Girls who broke your heart thread


The Big Mod
btw just came across these statistics while doing work in my textbook:

mothers age vs. incidence of down syndrome

30 - 1/900
35 - 1/400
36 - 1/300
37 - 1/230
38 - 1/180
39 - 1/135
40 - 1/105
42 - 1/60
44 - 1/35
46 - 1/20
48 - 1/16
49 - 1/12


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Mmmkeshek said:
Nope. In fact females tend to benefit greatly from polygamy. They can get a mate several sex ranks above their own, whereas in a monogamous society this is highly irregular.

Monogamy benefits males more than females in overwhelming numbers. When dealing with polygamy, only the top Nth(use whatever number here you want, basically the studs) percentile of males "have it good", so to speak. All the other ones are stuck with the disgusting whales, if they get anything AT ALL. I haven"t done the research on religious marriage myself (because its a crock of shit, for the most part), but I"d be willing to bet it came from males who were not the catch they wish they were.

In a monogamous society, everyone (used somewhat loosely because there are, of course, outliers who will remain polygamous) pair bonds close to their "sex rank". 10"s with 10"s or 9"s, 9"s with 9"s or 8"s, etc. In a polygamous society, the 10"s take a bunch of 10-6"s for themselves. And so on down the chain, until the 4 and 5"s (and god forbid you be lower than that) are stuck with jack and shit.
Paging Richard Dawkins, please report to the GWBYHT, stat!


Question: what do people feel is a reasonable $ amount for an engagement ring?

I know a couple who were supposed to make an engagement announcement a while back, and when it never materialized the whispering and gossip began. Eventually I heard from a reliable source ("she made me promise not to say anything, so don"t tell anyone...") that the guy told his fiance-to-be that he had budgeted $2k for a ring, but that he couldn"t set more aside because he had 2.5k set aside for a boat, of all things (the fuck). They just got a house together and word had already leaked out about an impending engagement, but apparantly there is no shortage of resentment over this already.

I thought $5k might be a bit on the high end but it seems like everyone I"ve talked to so far disagrees (some higher, some lower surprisingly, one female friend mentioned it should start at $10k and go up from there lol). I tend to lean more towards the"You shouldn"t need to demand that your fiance prove his love to you by forking out tens of thousands of dollars, that just makes you seem like a money hungry whore"but then again $2k does seem somewhat cheap. I tried to find out if he was thinking of spending more and getting the ring at a later date with the $2k as the first chunk squirreled away, but I don"t think I"ll be able to find that out without actually calling and asking.

I could have sworn I asked about ring costs at some time in the past but a cursory search didn"t turn anything up on my part, and I"m dead tired so crashing.


The Big Mod
the only kind of woman i"d want to give a 10 karat ring to is one who wouldn"t want one to begin with.

might have just divided by zero, not sure.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Erronius said:
Question: what do people feel is a reasonable $ amount for an engagement ring?

I know a couple who were supposed to make an engagement announcement a while back, and when it never materialized the whispering and gossip began. Eventually I heard from a reliable source ("she made me promise not to say anything, so don"t tell anyone...") that the guy told his fiance-to-be that he had budgeted $2k for a ring, but that he couldn"t set more aside because he had 2.5k set aside for a boat, of all things (the fuck). They just got a house together and word had already leaked out about an impending engagement, but apparantly there is no shortage of resentment over this already.

I thought $5k might be a bit on the high end but it seems like everyone I"ve talked to so far disagrees (some higher, some lower surprisingly, one female friend mentioned it should start at $10k and go up from there lol). I tend to lean more towards the"You shouldn"t need to demand that your fiance prove his love to you by forking out tens of thousands of dollars, that just makes you seem like a money hungry whore"but then again $2k does seem somewhat cheap. I tried to find out if he was thinking of spending more and getting the ring at a later date with the $2k as the first chunk squirreled away, but I don"t think I"ll be able to find that out without actually calling and asking.

I could have sworn I asked about ring costs at some time in the past but a cursory search didn"t turn anything up on my part, and I"m dead tired so crashing.
There"s the whole "it should cost 3 months salary", which always seemed ridiculous to me. It really just depends on what people are used to. It"s taken me a while to get used to the way my gf"s family is w/ such things. I was pretty taken aback when she told me what the expected amount was for a ring, crazy Asian people.

Her family has a jeweler that they"ve been going to for years who gives them pretty good discounts (loyalty+pay in cash) and makes really nice custom pieces for them. So when we get around to getting married, we"ll go to this guy together and she"ll pick out stone+setting+band+whatever else happens. And then shortly thereafter is when I pop the question.

So definitely atypical from a "western"/american standpoint, but at least I don"t have to worry if she"ll like the ring.


kegkilla said:
the only kind of woman i"d want to give a 10 karat ring to is one who wouldn"t want one to begin with.

might have just divided by zero, not sure.
Holy shit Keg said this. I feel a disturbance in the force.

Honestly when picking a ring just try to find out that you think will best match her character.

Ask the following
Does she typically wear silver or gold or??
Does she prefer the simple look or a more colorful one?
Does she like flashy styles and more simple and ones?
Does she tend towards the still functionally useful and still elegant or just really elegant?

When buying the engagement ring you can save on price by comparing diamonds of different qualities all at once and seeing if you can tell a difference with the naked eye.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Sometimes you just have to give a woman a plastic Wal Mart ring.

win win


Molten Core Raider
A while ago I vented on the FSR Thread, upset that i live in Romania and I make 400 Euros/month, etc. I was really pissed off reading how much people with lower education make in the States.

Reading these last few posts however changed my mind completely. I am happy to live in Romania, where I spent like 150 Euros on a simple and beautiful gold engagement ring, and after the wedding, when I told my wife how much it did cost, she told me I am crazy, that I spent too much on it.

Holly Fucking Shit 2.000 USD for a ring ? I imagine that the stone is a huuuge chunk of that price. That seems just money down the drain. I get it, the ring must last, and it must be pretty. Therefore, a gold or silver ring is alright with me. But what"s the point of the freaking diamond ? 1000 dollars + for a tiny piece of stone ? Get the fuck out of here... rubies are nicer and cheaper. Thank god they are in style over here.


I figured, based on my income and savings, that I could spend a bit over 2k for my wife"s engagement ring. She was completely happy with it and her friends were jealous.
Unfortunately I got to buy the same ring a second time when she lost the first one a year later.
She now knows that should another replacement be necissary, it will be coming from Walmart.


Molten Core Raider
The engagement ring I bought did not cost anywhere near (monthly salary)x3 ... and I still got told I"m crazy by a) my best man and b) my fianc?e (didn"t tell her the price but I told her it cost more than her wedding ring, which is true).

Different culture I guess.


Avatar of War Slayer
I paid 1k for my ex-wife"s engagement ring. It had the wedding band that locked to it. This was when I was making 400 a week take home at a warehouse job when I was 22. Took me awhile to get money saved up for it.


The Big Mod
Brad2770 said:
I paid 1k for my ex-wife"s engagement ring. It had the wedding band that locked to it. This was when I was making 400 a week take home at a warehouse job when I was 22. Took me awhile to get money saved up for it.
glad that worked out for ya
Erronius said:
Paging Richard Dawkins, please report to the GWBYHT, stat!


Question: what do people feel is a reasonable $ amount for an engagement ring?

I know a couple who were supposed to make an engagement announcement a while back, and when it never materialized the whispering and gossip began. Eventually I heard from a reliable source ("she made me promise not to say anything, so don"t tell anyone...") that the guy told his fiance-to-be that he had budgeted $2k for a ring, but that he couldn"t set more aside because he had 2.5k set aside for a boat, of all things (the fuck). They just got a house together and word had already leaked out about an impending engagement, but apparantly there is no shortage of resentment over this already.

I thought $5k might be a bit on the high end but it seems like everyone I"ve talked to so far disagrees (some higher, some lower surprisingly, one female friend mentioned it should start at $10k and go up from there lol). I tend to lean more towards the"You shouldn"t need to demand that your fiance prove his love to you by forking out tens of thousands of dollars, that just makes you seem like a money hungry whore"but then again $2k does seem somewhat cheap. I tried to find out if he was thinking of spending more and getting the ring at a later date with the $2k as the first chunk squirreled away, but I don"t think I"ll be able to find that out without actually calling and asking.

I could have sworn I asked about ring costs at some time in the past but a cursory search didn"t turn anything up on my part, and I"m dead tired so crashing.
Ring = 1 month male wages. That is what I have always heard. A boat is vastly more useful, women are gold digging garbage I swear. Only an idiot, ie woman, would refuse to marry a male who had enough cash set aside for a house, ring, AND BOAT, pre-marriage. What a dumb whore, crisis averted for that guy, imo.


Trakanon Raider
Tyen said:
She broke my heart in Poland bro. Them 12 yr olds.


As far as engagement rings go, that shit really is ridiculous. My bud is likely going to be getting engaged with his girl when she"s done school in 6 months and he"s been ring shopping. From what I understand he"s looking in the 10-25k range, because that"s what his woman wants. She"s not normally a money grubbing or gold digging type at all, she"s actually a really cool chick. But when it comes to the ring, she takes that shit seriously. He does make over 100k a year, as well.


French Madman
Eomer said:
As far as engagement rings go, that shit really is ridiculous. My bud is likely going to be getting engaged with his girl when she"s done school in 6 months and he"s been ring shopping. From what I understand he"s looking in the 10-25k range, because that"s what his woman wants. She"s not normally a money grubbing or gold digging type at all, she"s actually a really cool chick. But when it comes to the ring, she takes that shit seriously. He does make over 100k a year, as well.
A freaking quarter of his annual salary for a fucking ring? Seriously?

I know love is great yadda yadda, but when you know that 2 marriages out of three end in a divorce, that shit is ridiculous.


Lord Nagafen Raider
wamphyr said:
A while ago I vented on the FSR Thread, upset that i live in Romania and I make 400 Euros/month, etc. I was really pissed off reading how much people with lower education make in the States.

Reading these last few posts however changed my mind completely. I am happy to live in Romania, where I spent like 150 Euros on a simple and beautiful gold engagement ring, and after the wedding, when I told my wife how much it did cost, she told me I am crazy, that I spent too much on it.

Holly Fucking Shit 2.000 USD for a ring ? I imagine that the stone is a huuuge chunk of that price. That seems just money down the drain. I get it, the ring must last, and it must be pretty. Therefore, a gold or silver ring is alright with me. But what"s the point of the freaking diamond ? 1000 dollars + for a tiny piece of stone ? Get the fuck out of here... rubies are nicer and cheaper. Thank god they are in style over here.
Who else started narrating his post in their head with the voice of this man?


Lord Nagafen Raider
For engagement rings, you have to take into account a few things:

1) Many women think marriage is the most important thing that will ever happen to them
2) DeBeers has had 20+ years to fill their head with fucked up norms on what diamonds mean and how much they should cost
3) You may not care much about the ring, but she has to wear it forever and her judgmental friends will all gossip about it

The key is balance. Don"t cave immediately and just spend your entire wedding budget on the ring. The best strategy is shifting the picture upwards and talking about financial goals as a couple. Weddings cost a lot. So do houses and kids. Money is finite, especially if the couple is absorbing a lot of the wedding cost. This perspective can help if she is even marginally reasonable. If she isn"t, well.... I suppose you just got saved from a really poor decision.


Molten Core Raider
Here is the thing.. get what she WANTS. Doesn"t matter if it costs 500 or 500,000... if she means enough to you to marry then let her pick it out and pay what ever it is. My first wife"s was 2k, 2nd was 700. I let THEM choose... and that"s what they wanted. If they truly love you then the size of the ring won"t matter UNLESS you are the one who goes small. Just remember that boys


Lord Nagafen Raider
Camerous said:
Here is the thing.. get what she WANTS. Doesn"t matter if it costs 500 or 500,000... if she means enough to you to marry then let her pick it out and pay what ever it is. My first wife"s was 2k, 2nd was 700. I let THEM choose... and that"s what they wanted. If they truly love you then the size of the ring won"t matter UNLESS you are the one who goes small. Just remember that boys
That"s great advice! I"ll pay the first 2k and send you a bill for the rest since you apparently have unlimited funds.