Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Point still stands. Its just incredibly idiotic to act like its something in the realm of accomplishment. Post pics when youre dropped off in the middle of fucking nowhere with just a spear and you have to stalk a pack of truly wild lions, show me that kill. Dont show me some kill on some animal that is on some preserve and used to humans while having your hand held like a toddler by guides/locals. That is not a accomplishment and not something to be proud of. Any retard can pickup a gun and fire it.
That's not what you said.

Always lol at people who "hunt" big african game.
You lumped everyone who has/does hunt African game.


I don't suppose there is any more of this girl?

Katya Clover

Pic unrelated.



Bronze Baron of the Realm
Confirmed, when Borzak isn't spending a portion of his millions on Remingtons, ornot posting pictures in FSR, he's probably killing endangered animals.

Sorry to disappoint on 2 accounts. I don't have millions and the only species I invest in heavily to hunt is a bighorn sheep. 21 years in a row with no luck to draw a tag. No desire to go to Africa for any reason. If I had millions I would buy a governors tag with the proceeds going to sheep conservation, but I really don't want to shell out $300k for a tag that hovers around 30% fill rate once drawn/paid for.

MT is having a special now tag speeh hunt first come first serve this year to eliminate a herd they can't get an infectious disease out of, but I'm still recovering physically so I won't be able to partake.
