Girls who broke your heart thread


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Eomer said:
I was gonna say, why is she "breaking up" with you? I don"t mean her reasons. I mean why the fuck were you a "couple" to begin with? I guess she"s young and such, but christ you knew her for how long, a week or two, and you were already a couple?

Maybe I"m way off on the timeline, but that"s an alarm bell right there for me.

While we"re on the subject though, what"s the policy on a 30 year old dating a 20 year old? When you"re friends with her mother? I mean, not good friend, but you know them socially. Is it kosher if the mom at her own wedding says "oh yeah, I don"t care if you make out with her, she could do worse"? And if her new step-dad is actively telling you to hit it because he"s kind of a dirt bag?

But seriously, I"m not that stupid. Damn she"s hot though.
Haha Eomer is living the dream. I say go for it.


Shit Lord Supreme
No it"s good he"s tried/trying a relationship with an 18 year old, he"s learning. The guy needs the experience right now.


Trakanon Raider
Tenks said:
Haha Eomer is living the dream. I say go for it.
Yeah see the thing is, I would have zero problem just sleeping with a 20 year old. Over the past couple years I"ve had a couple one nighters or bootie call type relationships with girls in their early 20"s. But being that she"s a friend"s daughter, that"s probably not kosher. I can"t see myself actually dating a 20 year old in general, and this one in particular both looks and acts quite young. Not to mention being a dumbass I"d probably fall for her and get wrecked when she drops by old ass.

Wish she was a couple years older, then maybe it would be worth considering.

edit: Sorry, one other point of discussion: what"s appropriate or inappropriate in terms of approaching someone in a professional relationship? The other day I went for a design meeting on a project at an architect"s office, and the assistant was pretty good looking. She had introduced herself before the meeting started and everyone had arrived, but really there was no conversation between us otherwise. However a couple times we made eye contact etc. during the meeting, she"d dart her eyes away and so on. I"ll likely see her again next week, but after that probably not. I would assume it would be strange just to call her up and be like "hey wanna go for a drink?" There"d be no professional reason for us to interact outside of the couple meetings, so I can"t really use that as a cover.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Unless asking her out has the ability to screw the pooch on your project I don"t see why it would be inappropriate to just call her work line and ask her out for a drink. The worst she could do would be turn you down and 99/100 girls are flattered when they"re asked out not creeped.


Just a random thing that"s been on my mind that I thought I"d bring up here.

So I met this one girl a couple times at parties, never thought much about her other than she was pretty and she was kinda with one of my friends. We got talking on Facebook and decided to meet up after her job and go get drinks. We end up sitting at the park for a couple hours polishing off two bottles of wine and just talking about all kinds of things (mostly about how she"s down because she doesn"t think my friend is into her anymore). At this point I was getting drunk and falling a bit for her. We go out on the town, have a blast, end up making out and I take her home because she was becoming quickly intoxicated.

The next day I feel pretty bad about things on reflection, so I talk to my friend and tell him what happened. His response was that he didn"t care and I could "go for it."

The night this girl and I hung out she said I should come over to her house the next night. So I confirm that that"s still cool and stop by. After being there for maybe 5 minutes she says she"s uncomfortable about things and she"s going to bed, so I leave.

I attempt twice to ask her to hang out, the last response was "I don"t think that"s such a good idea."

And that"s the last communication I"ve had with her. Normally I"d just be like "whatever, not worth it" but it"s hard for me to get her off my mind.

So I"m considering messaging her and asking if that night was just a random drunken thing (I mean, nothing even happened) or if she had any feelings for me. And I feel like I look like a terrible friend, but I can"t just come out and tell her that I talked to my friend and he told me he didn"t give a shit about her.

So FoH, would it be inappropriate to ask her what was going on in her head, or should I just let it be? I know I personally want more information, but I"m not sure if it"s me being selfish and bringing it up would make her uncomfortable. Part of me wants to just be like, "Hey, when you"re over [my friend], I"m here." but that seems kinda... scummy. I don"t know. Weird situation.


The Big Mod
Reiker said:
Just a random thing that"s been on my mind that I thought I"d bring up here.

So I met this one girl a couple times at parties, never thought much about her other than she was pretty and she was kinda with one of my friends. We got talking on Facebook and decided to meet up after her job and go get drinks. We end up sitting at the park for a couple hours polishing off two bottles of wine and just talking about all kinds of things (mostly about how she"s down because she doesn"t think my friend is into her anymore). At this point I was getting drunk and falling a bit for her. We go out on the town, have a blast, end up making out and I take her home because she was becoming quickly intoxicated.

The next day I feel pretty bad about things on reflection, so I talk to my friend and tell him what happened. His response was that he didn"t care and I could "go for it."

The night this girl and I hung out she said I should come over to her house the next night. So I confirm that that"s still cool and stop by. After being there for maybe 5 minutes she says she"s uncomfortable about things and she"s going to bed, so I leave.

I attempt twice to ask her to hang out, the last response was "I don"t think that"s such a good idea."

And that"s the last communication I"ve had with her. Normally I"d just be like "whatever, not worth it" but it"s hard for me to get her off my mind.

So I"m considering messaging her and asking if that night was just a random drunken thing (I mean, nothing even happened) or if she had any feelings for me. And I feel like I look like a terrible friend, but I can"t just come out and tell her that I talked to my friend and he told me he didn"t give a shit about her.

So FoH, would it be inappropriate to ask her what was going on in her head, or should I just let it be? I know I personally want more information, but I"m not sure if it"s me being selfish and bringing it up would make her uncomfortable. Part of me wants to just be like, "Hey, when you"re over [my friend], I"m here." but that seems kinda... scummy. I don"t know. Weird situation.
she doesn"t like you, she used you to make your friend jealous. when it didn"t work she lost interest. move on.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Reiker said:
I attempt twice to ask her to hang out, the last response was "I don"t think that"s such a good idea."
Unless there is some serious context you didn"t include, this = game over.

Unfortunately for you, Keg is probably dead on with his evaluation.


Molten Core Raider
Ser Kegkilla said:
she doesn"t like you, she used you to make your friend jealous. when it didn"t work she lost interest. move on.
Ding ding.

Women are scum. Never forget. ^_^


I"d stop pushing her. More than likely, it"s over... HOWEVER, on the off-chance that maybe she still has some interest, you"ll be ruining all your chances if you try to contact her one more time. Let her have space and if she likes you at all, she"ll eventually call you. And if she doesn"t... then move on.


Eomer said:
While we"re on the subject though, what"s the policy on a 30 year old dating a 20 year old? When you"re friends with her mother? I mean, not good friend, but you know them socially.
Get to know the mother better and do them both. At the same time for bonus points?


Trakanon Raider
Seths said:
Get to know the mother better and do them both. At the same time for bonus points?
lol, mom ain"t all that attractive, no deal. Just creeped her on Facebook, she"s actually 19 for a couple more weeks. Whoops.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
lol, mom ain"t all that attractive, no deal. Just creeped her on Facebook, she"s actually 19 for a couple more weeks. Whoops.
It"s not about the looks, it"s about the challenge.


Wrathcaster"s Guide to Not Being a Fuctkard:

1.) Don"t date a chick because you "like the crazy ones"
2.) Beware of women that were fat as children
4.) ???
5.) PROFIT!!!


Already did quit it. Got tired of the drama this morning, got a text at 5:30 am. Wanting to talk, inching up to how sorry she was, how she didn"t mean what she said. I looked at my phone, typed up "Oh by the way, I was married, which you might have figured out, and I have two kids."

Put my phone on silent, went to work, looked at my phone hours later: 20+ texts about what a douchebag I am and she never would"ve slept with me had she known I had children. Didn"t hurt at all. Asked a girl out I sort of liked, she said yes. Goin out on Thursday.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Aamina, for that I will never use the -Aamina joke again. You are absolved sir.