Funny, Strange, Random Pics

Asshat Caepan

Asshat of the Year 2020


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
wat the fuk?
I saw a story about that mountain lion last week and it is speculated that it's a teratoma tumor and it was a little slice of sunshine to learn that humans can and do develop them as well.

The tissues of a teratoma, although normal in themselves, may be quite different from surrounding tissues and may be highly disparate; teratomas have been reported to contain hair, teeth, bone and, very rarely, more complex organs or processes such as eyes, torso, and hands, feet, or other limbs. Usually, a teratoma will contain no organs but rather one or more tissues normally found in organs such as the brain, thyroid, liver, and lung. Sometimes, the teratoma has within its capsule one or more fluid-filled cysts; when a large cyst occurs, there is a potential for the teratoma to produce a structure within the cyst that resembles a fetus.