Gavinrad's Mass Effect 3+ Thread


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Did they make the game harder or something? I'm just surprised that people farm silvers. Back when I played 20m golds were my goal.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yes. Cerberus and Geth both got an additional unit, the Geth unit in particular is very good at busting up camps. Decoy got nerfed. They also added Collectors, I've only fought them once so it's hard to judge how hard they are compared to the rest. Golds in a pug were always a horrible chore if you weren't just facerolling FBW. I can't even fathom what kind of masochist tries to run platinums without a premade.

Silver does seem easier than it used to be, or maybe thats because all the max level pugs are running silvers now instead of FBW gold.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If you aren't doing XP -- the best combo I've found is FBGlacier / Cerberus. I clear that as a Jug in 14m on silver.


DLC is pretty good - the apartment is awesome and you get memorable lines pretty early into it. A little bit of misty eye-ness as you cruise through it too. Haven't finished yet since a bunch of stuff came out today, but I like it thus far.
Yes. Cerberus and Geth both got an additional unit, the Geth unit in particular is very good at busting up camps. Decoy got nerfed. They also added Collectors, I've only fought them once so it's hard to judge how hard they are compared to the rest. Golds in a pug were always a horrible chore if you weren't just facerolling FBW. I can't even fathom what kind of masochist tries to run platinums without a premade.

Silver does seem easier than it used to be, or maybe thats because all the max level pugs are running silvers now instead of FBW gold.
Collectors are the ultimate anti-camping race. They spawn a ton of abominations which are husks with a little more health. Several units on the map are always "assuming control"-ed which make them crazier. The abominations become suicide bombers, and their scion units can long range snipe a pile of grenades onto anyone. Plus, if you go down, they all like to bum rush your corpse for the stomp.

I think silver's gotten easier because they've nerfed some of the races. The Geth stunlock nerf, for example, makes them almost trivial.


So..let me just say...

The citadel DLC was amazing. The arena thing is great; that in and of itself is a huge amount of content. Tons of enemies to fight, people to take with you, prizes you get to change the fights (removing things like medi gel, ammo, increasing enemy difficulty etc, basically it's a pve multiplayer except with a lot more customization) plus all the arcade stuff you can play around with.

There is a significant amount of content in this DLC; it's worth the 15 bucks. There was shit tons of humor, lots of funny lines and memorable moments...I was giggling at some parts and getting misty eyed at others. It actually goes back and closes some gaps it left in other games, or shows you things you weren't around for.

You get to say goodbye to just about everyone, including people who aren't around in your game anymore.

You hold a memorial service for thane for example. Thane's kid even sends you all the video calls he said he sent to you in ME3, which I thought was great. I imagine if he were your LI in ME2 that's probably a fucking heart wrenching bunch of videos.

Overall, a fantastic bit of DLC. I'm nutty when it comes to little pieces like this; it doesn't change the ending but I actually got to say goodbye to people, and understand a bit more what they will do after I save the galaxy.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Why are you guys still supporting Bioware/EA after the piece of shit that was ME3?


ME3 was a good game, the ending was the bad part.
Agreed, but looking a the big picture you're only reinforcing the mentality that it's:

Acceptable to nosedive a story, ignore established canon and motives, wall-up behind "artistic integrity", denigrate a series fanbase, then make a last ditch money grab after they're painted into a corner.

All that aside, the DLC does look very enticing. I know I would enjoy playing through it, but I personally can't bring myself to support a company that has told its fans to fuck off after two major releases (DA2/ME3).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ok, can we not start beating this dead fucking horse for the thousandth time? We really don't need to trot out that whole goddamn conversation again about what specifically people think was good or bad about ME3, people complaining about the evils of EA and/or Bioware, blah blah fucking blah.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Comes into ME3 thread

Bitches about people talking about ME3


Without beating the dead horse, part of the reason people were upset is that you build relationships with characters for 3 games and then whamp. A whole lot of nothing. At the very least, this fixes that part.

Also, realize that while ME3 was not 100% the whole game, the shittiest part was the ending, and that was solely Casey Hudson and Mac Walters, after they freaked over the leaked ending. (That's legitimate, it's not rumor anymore.) Not everyone at EA/Bioware sucks donkey dick, so a chance to say goodbye to the characters I've loved and fought with, and give another chance to the others at the studio? Sounds good.

The DLC was very worth it though. Maybe I'm too sentimental but it was great. It gets a bit cheesy here and there, as you can tell they were going for maximum uh, pop I guess when it comes to the goodbye, but overall, it was great.

The trailer was good, but female shepard delivering all of those lines instead was way better.

Edit: Also Garrus impersonating Liara is lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Comes into ME3 thread

Bitches about people talking about ME3
I'm talking about dragging up that same tired old conversation about how awful ME3 was. I'm fine with people talking about the DLC, or the multiplayer.


Molten Core Raider
Can we change the name to Gavinrad's forums then? Because you don't get to decide what is discussed in the ME3 thread. Sorry that ME3 being the worst sequel of the year rustles your jimmies, but it fucking sucked. It's not ancient history.

DLC is ok, not 15$ good, but we're all desperate for anything good from ME3 after the main campaign.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Can we change the name to Gavinrad's forums then? Because you don't get to decide what is discussed in the ME3 thread. Sorry that ME3 being the worst sequel of the year rustles your jimmies, but it fucking sucked. It's not ancient history.

DLC is ok, not 15$ good, but we're all desperate for anything good from ME3 after the main campaign.
Do me a favor and pull your head out of your ass. Because it's basically beating the ghost of a dead horse at this point.

Person A: Man this game was fucking awful why do you guys even talk about it anymore
Person B: Actually the game was fucking amazing aside from the ending
Person C: Actually several other sections of the game sucked aside from the ending

repeat ad infinitum et nauseum. But yeah, me not wanting to see that conversation for the hundredth time is definitely me trying to decide what we discuss, and renaming the forums after me is a fantastic idea, I'll get Sean on top of it right now.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Without beating the dead horse, part of the reason people were upset is that you build relationships with characters for 3 games and then whamp. A whole lot of nothing. At the very least, this fixes that part.

Also, realize that while ME3 was not 100% the whole game, the shittiest part was the ending, and that was solely Casey Hudson and Mac Walters, after they freaked over the leaked ending. (That's legitimate, it's not rumor anymore.) Not everyone at EA/Bioware sucks donkey dick, so a chance to say goodbye to the characters I've loved and fought with, and give another chance to the others at the studio? Sounds good.

The DLC was very worth it though. Maybe I'm too sentimental but it was great. It gets a bit cheesy here and there, as you can tell they were going for maximum uh, pop I guess when it comes to the goodbye, but overall, it was great.

The trailer was good, but female shepard delivering all of those lines instead was way better.

Edit: Also Garrus impersonating Liara is lol.
ME3 had a hell of alot more wrong with it then the ending. The ending was like Bioware/EA squatting on you after they beat the shit out of you and taking a shit on your bruised and bloodied face.
Do me a favor and pull your head out of your ass. Because it's basically beating the ghost of a dead horse at this point.
Dead horse? Bioware is still trying to cash in on their horrible piece of shit game.


Molten Core Raider
ME3 had a hell of alot more wrong with it then the ending. The ending was like Bioware/EA squatting on you after they beat the shit out of you and taking a shit on your bruised and bloodied face.
Yeah. Characters coming out of comic books to play major roles. Galactic Readiness. Storylines that went nowhere. And an entire Galaxy that reacts to its extinction with patience, and poorly written soap-opera drama.