Girls who broke your heart thread


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Celebrindal said:
man, I am sorry. I know I am not the one to be telling you how to handle that shit because I am still hooked on my ex 2 years after the fact. I do know going out with women and drinking beer helps, but I think you have the better course of actions set up for yourself - Work and Gym.

Keep concentrating on yourself and just move forward. its hard as fuck, though. I struggle with that shit everyday and some of the days I feel like I make steps backwards, but keep your mind focused on something that is not her, even if its something dumb like getting your golf score down.

I know I am going to join a flag football team this spring. I will play 2 nights a week. I know that will help me a lot too, plus replace a boring night at the gym with something fun.

I know you want to be there for her, but you have to let her WANT to come to you for help.

Sorry man.


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Sister just texted me asking why I blew Vanity off last night. I was like "What?" and she texted back saying "She said you blew her off last night".

This is good? I really do not know.


Trakanon Raider
Yes. You"re showing that your world does not revolve around her and that your time is important and something she has to work for.


Brad2770 said:
Sister just texted me asking why I blew Vanity off last night. I was like "What?" and she texted back saying "She said you blew her off last night".

This is good? I really do not know.
You probably came off as a little abrupt maybe. Just tell your sister to tell her you had company and didn"t want to be rude. On NO account phone or text vanity. That would be fail ..

No Eomer livejournal ? Either it was a trainwreck or he is still banging her brains out :p

Aychamo BanBan

Brad2770 said:
Sister just texted me asking why I blew Vanity off last night. I was like "What?" and she texted back saying "She said you blew her off last night".

This is good? I really do not know.
You did very good


Lusiphur said:
You probably came off as a little abrupt maybe. Just tell your sister to tell her you had company and didn"t want to be rude. On NO account phone or text vanity. That would be fail ..

No Eomer livejournal ? Either it was a trainwreck or he is still banging her brains out :p
This, and after she contacts you, emphasize you just didn"t want to be rude to your guest, make some shit up like you hadn"t seen them for a month or so. You don"t want to make her feel too shitty, you have to show some interest, just don"t pour yourself all over her.


Trakanon Raider
Brad said:
So, how did things go with Xerxes, Eomer?
Well, I just finished writing up a 1000 word letter professing my one true love to her. We"ll see how that goes over.

Kidding! Pressed for time at the moment, so I"ll just say that things went okay, she was over again yesterday (she pretty much hung out in my building or within a block of it from 6pm Friday till midnight Saturday as her best friend also lives in the building which may turn out to either be a blessing or curse, I haven"t decided). Still undecided on how interested I am in her, got more details on the "ex" who isn"t really an ex, and so on.


Lusiphur said:
You probably came off as a little abrupt maybe. Just tell your sister to tell her you had company and didn"t want to be rude. On NO account phone or text vanity. That would be fail ..

Ginn said:
This, and after she contacts you, emphasize you just didn"t want to be rude to your guest, make some shit up like you hadn"t seen them for a month or so. You don"t want to make her feel too shitty, you have to show some interest, just don"t pour yourself all over her.

Djaypally said:
Yes. You"re showing that your world does not revolve around her and that your time is important and something she has to work for.

Do YOU think you were rude to her? I"m guessing no, since you didn"t mention it. Then don"t bring it up again. Would you be thinking about it had your friend/brother/sister/father called you? Probably not, so why are you thinking about it now?

First of all, never trust how a girl responds. They VERY often say things that have nothing to do with reality in order to test a man or to figure out how to interpret a situation, usually all unconsciously. She is used to guys doing everything she wants, giving her special attention, and when you are too busy to give her your full attention, she is confused. This doesn"t happen often, so she tries to figure out what happened.

This is GOOD for you, you got her confused, she"s on her toes and has lost control, and human beings don"t like to not be in control, so naturally her first goal is regain control. If you come apologizing or even explaining why you were short with her, it reinforces the thought that you not giving her your immediate unearned attention DID require explanation, and that therefore you were wrong, she regains control, and you lose that appeal.

If instead you never bring it up, or if she brings it up and you nonchalantly tell her you were doing something else, as if you never thought about it and would be confused if you had noticed that she made it an issue out of it, she learns to interpret it as Djaypally explained it.

It"s hard to explain, but basically never take a girl"s word for it. The more "typical girl" she is (strippers are pretty much the most extreme), the more this rule applies. In a 20 minute conversation a girl will test you 3,4,5,6 times, knowingly or unknowingly. Naturals are good because they don"t care, and therefore pass most of these tests without trying. I had a girl once ask me if I was gay, in front of 4 other people, in a pretty insulting manner, because she had thrown up so many tests that I passed beautifully because I recognized them as tests. I was completely blown away, pissed off, and at a loss for words, but instead of reacting I grinned, looked her in the eyes, and said "thats for you to find out." What I said didn"t make a whole lot of sense, but again I was speechless, but what was important was that I acted like what she said didn"t faze me. I had sex with her not 1 hour later on the couch, in front of everyone (granted I was slightly intoxicated), and because of that night and the photos taken, I will never be in politics.

Always be ready to be tested, and the more and stronger the tests, the better you are doing. I LOVE when girls start throwing out more extreme tests, because she is basically saying "you have me on my heels and I"m irresistibly attracted to you." If a girl says something that doesn"t quite sit right with you, or doesn"t completely make sense, you encountered a test and it is crucial you don"t give in or treat it as legit, or you lose points significantly. Hold your ground, if you can turn it around on her do so, but a lot of times you will be speechless, and the best thing to do is fake an amused grin and completely ignore what she said.


Pardon my ignorance, but when do these games stop? I probably handled 90% of the the disrespect I endured wrong in my last relationship, but the way I see it I shouldn"t of had to play that game at all... Is there ever a point where a crazy bitch will stop hanging up on you and stop playing mind games to test their control or what? I mean yea the sex was great, but holy shit. The stress I endured was not worth it! I"d rather settle with an average girl who doesn"t make any waves then go through that shit again.


Ortega said:
I"d rather settle with an average girl who doesn"t make any waves then go through that shit again.
Concur 100%, I don"t have to patience to deal with the games bullshit throughout a very extended period of time. The japs need to finish up their sex bots so I can live a tranquil existence.


Avatar of War Slayer
Talked to my "John" (playa friend). he said that I needed to call her since I told her last night I would call. He said do not ever lie to them and to do what you SAY you will. I got her voice mail, said "This is Brad, hit me back." He told me to leave it at that. Not to goto her work and don"t text or call her again.

Gunna leave it at that. But yeah, he did tell me not to tell her I will do anything anymore. Just play it cool and let things happen.
Brad2770 said:
Talked to my "John" (playa friend). he said that I needed to call her since I told her last night I would call. He said do not ever lie to them and to do what you SAY you will. I got her voice mail, said "This is Brad, hit me back." He told me to leave it at that. Not to goto her work and don"t text or call her again.

Gunna leave it at that. But yeah, he did tell me not to tell her I will do anything anymore. Just play it cool and let things happen.
Isn"t "John" what whores refer to their pimps as??


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I guess so. he might as well be one. he always has women. I envy his skills. Funny thing is, his older brother looks much like him and FAILS completely with the wimminz.


Ortega said:
Pardon my ignorance, but when do these games stop? I probably handled 90% of the the disrespect I endured wrong in my last relationship, but the way I see it I shouldn"t of had to play that game at all... Is there ever a point where a crazy bitch will stop hanging up on you and stop playing mind games to test their control or what? I mean yea the sex was great, but holy shit. The stress I endured was not worth it! I"d rather settle with an average girl who doesn"t make any waves then go through that shit again.
when you stop playing games with them. when you stop analyzing their crap like all the retarded guys on this thread do. it"s like trying to analyze why your dog eats its own shit. you know it"s irrational, stupid, and makes no sense so you don"t think about it. just don"t think about it because it just is, like the dog eating its shit.

women are no different than a pet. when you understand and realize this, you"ll understand the only real consideration worthwhile is no consideration.