Girls who broke your heart thread


Queen Bee
Terawlyn said:
This has potential!

Seriously Portland : First Bro/Tyen/Trex romance/roommate/friends/whatever love triangle and now this... I love that city!
You are tres Portland. You totes need to quit the drugs. Drugs are for losers. "a nice relaxing roll?" wtf is wrong with you? People always talk down their drug problems so when you say heroin daily, I"m scared of what that really means.. I"ve seen a lot of friends that don"t even need to go out and do anything, they just lock themselves in their rooms and play inside their heads. Drop them.

I would invite you to out to dinner with emporer salty and I, but you scare me, especially because you offered to sell your gf to us for some kind of requiem for a dream scene.. So PM me your address and I"ll send you a lasagna


<Gold Donor>
Hooby said:
Shelly, you were blessed with a special gift of making people feel better about their own life.

Thanks for helping... sorry you"re you.
Sounds like you were blessed with the same gift.

Based off the information you have offered you sound like a selfish low life, basically a Sociopath.

So to quote you ... "sorry you"re you."


Molten Core Raider
Suddenly sleeping with a potentially crazy person and being misled into blaming Lori for the eventual fallout doesn"t seem so bad.


Blackwing Lair Raider
God damn my head... So anyways. Her mom introduced us because I use to walk by her house everyday for two years on my way to work. I"d always stop to pet her dog and make a little small talk, and so one day she just decided I was the nicest guy she knew around her daughters age and got us to start seeing each other. The girl is essentially an ex mormon, turned bad girl, turned normal person. We hooked up for about 4 months as fuck buddies and then she moved back to South Carolina and we broke it off.

The whole time she was in South Carolina we talked constantly. It turns out she was pregnant when she left so we had to deal with that. It ultimately went down that she had a tubular pregnancy and it had to be terminated. We were both crushed and wound up falling in love with each other long distance because of the support that we kept up for one another. When she moved back to Missouri, 9 months later, even though she was together with an ex of hers that still lived back south, we started hooking up again and she wound up leaving him. We"ve had a rough relationship since then. We"ve gone through some freak out stages about not being sure if we were ready to be so serious, because our relationship was bee lining for marriage and kids. Long story short several months back, her job selected her to go to India for business management training within her company.

She has been there since June of "11. We broke up before she left because she was going to be gone for a year to do this and I knew it would be a bad idea. We had some other bullshit going on as well about her family. After an E5 tornado wiped out a third of my town and left her family homeless, she moved in with me, and I let her brothers stay with me till they could get on their feet. They were free loading bums and we fought constantly.

We kept in touch from the moment she left and it wasn"t more than a month or 2 after that she decided that when she came back she wanted to move in with me permanently and that we shouldn"t see other people. Fastforward to December, the day after Christmas she gets completely hammered and has a one nighter with another guy there in the business management course from Texas. She later confides in a best friend/ex of her what she did and that she didn"t know how to tell me and didn"t want to ruin the relationship and our future. The guy felt bad enough he messaged me and gave me the details. Figuring he may be trying to undermine our relationship I played it cool for a few days until I could adequately approach everything. She fessed up and we are taking some time to think about it all and decide what we are going to do.

For what it"s worth, I"m done with it. There is a part of me that hopes I will see her down the road and maybe we can start over, but after all the thinking I did last night and today, I know that I"m just not going to do it. It sucks because there is a part of me that has already forgiven her, I"ve been in the same boat since she left, and almost did the exact same thing a couple of times. There is a huge part of my heart that says that I don"t care what happened. I love this girl more than anything else in my life. She is more important to me than my family, friends, or my job. We really have/had something amazing. I actually will be really interested to see what kind of responses I get from this.

I can honestly say that even just the quasi board loyalty support that I"ve gotten from what little I let out last night was helpful. I"m not worried about finding someone else, I know I"m a great guy. And I"m not a fatty anymore either, well at least not as big a fatty, dropped down to a steady 250lbs actually using a lot of advice and info on these boards.


Molten Core Raider
Rhanin said:
I love this girl more than anything else in my life.
Don"t get in another relationship until you find something to love in your life other then some cunt. Even if it"s yourself.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Turkish said:
Yeah... don"t be a decent person, wait a few months, and get tested for std"s before banging someone else. It"s been a whole 2 weeks since you broke up with your ex, right!? Something would have come up by now!

That mangy fucking cumtrap you call a "sailed ship" has barely left port. And she was hooking for a year while doing smack!?

You know what? Fuck it. Fuck it all... this new girl deserves every puss-laden sore she"s going to get if she knows about this shit and still lets you throw dick in her.
Bright side is if he does have a STD he certainly deserves. What kind of piece of shit gets someone addicted to heroin?


<Bronze Donator>
Dabamf said:
Hooby and lost you guys are like soulmates...

...except I give it like 80% this story is made up.
Yeah I dont know abot soul mates.. never done heroin or known a heroin addict. Had an ex leave me for a recovering one that relapsed though, jokes on her. When I said I like crazy girls it didnt mean prostitutes!

Yeah she has a nice ass, havent been able to settle for bony assed girls after her.

That tattoo is disgusting, she got it when we were broken up a month or two and its some skeleton faced lady with rose.. its related to the day of the dead. I just didnt care for the placement of it, my family isn"t much for tattoos and the spot she got it in isnt the easiest to hide, plus its not very feminine, grotesque if you ask me.


The Big Mod
so i hung out with the iranian girl last night and.... shit got kind of weird. we were pregaming drinking and shit in her room, she asked me about my family so i told her the basics. then out of nowhere she breaks down and starts sobbing. she tells me about how awful her father is, from the sound of it he"s a typical middle eastern dude who beats his wife and his kids and shit. she didn"t really elaborate on it, but i would guess he doesn"t approve of his kids abandoning his religion and becoming westernized and what not. her and her brother apparently don"t even go home anymore.

so yeah, that all suddenly came out. i"m not really the most compassionate person, so i didn"t really know what to do here. i kind of just wanted to get the hell out of there. on the other hand though, she"s had a rough life and she"s a pretty remarkable person. soo i don"t really know what to do here.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If he finds out that an infidel is laying the pipe to his daughter, he might have to honor-kill you both.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Ser Kegkilla said:
so i hung out with the iranian girl last night and.... shit got kind of weird. we were pregaming drinking and shit in her room, she asked me about my family so i told her the basics. then out of nowhere she breaks down and starts sobbing. she tells me about how awful her father is, from the sound of it he"s a typical middle eastern dude who beats his wife and his kids and shit. she didn"t really elaborate on it, but i would guess he doesn"t approve of his kids abandoning his religion and becoming westernized and what not. her and her brother apparently don"t even go home anymore.

so yeah, that all suddenly came out. i"m not really the most compassionate person, so i didn"t really know what to do here. i kind of just wanted to get the hell out of there. on the other hand though, she"s had a rough life and she"s a pretty remarkable person. soo i don"t really know what to do here.
So how many times did you hit it after feigning sympathy for her and her situation?


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Tell her dad you hate israel and support Khameni

then kneel down and bow on the floor 3 times.

do it legit and gain favor