Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Blackwing Lair Raider
Those girls sure are peacocking :p

When I was hiking up a mountain trail in Hawaii a week or so ago, we were passed by a few foreign girls in their teens, who were thankfully still at the summit and also peacocking. Picture doesn't do it justice but they can and probably do crack walnuts with their thighs. I high-fived an 80 year old guy I caught sneaking a pic of the below, then decided to sneak one myself, uh for you fine folks of course.

The males of the species are referred to as Peacocks, where as the females are Peahens or Peafowl. If this were posted by Fedor this would make sense.


<Gold Donor>
Those girls sure are peacocking :p

When I was hiking up a mountain trail in Hawaii a week or so ago, we were passed by a few foreign girls in their teens, who were thankfully still at the summit and also peacocking. Picture doesn't do it justice but they can and probably do crack walnuts with their thighs. I high-fived an 80 year old guy I caught sneaking a pic of the below, then decided to sneak one myself, uh for you fine folks of course.
First, the girl with the pink hair in the first picture makes me feel funny in my pants. I have a weakness for otherwise hot girls with strange highlights in their hair for some unknown reason. Second, if an 80 year-old made it to the top of the trail too, I'm not sure what that girl was so excited about?


Fun fact: with similar qualifications, attractive women are less likely to get hired. Ugly privilege is being taken seriously!