

0.00 star(s) Rating: 0.00/5 0 Votes
Title: Fringe

Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama, Mystery

First aired: 2008-09-09

Creator: J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci

Cast: Anna Torv, Jasika Nicole, Joshua Jackson, John Noble

Overview: FBI Special Agent Olivia Dunham, brilliant but formerly institutionalized scientist Walter Bishop and his scheming, reluctant son Peter uncover a deadly mystery involving a series of unbelievable events and realize they may be a part of a larger, more disturbing pattern that blurs the line between science fiction and technology.


Kind of a filler ep tonight, got to see Olivia kicking ass was the highlight.

Only 5 episodes left.

Kinda sucks that they did away with Observer Peter, he was pimp.






Trakanon Raider
Kinda sucks that they did away with Observer Peter, he was pimp.
To be honest, I'm not seeing a huge downside for the power - what are the odds that they can't find someone in the resistance that is willing to trade emotions for mind reading, bullet dodging, teleportation and the ability to see and manipulate the future. Especially when it's demonstrated that they can use it for a while and then remove it - hell, get a queue going and trade off if they want to stay emotional ;p
So Donald is September, I don't see how that furthers my understanding of the plan. All I needed to know is that the boy was a genetic mutation and has the ability to transfer memories/thoughts to other people.


Vyemm Raider
So Donald is September, I don't see how that furthers my understanding of the plan. All I needed to know is that the boy was a genetic mutation and has the ability to transfer memories/thoughts to other people.
Seemed pretty obvious to me. Donald is September, but with hair, and he's smiling. Boy is a mutation, boy cries when he sees that Nina is dead. Observers don't feel emotion. Plan to defeat the Observers must involve somehow reverting them back to human.


<Gold Donor>
Seemed pretty obvious to me. Donald is September, but with hair, and he's smiling. Boy is a mutation, boy cries when he sees that Nina is dead. Observers don't feel emotion. Plan to defeat the Observers must involve somehow reverting them back to human.
In theory you shouldn't be able to, because Peter was supposedly in jeopardy of having that portion of his brain completely remade so the logic part had room. However, assuming they don't give a shit about that fact (which I don't doubt because obviously they did it to September, so your theory has a lot of merit), it would be easy peasy. Just upload a virus via your Macbook to all the implants and short circuit them. Bam, emotions again!

Seriously though, I've got no idea. For all I know it will involve time travel somehow...which actually makes a lot more sense than changing the structure of their brain yet again. And they've got to do something with all those components they collected for the big plan, so it could be pretty much anything. I'd like to see the hot daughter again too (naked if possible).


Molten Core Raider
Windmark showed emotion when he said Nina and the rebels were animals for experimenting on the captured Observers.


Yeah Donald's identity was somewhat obvious, it had to be someone they knew since they were keeping it so close to the vest... I don't like how they nerfed the observers though... From the beginning it was explained that they see time as fluid, and they have been shown in the past episodes to appear where they please in time, hell even Observer Peter was raping shit like this ... so why didn't the Observers just go back 20 minutes before Nina left her office and just stop here there?

I understand with the show being on the verge of cancellation for several years they sometimes write shit they have to retcon and time travel powers in general are hard to deal with without creating massive plot holes (*ahem* Heroes) so I'm just being nitpicky cause I love this show. Sigh just 3 more episodes


Avatar of War Slayer
really not enjoying this season.
on the observers powers i just figured i missed something about them being limited but on the one where they tracked Observer Peter down, he said all we needed was a starting point (the briefcase) then have to wonder why they are not using those powers to figure everything else out.


FPS noob
yeah the whole season is just random shit happening without much rhyme or reason, selectively picking stuff from season 1-3 and ignoring stuff that would contradict things going on. I'll reserve final judgement until the finale, but I do hope they explain the following things

- why the fuck did the Observers pick 2016 as the invasion point, instead of way way way back further. For a race of Spocks, I can't figure out why they left a "planet that was dying" (Septs words) to only go back 600 years. Also why did they pick "our" Universe instead of RedVerse or any other one?

- what the fuck is up with the more peaceful scientist Observers of s1-3, vs the military version we see now. I am sure they will give an answer to this.

- so... Olivia and Cortexifan... big part of s1-4, all wrapped up? The "she was a battery and now she is drained" explanation is retarded.

I really, really hope we see an episode where they time travel forward to the future to see the Observers "at home", maybe see Observer factions or something which would explain a lot more. I'm pretty sure the finale is going to involve time travel and resetting everything so basically they go back to 2012/2013, stop the invasion before it even happens, and everyone lives happily ever after including a young Etta. Maybe Walter and September sacrifice themselves to make it happen.


yeah the whole season is just random shit happening without much rhyme or reason, selectively picking stuff from season 1-3 and ignoring stuff that would contradict things going on. I'll reserve final judgement until the finale, but I do hope they explain the following things

- why the fuck did the Observers pick 2016 as the invasion point, instead of way way way back further. For a race of Spocks, I can't figure out why they left a "planet that was dying" (Septs words) to only go back 600 years. Also why did they pick "our" Universe instead of RedVerse or any other one?

- what the fuck is up with the more peaceful scientist Observers of s1-3, vs the military version we see now. I am sure they will give an answer to this.

- so... Olivia and Cortexifan... big part of s1-4, all wrapped up? The "she was a battery and now she is drained" explanation is retarded.

I really, really hope we see an episode where they time travel forward to the future to see the Observers "at home", maybe see Observer factions or something which would explain a lot more. I'm pretty sure the finale is going to involve time travel and resetting everything so basically they go back to 2012/2013, stop the invasion before it even happens, and everyone lives happily ever after including a young Etta. Maybe Walter and September sacrifice themselves to make it happen.
From what I gather is that the observers that are attacking now are from even further into the future than September. He explained that the Observers were merely a group of scientists who wanted to see shit for themselves, etc and that could have been the case but fast forward say 50-100 years from when September and the scientists became observers, the world could have turned to shit due to war or whatever other human bullshit so someone gets the bright idea to use that tech to go back in time to before the planet was fucked up and they take the scientists tech and use it on military personnel, get a nice army together of evil observers and go back in time to conquer.

But like you said they selectively pick observer powers when it fits with the plot and then ignore shit that would completely negate that episodes plot. Yeah as much as I don't like it, the Cortexifan deal is all wrapped up due to her using the last bit to rez herself, pretty gay but whatever guess they had to wrap it up somehow.

No clue why the hell they picked 2016 really, maybe the scientist observers or September somehow convinced them that that would be the best year to invade, while secretly knowing that it would be the best time for the observers to be repelled by the Fringe team?

Also, it looks like the child observer unlocked all of Walter's memories including the ones from the original timeline, which is awesome! (unless the writers decide to just ignore that part of the memory surge)


Avatar of War Slayer
Also, it looks like the child observer unlocked all of Walter's memories including the ones from the original timeline, which is awesome! (unless the writers decide to just ignore that part of the memory surge)
i would not take too much stock in what they showed in the flashes. someone broke down the flashes peter had in the show before. 1 was red side Olivia's with imaginary peter and 2 were from one of his dreams


Trakanon Raider
Didn't think we would be seeing any more of the alternate universe, guess I was wrong. Couldn't tell from the preview, does anyone know if the alternate universe is dealing with an observer invasion?


FPS noob
good stuff, needed this episode early on in the season. Lot of backstory filled in now - Observers started in 2161, by 26xx they had fucked up their planet and were grown in vats. The original Observers from s1-3 were ones who traveled to the past to figure out the best timeline/universe/whatever to travel back to and create a new Observer timeline, presumably one in which their planet isn't fucked up. Once the math was all done they picked 2016 (?) as the invasion point, as it was the one with the highest probability of Observers continuing their society. The "commander" doesn't want windmark to go and kill Walter as a baby or whatever, it would disrupt their calculations and possibly screw up their new timeline.

Only thing really left to figure out is what happens if the plan succeeds and they stop the observers from being created in 2161. No observers means September doesn't distract Walternate which means Peter gets cured in UniverseB but still dies in UniverseA, essentially erasing the enire series. PeterB could still meet OliviaB though, I think that was alluded to in an earlier season finale. Seeing UniverseB again is gonna be AWESOME, Zeppelin Universe is the best Universe.
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