Fortnite - Epic Games - Team Survival/Strategy/Crafting/Combat


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nice, I love them too but often don't keep them over smg. I am 1.5 levels away, might get it tomorrow with the xp from challenges

I just wish I was better at this game. Some days I do well and then days like yesterday where everything goes wrong... been doing ok today though. 3.8 KD today, 1.4 yesterday.


Molten Core Raider
easiest set of challenges out of the whole lot!

Chests weren't too bad, there's one on the car just south west of the junkyard no one goes for, and another in the statue


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nice, gotta knock them out and get 80 today.

Here's a timestamp of a full game that I thought was funny as hell.
I didn't win... karma's a bitch....
Beginning was most fun, but ending was classic and made me laugh. Had to stop for the night after this.
Got 79 off it though.

11 kills:

3 trap kills
3 Thermal scope kills (one @ 227m)
1 C4 kill
1 AR kill
3 Shotgun kills

  • 1Like
Reactions: 1 user


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
For as big as this game is, not many here seem to play the game. Buncha old farts that can't keep up with gunplay+building I guess!

Anyway, the lead-up to Season 5 is pretty cool so far...

Epic has created an ARG to bring in Season 5:

Reddit Threads on recent Developments (Spoiler for size):

Most common assessment is that the map is going to have a bunch of new locations from different times.. the Rocket Launch opened up a Time Rift and we have artifacts from the past popping into the world, currently a Viking Anchor and a Carriage from the Old West.

The crack in the sky keeps getting bigger, maybe the entire world is transported. Maybe they introduce a new map entirely.
The current map isn't going to completely change as there is a video competition by EPIC to create a video using the Season 4 Heros, winning submission will be played on Risky Reels movie screen (which is currently damaged).

So another assumption is Risky Reels will be repaired, maybe it is a past version of itself when the Drive-In was popular.

Also a bunch of locations have had Anomalies pop-up and take signage:
Lonely Lodge
Noms (Retail Row)
Durr Burger
Tomato Town

We're expecting that maybe all of these places will be transported to a past-self. A time before the Motel was decrepit, maybe Tomato Town is a future self where it is a bigger town/city. Lonely Lodge maybe not so lonely... etc.

Season 5 is Thursday.

I'm hyped. Season 4 went so fast.

Regarding balance & other things: I feel the game is in a pretty good spot right now. Gunplay is very balanced. You rarely see the Double-Shotgun strat now. SMGs are viable. Almost everything seems useful... The Pump might be the worst gun to have now. I'm always looking for a Tact/Heavy to replace my pump(s).

Drum Gun is used a lot too.

After playing over 1,200 matches in Season 4, I've accrued 20 solo wins and have come to realize a couple things:
  • There's a ton of players much better than I, in every game.
  • It would be contentious, but I'm almost wishing Epic would add MMR rating to their matchmaking.
  • Learning the game is so daunting, players have advanced so much with their play, new players are going to have a shit time.
  • I'd rather be some low-rated player playing against other low rated players, games would feel more fair, instead of feeling like I'm always against Ninja, and could possibly slowly improve due to gameplay being a little slower if against equal rated players.
  • Not being matched with people of all ratings means losing that feeling that the world is truly dangerous
  • never having the opportunity to fight a top-500 player
  • FortNite Fridays wouldn't be as good (probably). Players would have much less kills, couldnt be as aggressive
  • Might learn slower, or not at all, if you never experience the "good" players.
  • Wins mean less, rank means more, more e-peen stroking by kiddies.
  • Winning would feel less special, right now a win feels amazing.

So yea, overall I think MMR matchmaking needs to come to help new players, but there are certainly some cons with it. I also think it would stop (some) camping. It's pretty crazy how far the game has come and how advanced players have become. Sometimes I run across the bad player, usually they land outside populated areas, or get killed off quickly in the populated spots, so running across build & gunplay experts is much more common if you last past the 5min mark.

Personally I've improved a ton in the 2.5 months and maybe will still improve, but it's a hard game and I don't have the time, nor young age, to keep up with most of the kids in this game.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I think bringing MMR to the game would ruin it, especially for squad play. I don't see why anyway the cons don't outweigh the pros of it for this game, just keep adding cool features. It's fun as is.


Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
I think most of the more competitive FPS guys here dislike both the building and third person perspective - though I can’t imagine trying to build in this game in first person.

I like the game, but have been playing other stuff more because I tend to get fed up with their hit registration.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Season 5:

Season 5
v5.0 Patch Notes


No more double-shotty:
  • After firing a shotgun, another shotgun cannot be fired for a very short time.

All Terrain Kart (ATK)
  • The new All Terrain Kart (ATK) has room for your entire squad.
  • Get a speed boost after drifting.
  • The roof acts as a bounce pad.
  • Work together as rear passengers to leap over obstacles with the All Terrain Kart (ATK). Lean back and release at the same time for a higher jump.
    • Lean back by holding S on keyboards or holding back on the thumbstick for controllers.
Last edited:


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Emotes let you play golf, basketball... the racetrack (GUS) has a countdown & records how fast you make it around the track (using a kart).

Here's a golf clip:


My initial reactions (Havent played yet, just watched streams):

The new areas look nice, I love map updates,
New rifts seem cool (they put you in the air and let you glide again)
All terrain kart is awesome
The hit register for shotguns is awesome
No more double-shotty is awesome

I am disappointed the map didn't change Tomato Town or Loot lake. The giant stadium in top left was removed and nothing replaced it.

I am hopeful that the "Worlds Collide" theme will be ongoing throughout Season 5 and they'll introduce new Biomes every couple weeks. There is rumor that an arctic theme will be in the top left map where the Stadium disappeared.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Been playing shooting games online since AOL had me run around and shoot people in the face as a wizard, forgot the games name. Third person shooting sux dick, no thanks.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just played and won first game in new season and then servers crash and Im in a 25min queue to get back in lol.

Hope the win counts.

Seems like all the baddies are playing again, wasn't too hard of a win.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The Win didn't count, really sucks.

Played with Faille for the past couple hrs, didnt realize we're on completely opposite sides of the world, Faille had 300+ ping, I didn't realize till we switched group leader, lol... shit was unplayable. We had some decent games and some bad ones, fun checking out the new map though.


All labs matter!
The Win didn't count, really sucks.

Played with Faille for the past couple hrs, didnt realize we're on completely opposite sides of the world, Faille had 300+ ping, I didn't realize till we switched group leader, lol... shit was unplayable. We had some decent games and some bad ones, fun checking out the new map though.

I haven’t seen anything yet but Epic’s servers were shit last night. In BR and SW I couldn’t get anything done. I give them credit as this hasn’t happened often.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The jeeps are nice but I wonder if they are going to keep their speed as it is. It feels weird being able to blow through the map in a short period of time, especially if you are no where near the circle. I played a little last night and it's obviously there are a lot of new(er) players, was able to get some easy kills and I don't consider myself very good.