General Gaming News and Discussion


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
No theres a fundamental difference.

From a technical standpoint yeah gaming is better. Steam being relatively idiocy free has meant content delivery is vastly better, no longer have to fuck around with patches or losing cdkeys. Graphically yeah obviously better.

As far as how genuinely fun games are today? Its objectively worse. Paradigm of this is SC and SC2. I played an ungodly amount of hours of SC when I was a kid thanks to the never ending stream of fun custom maps. I played next to zero SC2 because Blizzard killed the SC2 custom map scene in their greedy attempt to own the next DOTA, something that doesnt need to be explain in terms of its impact in gaming and beyond.

Private servers had great communities around them even without the need for Twitter or Discords.

Stories wherent riddled with SJW retardation nor where you forced to endure equally retarded censorship in the online aspects of gaming. You could call someone a retarded faggot if they where being a retarded faggot with zero consequence.
Ur a retarded faggot.
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FoH nuclear response team
Ur a retarded faggot.

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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I can't believe there are idiots in here arguing that paid loot boxes that spit out random prizes is not exactly gambling.

The best possible light you can put them in is that they are merely grooming children for real, full on, casino slot-machine gambling.

I'm not talking about buying Robux or whatever to spend on stupid in game items. Buying in game shit is stupid, but that is on the people who do it. This is specifically for loot boxes and the shitbag companies that market them to kids. They are 100% casinos and should have to abide by the same rules.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Actual loot boxes are pretty much gone anyway since much of Europe banned them already. It's why they're gone from Overwatch 2.

Fortnite removed them due to a lawsuit in the US over existing laws:

So most of what you guys are bitching about is already part of existing law, does not require any new regulation, and is already largely phased out.


<Gold Donor>
They might be gone from consoles and PC FOR NOW. But still Mobile is 1/2 the revenue of combined gaming and is plagued with loot boxes, eggs, diamonds, or whatever the fuck you want to call them.


Potato del Grande
imagine playing call of duty and a tween frags and says haha chinachong bro

now imagine tweens can only play games 3hours a week, so now regular dude can get fragged by another regular dude

that is who benefits from regulation
page front GIF
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I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
Actual loot boxes are pretty much gone anyway since much of Europe banned them already. It's why they're gone from Overwatch 2.

Fortnite removed them due to a lawsuit in the US over existing laws:

So most of what you guys are bitching about is already part of existing law, does not require any new regulation, and is already largely phased out.

interesting that the person who's screeching about regulation for crypto in the crypto thread is suddenly trying to boomer shame and socialist shame people calling for protecting kids from predatory marketing.
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Ssraeszha Raider
I can't believe there are idiots in here arguing that paid loot boxes that spit out random prizes is not exactly gambling.

The best possible light you can put them in is that they are merely grooming children for real, full on, casino slot-machine gambling.

I'm not talking about buying Robux or whatever to spend on stupid in game items. Buying in game shit is stupid, but that is on the people who do it. This is specifically for loot boxes and the shitbag companies that market them to kids. They are 100% casinos and should have to abide by the same rules.

gerund or present participle: gambling games of chance for money

We get it, you don't know what words mean and are hiding behind kids because you have a shit argument. You're losing your money either way, so calling it 100% casino gambling makes you look like an idiot.

You also refuse to accept that kids only have access to money if their parents allow it, because it shits all over that same argument so you keep pretending it's not true exist and they're actually taking money away from those little kids working 2 jobs and raising families and shit.

They market to kids because that's their market you dumbshit. Did you go on a crusade against the micromachine man because he was targeting kids?

Stop being a giant weak willed pussy demanding the government raise your kids for you.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
MMORPG? Name one that didnt shit the bed in the past 10-15 yrs. Even WoW sucks now and everyone is playing WOW classics...
See, this is where we get into the boomer mentality of, "Everything NEW sucks! Everything OLD was better!". This is why I asked Big Phoenix Big Phoenix if he had stats to back up his claim, or if he was just running on rose colored, nostalgia fumes to fuel his, "back in MY day!" arguments.

In 2002ish there were really only 4ish MMOs that saw any semblance of "success" and one was already on its way out (UO). EQ, DAoC, UO, and FFXI. You could maybe throw Asheron's Call in there, but it was already starting to bleed players and was a very niche MMO to begin with.

In 2022 you have WoW, FFXIV, and Lost Ark as the "big boys", with each having major success of 1m+ players at some point in their releases - blowing even the most successful of those "golden age" MMOs out of the water. You also have numerous others which still maintain solid profitability/success - Elder Scrolls, Black Desert, New World, EVE, Star Wars: ToR etc. This also doesn't include the countless "MMO-lite" style games you have out there as well like Destiny, Conan Exiles, Planetside 2, etc. etc.

I know the argument will be, "LOL THOSE GAMES SUCK AHAHAHA!". Yes, they "suck", according to you. I thought FFXI and even EQ to a certain extent (remember, this was SoL-era EQ) sucked ass in 2002 as well. It didn't change the fact that they were highly successful within the context of the time/era.
Shooters? Same shit except they now ship unfinished, not all features implemented, buggy as shit and take months to fix. See new COD and BF
FPS is the ONE genre I can concede an argument for being "worse" than it was in 2002. You had CS, Delta Force, Unreal Tournament, Quake, BF1942, Planetside, etc. etc. And because tech was relatively "new", you seemingly had faaaar less botting/hacking in the genre as well. Nowadays, half the shooters I play have some sort of aimbotter/hacker in almost every round. The only game that really escapes it is Valorant and that's because of how intrusive it is on your system and I really wish more shooters would move to their way of combatting cheaters.

Now, in terms of games being "buggy"? Holy fuck, do you not remember 2002 as well as I do? My PC used to crash all the fucking time in BF1942, UT 2003, and Tribes 1/2, just to name a few. Crashes to desktop, random restarts, driver errors, etc. Not to mention all the glitches, graphical bugs, etc.
RPG? All bunch of bullshit filled with woke shit except the games coming from japan.
Really? You thought Witcher 3 sucked ass and was full of "woke"? Skyrim didn't seem very popular, right? Fallout: New Vegas? Junk! Mass Effect series? Horrible!

Again, I'll ask you to give me a comparison where 2002 was "better" in this category. You really only have 2 and that's KotoR and Morrowind.
CRPG? Yeah there are a few but few and far between.
Again, give me a comparative example of how this was "better" in 2002.

In 2002ish you basically had BG (a buggy fucking mess and 2nd edition is ass), BG2, Icewind Dale 1+2 (also buggy as hell), Planescape: Torment, and NWN for the CRPG genre. I would even be willing to throw NWN2 in that arena as well, even though it didn't release until about 2006 and sucked until Mask of the Betrayer xpac.

Few and far between? You mean because they were SO numerous in 2002-2014? The genre was basically dead for a 5+ years, until Divinity: Original Sin revived it. Now you have Original Sin 2, Wasteland 2, Wasteland 3, Pathfinder Kingmaker, Pathfinder WotR, Pillars of Eternity 1+2, 3 Shadowrun games, Tyranny, Planescape: Tides of Numenera, Disco Elysium, Solastra, Warhammer: Rogue Trader coming soon, and COUNTLESS "indie" titles.

This is why I asked about having FACTS and not just 'ole geezer "memberberries" to support your arguments. The CRPG genre is the strongest it has arguably ever been, having been "revived" by D:OS 8 years ago, and you get some boomer that wanders in stating that they are "few and far between" now, rofl. Like I said, in comparison to what? Because the genre in 2002 was weak as fuck compared to now.
ARPG? We have like one or two if you count early release that are worth anything....
As opposed to what? Diablo 1+2 basically being the ENTIRE genre for a decade? I guess Titan Quest had a brief little "run" and the Dungeon Siege games, but the first one was buggy as fuck and the 2nd was terrible.

How is it any different than what PoE is to the genre now? But, you also have Diablo 3, Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, Wolcen, and WH40k: Martyr to name a few.

Certainly sounds a hell of a lot stronger than 2002 to me.
I mean what are all these great games youre playing right now? What good is it to have all this new and shiny, better graphics, more online, and more of it blah blah when over half of it is shit? Hell some of the better games in the past like 5-10 yrs were indie titles made in the basement with 1-10 people and some with shit graphics but great gameplay.
Because in 2002 Diablo 2 was still novel, you were fucking 15, and it was a pretty fresh, new experience. How much can you really expect from PoE, when you've been playing that "game" since roughly 2002.

Gaming isn't as "fun" to you anymore because you've been doing it for 20+ fucking years at this point. It takes the Elden Rings, Witcher 3s, etc. of the world to "wow" you and get you off now. Remember when you were 14 and could jerk it to half a page of the bra section of the JC Penney catalogue? Try jerking off to anything but a tranny banging a girl dressed as a rabbit now. Why would you expect games to be any different? The brain is still the brain.
As far as how genuinely fun games are today? Its objectively worse. Paradigm of this is SC and SC2. I played an ungodly amount of hours of SC when I was a kid thanks to the never ending stream of fun custom maps. I played next to zero SC2 because Blizzard killed the SC2 custom map scene in their greedy attempt to own the next DOTA, something that doesnt need to be explain in terms of its impact in gaming and beyond.
Objectively worse because you found SC more fun than SC2? You mean a game released in 1998, that you played at the age of probably 13ish was an amazing experience?! Especially when compared to a game you played at probably 25ish that was basically just upgraded graphics and a few different units/gameplay mechanics? I would grant that SC UMS was > SC2 UMS. But purely as an RTS, SC2 is loads better than SC IMO.

So, like mkopec mkopec , games just don't get you off like they used to anymore. Almost like if you repeat the same activity countless times, with extremely similar mechanics, it starts losing its novelty! Who knew?!
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<Gold Donor>
LOL why do you pick 2002 as some arbitrary year to compare to? Also in 2002 I had my first kid, a house, wife and career. Def not 15, lol. Hell I remeber playing the first DOOM on my Unix station at work, I think I was 20?

In regards to RPG yeah there have been a few great games in the last decade or so. But there have been also 100s of shit ones too. So yeah if you throw shit at the wall chances are youre bound to find some of it that sticks.

Same goes for all the other genres.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Are the people outraged about shitty mobile games just as outraged at shit like baseball cards? Those have been marketed to kids and aren't any different. Hell, people even think they'll get real money out of them
  • 1Worf
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<Gold Donor>
gerund or present participle: gambling games of chance for money

We get it, you don't know what words mean and are hiding behind kids because you have a shit argument. You're losing your money either way, so calling it 100% casino gambling makes you look like an idiot.
Yeah you forgot to mention the second definition to this word...

to bet on an uncertain outcome


<Gold Donor>
Are the people outraged about shitty mobile games just as outraged at shit like baseball cards? Those have been marketed to kids and aren't any different. Hell, people even think they'll get real money out of them
Nahh those are worthless.... Its almost as bad as comparing loot boxes to arcade games.

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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
LOL why do you pick 2002 as some arbitrary year to compare to?
Because you geezers keep making reference to the "good ole days!" and "games suck now compared to "then"!" which is right around that 1998-2008ish era that you're harkening back to. I included games across the entire "era", not just 2002. Just like games I use in my examples of gaming being objectively better now are from the "recent" era 2014-2022 (you know, after Gamergate and everything supposedly becoming "woke") that you guys claim is total shit.
In regards to RPG yeah there have been a few great games in the last decade or so. But there have been also 100s of shit ones too. So yeah if you throw shit at the wall chances are youre bound to find some of it that sticks.
Because every title in the "good ole days!" was fantastic, right? They definitely didn't release dozens of shit games back then!! The only reason it was only in the dozens and wasn't in the hundreds or thousands like it is now is because gaming in general was still pretty "new" - PC gaming especially was. Rest assured, if the tech had been there to make a game with 4 people in your basement in 2 weeks, there would've been thousands of shit games then too.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Nahh those are worthless.... Its almost as bad as comparing loot boxes to arcade games.

So now baseball cards aren't gambling because you can actually win money with them?

How do you not realize how important that is to the whole "gambling" argument?


<Gold Donor>
No because youre buying... fucking cards to collect. Just like youre buying comics or whatever the fuck you collect . If you buy 2022 card decks you have no fucking clue what will be of worth in 10-20 yrs, they are all essentially worthless. Plus there isnt some magical "rare" or "super rare"cards with a lower drop chance Or at least I dont think there are. You can guess on the players that will be rookies or whatever that will one day be superstars but you just dont know. But in the end they are getting cards to build a "full set". Many just buy them because they like baseball/basketball/hockey and think they are cool. Shit I used to buy them in the 80s and I traded them with other kids. I suppose you could call this shit gambling if you intend to score some money card, but again you just dont know in 2022 set which card will be that money card.

I mean in the broad sense of the word we gamble on shit all the fucking time.... We gamble whenever we buy something Chinese on Amazon, or stock market. Or a GM car... But most of the time you are making informed decisions about the above.

The difference in these games being many times your progress is directly tied to these loot boxes. Its predatory because in order to play the fucking game you need to buy the boxes to be competitive or just simply to play the fucking game. Plus there is a whole psychological angle to this shit too like it is in actual casino type gambling. Now I can stop when I see this shit happening. Some people cant. Im sure you know some gambling nut in your circle of friends. Their minds feed on those endorphins and they cannot stop themselves. And with kids its even worse because they are dumb and highly suggestive.

I mean we could go on and on about this shit for pages here, but lets just agree to disagree. I think these game companies are immoral pieces of shit.
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