Gavinrad's Mass Effect 3+ Thread


I still can't believe I did 182 consecutive renegade/paragon prompts to beat James' pull-up record and all I got was an extra line of dialogue.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Panel barely touched the issue of the ending and sadly stuck to preselected questions from the internet. As for what they said about the ending they "had their heads down and didn't realize how attached people would be to their characters, which they think they fixed in the Extended Cut and Citadel DLC." (Warning: That was paraphrased) So at least pubicly they are still clueless as to why the ending to their game generated so much hate.
I love that they're still doing the 'we didn't realize how much people loved ME3' instead of the truth which is closer to 'we didn't realize how retarded we are'.

I think Todd Howard's response to the outcry toward FO3's ending was the best of any lead dev I've seen, "Yeah we'll never do that again. Also we changed it."


Unelected Mod
After playing the Citadel DLC (awesome), have gone back to a bit of multiplayer. I played it abunch on launch but no idea wtf packs to buy now. At the time I had all the rares and commons to 10 but missing abunch of uncommons. Used to be the uncommon guns kinda sucked so I skipped getting the packs to max that out, not sure if that changed.

Anyway, buying the premium spectre packs now, profile is anyone is still playing this on PC.


Tranny Chaser
The Panel discussions at the Bioware Base inside PAX (separate schedule from the main con) were a factor of 10+ less crowded and you could get up and close with them and ask questions. It was pretty clear from talking to them that they are still reeling from the reaction the ending got and are very much non apologetic about it. To them they were setting out to tell a powerful story and one which was the absolute end of Mass Effect. They did not say it was the absolute end and indeed reinforced that new Mass Effect stuff was coming from the Montreal studio, but from the subtext and body language you could tell that the Edmonton studio was wiping their hands of Mass Effect and had no desire to continue with that IP, instead they are focusing on their new IP with a whole new universe for many of the same reasons that they initial set out to do Mass Effect in the first place.

I honestly think they are confused as to why Mass Effect was successful and Dragon Age (at least the second one) was not. Certainly when I asked whether or not the Dragon Age team felt like the underdog or red headed stepchild to Mass Effect given that everyone knows what Mass Effect is and almost no one knows what Dragon Age is the question was not well received. At the same time they acknowledge the personal attachment people have to Shepard and the companion characters which was the whole motivation for creating the excellent Citadel DLC, so it is a bit confusing that they don't connect that love to the success of the franchise as a whole.

The one saving grace is that the folx at the Montreal studio really DO seem to love the Mass Effect universe and want to continue having fun in that playground, although after Mass Effect 3s ending I'm not entirely sure what they can do after the sandbox has been flipped over.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It'd be easy to continue the franchise. Destroy ending is canon. Krogan resurgence is canon. Wrex dead is canon. Rachni queen staying alive is canon. Geth staying alive is canon.

+50 years you know it's going to be a clusterfuck and you can add whatever new elements you want and the galaxy is still engaging.

Forget the N7 spectre save-the-galaxy bullshit. Just make me a captain of a small starship, let me explore the galaxy doing random bullshit tasks in a sandbox world and if you've really got balls give me some space-sim gameplay ala Freelancer. Basically I'm saying remake Freelancer with Mass Effect's galaxy and shooter combat.


What exactly do you get with the Citadel DLC? Is there a mission as well as all the fluff stuff? I swore off any SP DLC after the shockingly bad ending to the trilogy but if it lets me close the door on this incarnation of the universe with happier feelings than I currently feel towards it I'll probably pick it up.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yes there is a really amusing mission involved well worth the DLC even for just that and then all the fluff stuff really raises it to an epic amusement level. It is pretty hilarious listening to the NPCs talking in the new citidel section most of it is like stuff on the forums griping about team mates in multiplayer.


Tranny Chaser
They made a big point during one panel discussion that the comics have to reflect everyone's Mass Effect experience... so no references to any character that might be dead or any circumstance where any player choice comes into play lest the reader suffer cognitive dissonance.


Unelected Mod
How the fuck is Wrex dead canon? Wrex is too awesome to die. I second the FUCK YOU TUCO.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The 4th game should just be a retelling of the Odyssey, with some random soldier/medic/engineer trying to get home (Earth) after the events of the war. Has to put together a crew and a ship along the way to try to make it back to Earth/Sol System. Encounters metaphorical space sirens and spacemonsters and space lotuseaters and all that shit. First game ends with the player jumping into Sol System, with a glimpse of just how much the shit has hit the fan there.


Trakanon Raider
I wanted to make a separate thread for this considering I wanted to do this with multiple games at the moment and it's console specific but I'll try it here first as to not clutter the forums.

First of all, this is all taking place on PS3 -

I just recently got into the ME3 Multiplayer and it's pretty fucking well done. Now I'm at the point where I've got legit equipment and characters, good enough for Gold but not yet Platinum level I guess you could say. I was playing with a stranger yesterday and we exchanged a few messages and have been destroying shit in private matches ever since but we really wanted to find some more people and get a little crew going so we can eventually do Platinum with a solid group of people that know what they're doing.

My PS3 handle is exarc- and the hyphen is part of the name, so shoot me a message/add friend if you're down to join us. Also generally down to play anything else. Hopefully we'd be able to make a tight enough crew to do other games with in the same fashion but for now we just want to play some ME3 with some competent people.


Golden Squire
Well if the next Mass Effect is set after the trilogy then they will have to make a number of player choices go one way or the other.

Of course the next Mass Effect could be a prequel too.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
How the fuck is Wrex dead canon? Wrex is too awesome to die. I second the FUCK YOU TUCO.
I'm not saying it is canon. Wrex is alive and fucking Krogan bitches all day long in my playthrough. I'm saying that if those choices were made canon you'd have a recipe for a lot of galactic conflict.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I wanted to make a separate thread for this considering I wanted to do this with multiple games at the moment and it's console specific but I'll try it here first as to not clutter the forums.

First of all, this is all taking place on PS3 -

I just recently got into the ME3 Multiplayer and it's pretty fucking well done. Now I'm at the point where I've got legit equipment and characters, good enough for Gold but not yet Platinum level I guess you could say. I was playing with a stranger yesterday and we exchanged a few messages and have been destroying shit in private matches ever since but we really wanted to find some more people and get a little crew going so we can eventually do Platinum with a solid group of people that know what they're doing.

My PS3 handle is exarc- and the hyphen is part of the name, so shoot me a message/add friend if you're down to join us. Also generally down to play anything else. Hopefully we'd be able to make a tight enough crew to do other games with in the same fashion but for now we just want to play some ME3 with some competent people.
I'd love to, if only you were on the 360 instead of some inferior system.