Gavinrad's Mass Effect 3+ Thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fuck it, I'm gonna beat the dead horse too, cause you're right it isn't ancient history and I'm still pissed. Every scene with Kai Leng was the most awful writing imaginable, and the dramatic about face with the Geth suddenly wanting 'to be a real boy' completely ruined the build up from ME2 and the generally excellent pacing of the story arc with the Quarians and the Geth up until that point. That being said, the Earth prologue, Tuchanka, and Thessia were fucking amazing, and the ending on Earth up until the rush to the citadel was some of the most intense gameplay I've ever experienced.

Lets not forget them ripping that prothean out of the main game to sell him as DLC though.

P.S. How do you like the thread name Jait?


Golden Squire
Tempted to rename it further to the Multiplayer Only thread, since fuck the rest of the game.
The bright side of this is that the team that made the multiplayer is working on the next game. Also, there's a Mass Effect 3 panel at PAX East this year and it includes the likes of Casey Hudson. Should be interesting times


ME3 had a hell of alot more wrong with it then the ending. The ending was like Bioware/EA squatting on you after they beat the shit out of you and taking a shit on your bruised and bloodied face.

Dead horse? Bioware is still trying to cash in on their horrible piece of shit game.
Since we're beating the dead horse, notice I said, "the game wasn't 100% at all, but the ending was the shittiest part". Also, the only people involved in the ending were Casey Hudson and Mac Walters. If we want to beat it, beat it appropriately and correctly. The original dark matter ending was leaked in a text format a few months earlier, and they freaked out and rewrote it.

The ending sucked, other parts sucked, we were all betrayed by a beloved franchise.

The DLC was still good. QQ. It at least granted me the opportunity to give a fond farewell to the voice actors etc that I was quite fond of and the themes that we all loved in the series.

Edit: Hah, I think last years Pax had Casey or Mac or someone, and the first thing they did was say: Guys, we aren't talking about the ending, and then proceeded to swiftly sidetrack or gloss over any question that even sounded like it might skirt the issue.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I wouldnt even say the ending was the worst part, it was just the turd ontop of the shit sundae. Outside of the Tuchangka storyline(which was great surprisingly), the game was fucking terrible in every way possible.


Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
No bro;

Kai Lang
"your choices matter"
dayone DLC of a major story element(biggest fuck you ever)
complete 180 in terms of overall story direction from ME1 and 2


If it helps a brother's jimmies, I'll throw in that the post originating the rustling was intended to incite awareness of the path that leads to another dead horse, rather than the continued beating of the previous equine. If horse beating were intended there would be quite a different list included, parts of which are mentioned above.

In short: Save a horse -- ride a cowboy, Gayvin.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The bright side of this is that the team that made the multiplayer is working on the next game. Also, there's a Mass Effect 3 panel at PAX East this year and it includes the likes of Casey Hudson. Should be interesting times
they had some kind of Q&A right after ME3's release and it was a real letdown. Hopefully someone righteously busts his balls and asks him how it feels to fuck up mass effect 3.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How in the name of god do you manage to extract on platinum collectors? Joined a pug that turned out to be a 3 man party, and after one bad start we cruised through geth and cerberus without too much trouble. Collectors raped our face off by wave 3, it was a slaughterhouse. This was with 2 juggernauts, a paladin (me), and a fury, so it's not like it was some janky ass group make up either.
How in the name of god do you manage to extract on platinum collectors? Joined a pug that turned out to be a 3 man party, and after one bad start we cruised through geth and cerberus without too much trouble. Collectors raped our face off by wave 3, it was a slaughterhouse. This was with 2 juggernauts, a paladin (me), and a fury, so it's not like it was some janky ass group make up either.
I made it, but I think party makeup definitely has a bigger effect than the other factions. I was a Juggernaut, and we had an Awakened Collector, a Turian Ghost, and an EDI bot. The two stealthers really help since if you go down near a Praetorian, anyone trying to revive you is pretty much going to get melee stunlocked if they happen to be seen. It also helped that the Ghost and EDI pretty much can't die. All that said, the match was still a total bitch and I used every last one of my consumables.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I managed to make it to wave 7 cheesing it on firebase rio, but between abominations and possessed scions, cheesing it really doesn't work against collectors like it does the other races. I normally play the paladin on gold/platinum and just rotate through non-stop power combos, I think I have the turian ghost unlocked, so I'll give that stim pack shit a try at some point.


Golden Knight of the Realm
OP Geth Jugg Build (in order you should get/level):

1a- Hardened Platform: take everything on the bottom row until the last upgrade, which is when you take Squad Command
1b- Seige Pulse: Take the whole top row until the end -- the damage reduction x4 banked pulses is huge. You shouldn't really fire them unless it's the end of the round.

3- Hex Shield: Take all of the bottom row, except the next to last upgrade Shock. This works really well for popping hunters out of stealth so you can heavy melee them.
4a/b- Turret/Jugg: I stick an even 4 points into each. These don't really matter as much in the end. I go for the shield healing & weight capacity.

Inbetween heavy melees there is a slight cooldown, I use the regular melee in between heavies to push away smaller mobs and slowly wear them down. The regular melee is also a PBAE.

That match we had with all 3 of us going geth jugg was bananas. We could pretty much farm golds np with that combo.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Also if anyone wants to pick this back up we got a 3 man squad smashing it up on Xbox.


Molten Core Raider
I'd rather take power transfer over squad command for max shields/hps and the 50% shield restore boost. Really helps when you're tanking 2+ monsters on gold.


Of course the real irony here, with all the hate on the single player game and its ending, is that since release, it is the MP release that is making all the cash.

And by that I mean, many tens of millions of dollars of card packs....