Girls who broke your heart thread

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
TheCutlery said:
And yet they exist, which is the point. Sometimes, the choice is not made on love alone, which was mine.
Why not just live together, instead of getting married if all you care about is the economic side of things?


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Phoenix said:
Why not just live together, instead of getting married if all you care about is the economic side of things?
Because the economics don"t end with sharing rent? Your girlfriend can"t be covered on your insurance plan. This can be a sizable expense. You are a better driver married, so says your car insurance premium. And the government wants families cranking out kids, so you pay less tax.

Look, I don"t give a fuck whether you live with the bitch for 15 years or get married after 1. The point is that it has been done both ways for many, many fucking years, and trying to pretend that marriage is a decision based solely on the love of 2 people is fallacy, as I"ve said before. But I guess we"re just gonna have trolls coming thru pretending they have any idea what I"m fucking talking about.

Good luck with your love. Seems throughout history that marrying for money has worked out much better.

Darus Grey_foh

I agree with the premise, love is actually the least legitimate reason to get married(marriage is a contract whose sole purpose is the division of assets, you can get religiously/spiritually married without being legally married).

But not some of the points, girlfriend being covered varies by state, in NY they are covered, the insurance discount is negligible, and the tax break is decent...but I would argue that with the failure rate of marriage, the odds of that cost savings being worth the risk is not even remotely in a man"s favor. Especially in no fault states(almost all of them, I <3 NY) and if there"s a disparity between you and your spouses income.

Marriage is almost exclusively to the benefit of women in most cases, so as a man, getting *legally* married seems like a pretty stupid thing to do, it"s pretty much all downsides, and the only upside is if it lasts forever, and that"s heavily not in your favor.
OhSeven said: had it right the first time.
No, he didn"t. And if you believe he did, would you like to provide evidence that all women exclusively marry guys simply to control them?

OhSeven said:
A quick google search on divorce laws is a good enough reason to not get married. Hell, the only state that doesn"t have no fault divorce is New York.
This I do agree with. Women do have the upper hand when getting married whether it works out or not. This doesn"t make marriage inherently evil though.

Inconsiderable said:
Not really. Control sounds harsh, but that is exactly what they do. Its instincts. They want you to commit, to stay with them, to have access to your resources.
Instincts?Really?You"re telling me it"s their evolutionary prerogative to marry one dude, share his wealth, and only have his babies?

Inconsiderable said:
The thinking part of your or their brain might come up with all the romantic reasons why they want to marry you, but thats not what really happens.
Now you"re going to tell me romantic feelings and emotions for a person come from the "thinking part" of our brains? Care to try again?


Those are all stupid reasons to get married though. You don"t share hotel rooms with total strangers to save moneyso why would you agree to live with someone for the rest of your life, if you didn"t care, respect and truly want to be near that person till the day you die.

It does not even make sense financially. Sure, you will save on taxes, insurance, and here and there but once she starts buying random shit like expensive face creams, plastic surgery, fucking prada bags but is unfuckable because the bitch refuses to step on a treadmill you"ll be very much in the red.

Darus Grey_foh

You don"t share hotel rooms with total strangers to save money
Not to belittle your point, but people do this all the time, if you attend conventions of any kind, it"s common to share hotel rooms with total strangers to save money.

Unrelated to the topic however!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
chu said:
It does not even make sense financially. Sure, you will save on taxes, insurance, and here and there but once she starts buying random shit like expensive face creams, plastic surgery, fucking prada bags but is unfuckable because the bitch refuses to step on a treadmill you"ll be very much in the red.
Hey, you can"t change the nature of the beast, unfortunately. It"s the shit we put up with for pussy. Well, not so much you, since you suck dick, but you get my point


TheCutlery said:
Because the economics don"t end with sharing rent? Your girlfriend can"t be covered on your insurance plan. This can be a sizable expense. You are a better driver married, so says your car insurance premium. And the government wants families cranking out kids, so you pay less tax.

Look, I don"t give a fuck whether you live with the bitch for 15 years or get married after 1. The point is that it has been done both ways for many, many fucking years, and trying to pretend that marriage is a decision based solely on the love of 2 people is fallacy, as I"ve said before. But I guess we"re just gonna have trolls coming thru pretending they have any idea what I"m fucking talking about.

Good luck with your love. Seems throughout history that marrying for money has worked out much better.
If the bitch has a real job, usually insurance for a single person is either free or dirt cheap (at least it ais at the fortune 500 company i work for)....And rates go much, MUCH higher for someone married adding a spouse. Live otgether, have her get insurance through the company she works for, as do you, and you save money compared to adding a spouse.

As far as car insurance, with my driving record (which is good), my premiums would go up $6/month or so for not being married. Even adding that on to the insurance total, still cheaper.

Maybe it"s more expensive for you young fucks who have shit for driving records or something.


Darus Grey said:
Not to belittle your point, but people do this all the time, if you attend conventions of any kind, it"s common to share hotel rooms with total strangers to save money.

Unrelated to the topic however!
Quit making sense. This is FoH.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Marthisdil said:
If the bitch has a real job, usually insurance for a single person is either free or dirt cheap (at least it ais at the fortune 500 company i work for)....And rates go much, MUCH higher for someone married adding a spouse. Live otgether, have her get insurance through the company she works for, as do you, and you save money compared to adding a spouse.

As far as car insurance, with my driving record (which is good), my premiums would go up $6/month or so for not being married. Even adding that on to the insurance total, still cheaper.

Maybe it"s more expensive for you young fucks who have shit for driving records or something.
Oh jesus christ. We gots a genius on our hands.

Yeah, I work for a fortune 500 company too. Are you saying everyone does? Are you saying that everyone gets health care through their work? Are you saying that all women work? What are you saying here, besides that you"re a fucking dumbass? I wish everyone lived in the utopia you claim to, then we wouldn"t have these problems.

FYI, when I got married at 19, my insurance went from $360 a MONTH (which was funny because my loan at the time was $285 a month) for full coverage on my used F150, to $120 a month for full coverage on the F150, liability on the wife"s car, and the renters insurance we lumped in with it. I became a better driver literally overnight as far as my car insurance was concerned. My driving record is completely clean, and always has been. 0 accidents, 0 claims, I"ve only talked to them twice in the last 10 years, and that"s when I moved. My friends who are single pay a substantial amount more in insurance than I do, and I don"t seem to remember any of them racking up any serious damage to their vehicles or people. So yeah, try again.

Once again, the point is not whether you agree with any of this or not, it happens, and if you want to sit back and deny it does, then enjoy your ignorance.


Avatar of War Slayer
Didn"t get the job. He liked everything about me, but he asked if my ex and her husband moved out of state, would I move too and I told him yes.

So when he called me back last night, he said he couldn"t hire me because of the distance from my family.

Darus Grey_foh

Brad2770 said:
Didn"t get the job. He liked everything about me, but he asked if my ex and her husband moved out of state, would I move too and I told him yes.

So when he called me back last night, he said he couldn"t hire me because of the distance from my family.
Lying is a valuable skill.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Brad2770 said:
Didn"t get the job. He liked everything about me, but he asked if my ex and her husband moved out of state, would I move too and I told him yes.

So when he called me back last night, he said he couldn"t hire me because of the distance from my family.
You know they can"t really relocate like that and take your child away from you, right? And if they try, you can get a court order to make them move back?

Cad said:
You know they can"t really relocate like that and take your child away from you, right? And if they try, you can get a court order to make them move back?

That would require him going to court and fucking up the "special arrangement" that is oh so much better than getting established legal rights.

His ex fucks him/he fucks himself without even trying to and Brad thinks he"s got a good thing going.


God I actually laughed out loud. Its so sad its like it cant be real.


Avatar of War Slayer
It doesnt matter. Looks like I am getting a job in a different field anyways. Friend of mine got me an interview with the company she works with and I will be making about 10k more a year and I wont be working alone. I am tired of working alone. Plus, the place I was required to move to would have been over an hour away from my son. I never thought it would be an issue, but once it started to become real, I knew I couldnt move that from from him.

I have mentioned before that money is not what drives me. Its my family and why I "fought" so much to keep it.


Brad2770 said:
It doesnt matter. Looks like I am getting a job in a different field anyways. Friend of mine got me an interview with the company she works with and I will be making about 10k more a year and I wont be working alone. I am tired of working alone. Plus, the place I was required to move to would have been over an hour away from my son. I never thought it would be an issue, but once it started to become real, I knew I couldnt move that from from him.

I have mentioned before that money is not what drives me. Its my family and why I "fought" so much to keep it.
If you actually wanted to keep it, you"d would GO TO FUCKING COURT AND SETTLE THIS BULLSHIT ONCE AND FOR ALL.


<Bronze Donator>
Went out friday with a bunch of friends for a birthday, ended up getting a bottle and a table at the club.

Fast forward, someone notices my ex is there, after that all the girls in my party (about 6, 4 being single) keep coming to me saying she"s giving them dirty looks in the bathroom and around the club (lol).

I end up picking up a girl from our party, and doing my thing without ever acknowledging my ex was there, friend comes to me and says dude your ex just came up to me and said "whos that ugly chick next to him? I"m way hotter" (she happened to be talking about my friends girlfriend LOL - who is hotter than my ex).. He said sometihng like "fuck you thats my girlfriend, he"s been banging hotter chicks" and said her mouth was wide open and he walked away (probably exaggerated but funny)

Short story, but I thought it was amusing! Pretty creepy since I havent talked to her since I last posted about her.. so like ~2 months, I ended up telling her 2 months ago to never speak to me again.. she texted me later that night asking me who the girl was and if I knew she was there. I told her no I had no idea and its none of her business who the girl is. She wouldnt stop asking me.. haven"t spoken to her since that night.

Feels good that I didnt care she was at the club and she was spying on me while I had a great time, still not going to speak to her though.

Just another example, bitches dont know what they want.