Girls who broke your heart thread


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Marthisdil said:
The stockman at WalMart will be able to give him good advice on flowers?

Not only will he be able to give him good advice, he might even know thenamesof the flowers.


<Prior Amod>
Going out tonight with a girl who I"ve been talking to for a bit over a week, I think tonight could be the "lets go exclusive" date. Which is cool, we have so much in common it still throws me for a loop when I think about it.

Was gonna bring flowers but wasn"t sure which route to go, didn"t want to go Roses, just unsure at this point I guess. Gonna try to play 20 questions with her over text while at work and see if I can"t get it out of her that way.


Just got out of a 4 year relationship and been hanging out with someone who I used to work with.

I kind of forgot how psychotic some girls are, my god.



<Prior Amod>
Alright well I said fuck it, called the florist, let them know I"m retarded, didn"t know what I was doing, gave them a price and asked if they could whip something up that was nice for the occasion and situation.

Fuck the deeper and deeper I get into this dating shit the more retarded I feel.
Tarrant220 said:
Alright well I said fuck it, called the florist, let them know I"m retarded, didn"t know what I was doing, gave them a price and asked if they could whip something up that was nice for the occasion and situation.

Fuck the deeper and deeper I get into this dating shit the more retarded I feel.
Just relax dude, don"t over think things.

If you start over thinking shit you"re going to fuck up. That"s a fact.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Tarrant220 said:
Alright well I said fuck it, called the florist, let them know I"m retarded, didn"t know what I was doing, gave them a price and asked if they could whip something up that was nice for the occasion and situation.

Fuck the deeper and deeper I get into this dating shit the more retarded I feel.
Never go Roses, chicks love the cutest looking shit; Daisies or Lillies are win.

Be spontaneous and when you give them to her be sure it"s not awkward. Say something to her while your giving it that will make her laugh, than it will be instant win.

In that moment you have to be romantic and make her smile at the same time, if you can"t do both, than don"t fucking do it.


<Prior Amod>
I"m not over thinking it, just it"s the first time I"ve done it in awhile so I"m like an awkward teenager when thinking shit through.

I"m smooth, calm and collected when in company.

And yeah Tyen I didn"t go roses, I told them to not even think about roses, Lillies are the main theme, I think there may be a tulip or two in there, I dunno, I"ll find out when I get off work at 4 and go pick them up.

We"re meeting at a resturant, she"ll be getting there first I"ve no doubt, not sure how I can "spring" them on her so to speak but I"ll figure something out, I usually do. As far as the laughing thing, that"s one thing I never have had issues with so I got that goin for me in this situation at the very least.


2 Minutes Hate
Quick story now that the holiday season is over.

There one divorced chick that"s friends of the family. Four years older than me, pretty decent looking, I would say maybe a 7. We"ve known each other a while, though only at parties like birthdays and holidays and shit. Anyway we were at a birthday party and ended up talking and crashing on the same couch after a long drunken night. Nothing happened and we ended up texting each other back and forth for a few weeks.

Fast foward to Christmas Eve. Our families and other friends have been getting together for years and her brother (also friend of mine) is back from Texas. We end up drinking long into the night, dancing and end up hooking up on the couch. And a little extra Christmas present before I pass out. Nice. Can"t complain.

Few days later I text and see if she wants to get a few drinks. No response. Oh well, I was looking for seconds, but no worries. Then just recently I saw her at another birthday party and we basically ignore each other all night. I really don"t care because I was working on something better that night.

I come to find out she"s psycho when it comes to dudes. Like fucked up relationship shit. I was relieved because she was going on a few weeks prior about "I hope you"re not an asshole" and all that noise.

Moral of the story: Get in, Get out, Don"t look back.


After reading a majority of this thread I checked out plentyoffish due to the general positive feedback. First off I live in Atlanta and it"s pretty damn hard not to meet attractive girls. They are everywhere! But I thought I"d change it up since all I seem to find are idiots or friends with benefits. I"m not saying the benefits aren"t great, because they are, but I need a change. My general mentality is to find the quickest possible way to sleep with a girl. So I"ve been taking a more laid back approach. Ultimately I want a relationship. I"m 28 and experienced enough casual sex to know it"s not what I want forever.

My experience with the site has been positive. However there are a number of young single moms. That"s not a huge deal to me, because it shows character they took responsibility and handled their business. But it also throws up some red flags not to rush. I"ve been on the site for a couple weeks and have talked to a couple girls over the phone and been on a single date. I"d like to share my experiences and intentions for whoever cares to read.

Girl #1. We talked on IM for a couple hours and she"s really damn cool. 100% woman, 5"10" and has a nice apple bottom. Single mom? Yes. Our first date was dinner and a coffee house. Just talking and people watching. I made no moves and that was really fucking hard. We"re going on a 2nd date this Sunday. She"s dateable and I"ll play it calmly.

Girl #2. Hello Milf! Normally I date younger girls or around my age. But as I was cruising around the site I stumbled upon this nugget. We"ve talked on the phone and all she says is how cute I am blah blah blah. Mom? You bet. Am I going to do everything possible to bang her? Of course. This could be an ace in the hole. I"m not entirely above having casual sex. Don"t hate me.

Girl #3. This could be a home run. She"s cool as hell, likes dive bars (my favorite), into sports, and cute as a button. We"re going out Friday to my favorite dive bar and I hope she"s as cool as I"ve made her out to be in my head. The only thing I dislike is she smokes, but we"ll see how much come Friday. If she turns out to be everything I hope I"ll go real slow.

Girl #4. UHHHHH. Ok the thing with this girl is on paper she was cool, but something completely different in person. She was forward and knew what she wanted online, I like that. She also looked HELL of a lot better in pictures than in person. Do you homework boys. She"s the girl on the right or so she claimed.

If people care to hear more I"ll gladly post some updates. Otherwise listen to what everyone is saying on this thread. If you want to attract women be confident and playful. I"ll be the first to admit I can be bashful at times, but for the most part I consider myself outgoing and fun. Just about EVERY girl wants that. A lot of people can read these pointers and have a hard time applying it, but that"s OK. Shit I used to have the lowest self confidence, but I"ve come along way.


Nino said:
I just need to know if you peed in any of their butts.

ps pls say yes

pss even if it is no, pls say yes
It"s my promise to you and our friendship that I will and have peed in all their butts.
However there are a number of young single moms. That"s not a huge deal to me, because it shows character they took responsibility and handled their business.
I wouldnt go that far, it shows they made a mistake .. and if you dont play super careful you will be responsible for mistake #2 There are so many girls out there...there is no reason to date a single mom. That is unless you want a kid, payments for 18 years and a headache that you will always wish you could take back, then by all means take that chance.

Plus you said you dont want casual sex anymore and you want to get a relationship going, great, but with a single mom ? Whos gonna come first, the kid.. and guess what .. thats someone elses kid. Your always gonna be the second thought.


So I got Magic Bullets, I am willing to hand out the information to download (it is a PDF with a password) to a few people, just send me a PM.

I haven"t really been working on my game as of late since I am home for winter break and have been training seriously to get an MMA fight in the next few months. I"ll be in Norfolk pretty soon and hope to regal you all with tales of suspense, comedy, and vagina.

Aychamo BanBan

[LVC]DeGrassi said:
I wouldnt go that far, it shows they made a mistake .. and if you dont play super careful you will be responsible for mistake #2 There are so many girls out there...there is no reason to date a single mom. That is unless you want a kid, payments for 18 years and a headache that you will always wish you could take back, then by all means take that chance.

Plus you said you dont want casual sex anymore and you want to get a relationship going, great, but with a single mom ? Whos gonna come first, the kid.. and guess what .. thats someone elses kid. Your always gonna be the second thought.
I completely disagree with this. A single mom doesn"t mean the girl made a mistake. The girl could have been married, had a kid, and then the guy was a completely jerk and they got divorced. A lot of dudes are fucking pricks out there (yes and a lot of girls are crazy too.) Or maybe the husband died, cheated, who knows.

I was talking to my buddy about it once. His wife just had a kid, and I asked him if he thought that if she died that she, even though she"s a super great person, should be shunned by the dating society? Of course not!

Yes, the kid will always come first. That"s what happens with kids. When you get married and had a kid, you will put your own kid before your wife too! But that"s something you have to be willing to accept when you get in a relationship with someone who has a kid. It doesn"t mean that single moms are incapable of love though.

Of course, I"m biased now. My girlfriend is a single mom. And I honestly feel lucky to have snagged her. She"s an incredible woman, incredibly smart, sexy, and not some piece of trash that"s going to go out and cheat or party all night or whatever shit. Her kid was after she got married, and the guy was a horrible woman beater. She got divorced. Does that mean that no one should ever love her again? I don"t think so. I will be the next guy she loves and vice versa!

(Now to get off my soap box.... Actually I"m on the toilet so I"m going to wipe!)

Edit: Of course, this is only some of the time! A lot of single moms (probably the majority, right?) were just whores that fucked a lot!

Aychamo BanBan

Fungul said:
She also looked HELL of a lot better in pictures than in person. Do you homework boys. She"s the girl on the right or so she claimed.
Haha! The first girl I met from POF, in NYC, used fake pictures. She comes up "Aychamo?" I said "Who are you?" And she says her name, LOL. I was nice, but she looked nothing at all like her pictures, they were completely fake. So I said I was going to buy a bottle of water, and took off running down into the subway station and jumped on the first train I saw!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
aychamo_aycono said:
Haha! The first girl I met from POF, in NYC, used fake pictures. She comes up "Aychamo?" I said "Who are you?" And she says her name, LOL.I was nice, but she looked nothing at all like her pictures, they were completely fake.So I said I was going to buy a bottle of water, and took off running down into the subway station and jumped on the first train I saw!