gotten so much tougher. I remember last time I played the remake of the original, I was able to clear the elite 4 with a single Dragonite. When I played Pokemon Black, I got my shit absolutely pushed in by the elite 4 and had to spend a substantial amount of time grinding and fixing my team to be able to beat them without using tons of rezzes to cheap my way through.


<Gold Donor>
I have many but one that comes to mind is from playing Mario 64 and figuring out where the last star was. When you walk in that main Castle or whatever and you look up at the sunlight it ported you, that was cool after searching elsewhere.



<Silver Donator>
With the exception of being able to do most fatalities in Mortal Kombat on sega, all of my "fond memories" are from mostly newer games.

Halo - The only time I've ever done a LAN party. We had 3 Halo LAN/Drinking parties, 2 of which were put on by our Lt. It was supposed to be this big secret that he was hanging out and drinking with us, but about 30 people from our flight showed up. We did 4vs12(I think, it might have been 4vs8) capture the flag and fucking dominated. My friend's 9 year old son kept sitting on the floor between my legs and creeping me out, so everytime I got shot, I'd "accidentally" drop my controller on his head. He finally moved after about 6 of those.

America's Army - Playing with my friend who was on the other side of the dorm. We didn't have headsets, so we put belts on our heads and put our cell phones in between the belt and our ears. We'd spend fucking hours trying to get across the bridge.

Everquest - Hitting 20 for the first time on my Iksar and being able to choose a surname. Also, Soloing in pauludal caverns on my beastlord. I'd never had a toon that could solo before. At higher levels, I made it balls-deep soloing in some lvl55ish dungeon. It was somewhere in the mountains in Kunark, can't remember the name.

WoW - PvP in stranglethorn during Vanilla....back when wow was still fun

SWKOTOR - Not a fond memory, but the biggest moment that hit me right in the feels. Accidentally making the wookie kill that one chick. Oops.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Battlefield 1942 hands down.

Coral Sea; A new map released in a patch that had a aircraft carrier on each team that spawned infinite planes on a 5-10 second timer once one took off. The thing is with the aircraft carrier being the only spawn point for both teams, they ended up being super crowded since it was 32v32 game. What I would do is I would take off in a plane, then turn around and fly into the deck of the aircraft carrier, were usually there would be 15-20 guys just standing around all trying to jump into the next spawning plane. Usually when I crashed into the deck I would take out 2-3 people at a time. Sometimes planes taking off would try to avoid me by turning off the carrier right away but they would just fall into the ocean and blow up. I remember one particular time I did this when the round was over I had around 50 team kills(lol no auto kick).

Battle of Britian; Similar map to coral sea in that it was based around airplanes. Difference is that you started at an airfield, and these airfields had a few jeeps on them for some reason. I would play with my brother and a friend of ours and what we would do is load up into the jeep and ram into planes trying to take off. That in itself was hilarious but what made it even better was that the game always thought the guy in the plane teamkilled us in the jeep. So what would happen is as soon as we collided and the server thought the pilot TKd us, it would instantly kick him for having 3 TKs since that was the default auto kick setting. Also fun was loading up a plane with 4 guys in flying out of bounds and getting everyone killed.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Tournament setting: Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

It's nearly impossible to describe complex maneuvers in an FPS, especially one so old and where people don't know the maps anymore. But I just remember my whole team getting smeared early on. I was trapped in the lower level of a blown out 2 story building. It was me vs 7 dudes. I ducked and jived, jived and ducked and swayed and picked them off one by one. It was uber as hell, trust me.
I remember some pretty epic matches in MOHAA. There was one clan match where my whole squad died and it was me against 4 guys. That game had maps with some insane hiding spots for snipers ( not even counting sniper town ) I just sat in a corner picking them off. Took about 10 minutes but felt pretty good in the end.

Other memories - playing neuromancer on a c64, thought it was so cool.

Walking into an arcade in Times Square back when arcades were more of a thing - place was packing with crowds around the MK and SSFA machines.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Super Mario World & Super Mario Kart on SNES. I have 2 older brothers, and we never had a SNES, we owned NES and Genesis. My oldest brother's friend had an SNES and whenever he would come over he'd bring his SNES and that's all me and my other brother would do. Play SMW and SMK all day long, until my brother & his friend got back and kicked us off. Super Mario Kart is such a blast of a game and really got me hooked on other racing games.

SEGA - Sonic 2. Best Game Ever! I played that game so many damn hours of my childhood. Nothing better then getting to Casino Night zone and just spending the entire time gambling. (weird cuz I don't gamble much as an adult) It was great too because we never actually had the Sega console, we had a Nomad (the handheld one) and try playing on the Nomad with Game Genie + Sonic & Knuckles cartridge + Sonic 2. One tiny mistake, the tower shifts a bit and the game freezes lol.

Playstation - FF7. This game, I can go play it right now and would still enjoy it and get drug into the story again. The characters, the story, the graphics at the time, so good. My best friend had the game before I did, so I basically had a lot of it spoiled to me, but still it was so amazing playing it the first time. Hell, one time I had to go to my friends house so I could catch the school bus with him and he had to show me this really sweet cutscene (aeris scene at end of disc 1) and we missed the school bus because we were both so enthralled into it lol. His mom was pissssed when we had to wake her up and explain why and how we missed the bus. I was even the first of my friends that legitimately beat both Emerald and Ruby weapons. fk yea!

PC - Counter Strike & Starcraft Brood War. Those 2 games sucked up my entire middle school & high school life.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Civ 1 on my Amiga 500, easily.

I got two games for Christmas that year (very early 90's), the other being Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. I was very much into Lucas Arts adventures at the time, and was hyped about getting that one. I figured I try out Civ first (which I wasn't too sure about), and leave the other game for dessert. I really never even got around to it. I tried to give Indy a shot here and there, but really all I wanted to do was Civ.

At that point, no matter what I was did, it made me want to Civ. I'd read the Civ strategy guide and want to go implement all the tactics they talked about. I'd read a novel about a fictitious Incan emperor and I'd want to go create that guy's empire in Civ. I'd watch a history channel show about Egypt and of course I wanted to Civ. I watched "Das Boot" in history class and I was determined to go Civ until I had the greatest sub fleet and naval battles ever seen. etc. etc. The only thing that was finally able to break my Civ thirst for a long run of years was EQ.