Fuck Drama. Let's Turn Nets Into A Real System.


Trakanon Raider
The Problem
Let's address the problem first of all.

It's a system that is now completely abusable, but worst of all actually means nothing. At least, not anymore. I, and I assume others, did care about nets (not in a diehard manner, mostly because I wouldn't have been rustled if I went neg but I don't find myself to be that kind of poster the idea never bothered me much) because it gives a simple, single glance display of how many people positively react to the person's posts in general; therefore leading me to read their current post(s) in a respective light while always taking it with a grain of salt since, well...the RR/FoH community has never had a high reputation for always having a legitimate reason to neg someone, I'm sure you all know what I mean here. The problem is now that grain of salt has turned into a huge fucking barrel on both the positive and negative side. Not even really single handedly due to a free +nets thread (which, I think is an awesome idea because it only happens once a year and gives people who legitimately want to become better posters a chance to redeem themselves without fear of being smashed into the ground immediately - this promotes better posting, thus a better board and community) but also because the moderation is absolutely fucking ridiculous. How about asking and offering solutions before wiping nets completely clean of some posters and not others without explanation, giving nets for no reason and taking them away, threatening to delete the system completely without even giving it a chance to see what happens *after* an event like NetsMas, etc. etc.

The Solution

Personally, I like theideaof nets. Really, I like the idea of a system that rewards good posting/posters and punishes (but not to the point of oblivion where their posts can't even be seen anymore - completely terrible mechanic) bad posting/posters. I also like the idea of 'friend' nets, for instance I just gave some nets for having good taste in music, or making a post with something genuinely nice - so I rep 'em for it, even if the post isn't incredibly informative with inside info of MMOs or some very well thought out & mature post in the politics thread, for instance. Basically, Lost Ranger summed it all up with this post in the 'should we remove nets?' thread.

Here -
Only being able to give one net to someone forever was retarded. Opening the flood gate wasn't the answer though. Posts should be what gets rep, not posters. If Chuk posts something hilarious that single post should have +200 rating. If his next post is completely fucking retarded then that post needs to be -200. That encourages people that care about that sort of thing to post better, but it doesn't leave some permanent mark on their account if their opinion happens to not be very popular at the same time. That is a proper rep system. People should be judged per post, not a one and done deal.
That is one sound solution to the problem, and is one I support along with a bonus reward program posted underneath. Feel free to post your own logical solutions, or voice your support/criticism for the solution presented at hand.

New System Rewards & Positive Posting Incentives
I also like the idea of 'nets' or whatever positivity is given being able to be used for cosmetic stuff like custom avatars, user titles, name colors, etc. but even a system with REAL rewards with say, a free video game (for a extremely high level of positivity or maybe a sustained positive ranking - as in, this guy has posted phenomenally and has over *whatever, +100 'nets', let's say*, now he's eligible to exchange some of those nets as raffle tickets to put in with other great posters for a chance to win a video game. We can take donations and all the extra beta keys, games we give away as well as all the other random stuff this elite community is blessed with and pool it into a nice jackpot kind of thing.

I, personally, am willing to donate money as well as rewards like video games, beta keys, etc. as mentioned above to have a proper system implemented and functional that isthoroughly and fairly moderated, no fucking excuse. No favoritism and no blind hating into negativity. Period.

I am also personally willing to donate or do actual work in whatever capacity to make a sytem like this happen. I mean this in a literal, between the lines and dealing with vBulletin sense. I don't know how to code or anything, but whatever I could possible do to make a system like this integrated into our boards I'll pitch in for - anyone else?

I'm tired of watching this board that is supposed to be comprised of elite and mature individuals go back and forth like a bunch of children over this shit, especially when it has potential to be something really fucking awesome. This is a shot to make things right.




Silver Baronet of the Realm
That fact you wrote a novel about this, and have a poll with 87 different options, tells me I shouldn't give two shits about any sort of net'ing system. I like custom titles when someone does something truly extraordinary (Bill Nye comes to mind), otherwise piss on all the little attention whores.


Trakanon Raider
That fact you wrote a novel about this, and have a poll with 87 different options, tells me I shouldn't give two shits about any sort of net'ing system. I like custom titles when someone does something truly extraordinary (Bill Nye comes to mind), otherwise piss on all the little attention whores.
You have 16 nets now. What if 20 nets was enough to get you a beta key and one day you find a game you really fucking want to get into but can't get one anywhere? Boom.

Shame on me for developing a well thought out presentation to offer something awesome like this as a possibility.

Sorry for the effort.


I'm Amod too!
I am also personally willing to donate or do actual work in whatever capacity to make a sytem like this happen. I mean this in a literal, between the lines and dealing with vBulletin sense.I don't know how to code or anything, but whatever I could possible do to make a system like this integrated into our boards I'll pitch in for - anyone else?
I.E. you can't actually do jack shit and with no one willing or able to program this into an actual vBulletin plugin it will remain a pipe dream.


Trakanon Raider
I.E. you can't actually do jack shit and with no one willing or able to program this into an actual vBulletin plugin it will remain a pipe dream.
There are thousands of people in this community, I'm sure if someone liked the idea someone would offer to put it together.

Uh, yeah personally, I can't do jack shit. Guess what? I have friends that can. It can be done. That's part of what I meant when I said do whatever work in any capacity to actually implement the system.
Jesus Christ.

I already regret making this thread.

Everybody fuck off, thread over.


Riddle me this...
Holy fucking shit what a fucking fag. Fuck nets in the ass. I come here to read funny things, get advice about movies, video games and /or life situations or read about how people fuck up. Oh and tranny spoilers, always a treat.

The fact that this entire debacle over nets is suck a thing is just mind bottling. Its a god damn system of circle jerking that damn near every fucking message board has. They may call it different things like rep or prestige or dick length but the end result is the same. A pat on the back for saying or doing something cool/funny or a kick in the dick for being a fucktard. The entire lot of you neckbeard dipshits who are crying about nets is just flat out sad.

Do us all a favor and crawl back to your holes or go shit up the general forums about how mean cops are to you. Even better, be a bitch and tell everyone how you was "just trollin lulz" because you fucking suck at life.

Eat shit and die you American Inventor faggots.

P.S. This isnt an attack on eXarc. I'm just tired of these type of bullshit posts. Don't like nets then quit using them. The End


Trakanon Raider
That's why I was attempting to make them actually worth something, and not some bullshit to bitch and moan about because I completely agree.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The only system I've actually seen work well is the ability to only upvote individual posts with no track record of + received on the poster's profile.

It would be nice when skimming over a thousand page thread to quickly see which posts are worth reading most.

And when they hit a certain threshold, let's say +20, those posts are displayed in a golden frame.

Lost Ranger_sl

Thing to remember is that any system they do likely requires a lot of work. Work that quite frankly they just don't need to do. We don't need a rep system. Even a good one. This place thrived for years without that stupid shit.

Vbulletin seems pretty limited on what you can easily do with it. A lot of the mods seem outdated and/or shitty.