Girls who broke your heart thread


<Bronze Donator>
Jimmy Carter wuwu said:
Check, just go no contact and you will forget the girl soon. No contact is the best way to get rid of her. I was in the same situation awhile ago and she was AMAZING at sex. She knew she could control me with it too. Would call me up in spurts of 3 months and fuck me wild and I would let my dick control my rational thought process.

Then I met this shy girl who had her shit together and thought she wasn"t a freak at all. WAS I WRONG. She made me forget completely about my sex driven good for nothing ex. After the no contact, I made sure to get her number blocked on my cell phone so I would never have the urge to ever contact her again.

Fast forward to two years later, I was at barnes and nobles having coffee and reading the new mixmag and she saw me and sat down at my table. I brushed it off and continue reading it. She asked me how things were and stuff and I kept every answer to a yes and no. She knew I was over it and she wasn"t. I kid you not it took me 30 minutes to finish the magazine and she was still sitting there wanting me to talk to her and after I was done I put the magazine down and left. While I was walking away I heard he sobbing. That sir is when you know it"s all over.
Dont ignore her. Just man up and dont take her abuse. Call her out, leave if it gets out of hand (best case: to another girl so she gets jealous) and dont play slave.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Inconsiderable said:
Dont ignore her. Just man up and dont take her abuse. Call her out, leave if it gets out of hand (best case: to another girl so she gets jealous) and dont play slave.
The no contact is for after you had everything you feel like saying to her and let it be known. So there is no built up animosity in you and you know you have said everything is on your mind. The no contact is the final nail in the coffin. You follow NC you will find out things are 100% easier to deal with.

Edit: If you try to find another girl fast just to shove it in your ex"s face that means you aren"t over her. UNLESS she calls you while another girl is on top of you and you answer it like I did if you read my earlier post"s which is like a ultimate fuck you I got nothing to hide and I"m having fun RIGHT now on my time.


The only option is not talk to her anymore. You want her to change, but she is who she is.

You"re the male equivalent of the wife that gets weekly beatings from her husband but sticks around because she "sees the good in him."

It takes courage to make the choice that is clearly in your long term best interest but is more painful in the short term. Cowards stick with what they know even though it"s bad for them out of fear of being alone or for short term gain. Don"t be a coward.


Molten Core Raider
I have a question. Lost, are you like...3 different people? Your posting ability radically changes constantly.


So the ex and I have seen each other twice in the past week, both times ending with a little hoo-hah. It"s incredible how much more interesting someone becomes when you stop dating them. In the last week both of us have experienced this phenomena with one another, but neither of us wants to give the relationship another crack. So, for now, we"re stuck in an oddly pleasant limbo. I"m sure it won"t last, but I"m not ready to cut her out of my life yet (especially since she has become good friends with some of my peripheral female friends, thus becoming an independent member of my social circle.)

My problem is that I can"t go more than 3-6 months in a relationship without becoming apathetic to it. My life is slowly becoming that scene in Jerry Maguire where Jerry"s watching the tape with all his exs talking about how great he is at dating but how bad he is at relationships.


<Bronze Donator>
Zehn - Vhex said:
I have a question. Lost, are you like...3 different people? Your posting ability radically changes constantly.
Haha, thanks, no I"m one person. I find myself good at giving advice, and well I can give myself advice for the most part but sometimes little shit clouds my judgement and figured just needed someone to tell me it straight that wasnt my family/friends.

Yeah I know, I do see the good in her and yeah part of me hopes she has changed in this last year but it"s not appearing that way and I guess I wouldnt blame her if I was her and had the ability to make guys do shit for me etc.. power of pussy, but have to grow up some day.


So I met this chick that I thought was older but turns out is 17 turning 18 in a month or so. I"m 23..

We"ve hung out two or three times and a few nights back we fucked. She"s got a 9 close 10 ass (pretty amazing), no tits, but overall a fantastic lay.

To summerize my dilemma: She"s a huge fan of pretty much soaking herself in make-up, wearing tinyasfuck shorts, and really short slutty shirts. Yet, I"m going to have to start taking this girl out in public. Should I man up for the sake of great sex and take her out, try to figure out a way to just be fuck partners, or straight up tell her to be a little more classier?

She has absolutely nothing to offer me at all with the exception of amazing sex, and there would be no real reason to go out with her or do anything period. However I know a point will come that she will want to.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you want a mature girlfriend don"t date 17 year olds.

Don"t try and force her to be something she"s not *z-snap* Growing up in a normal fashion is a big part of life.


Avatar of War Slayer
Citten said:
So I met this chick that I thought was older but turns out is 17 turning 18 in a month or so. I"m 23..
Sing this to her.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


Avatar of War Slayer
GrobbeeTrull2.0 said:
Is that what you did with your 19 year old?
No, I cheated on my ex with her and then got her pregnant. Then had her spit my cum back into my mouth.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Brad2770 said:
No, I cheated on my ex with her and then got her pregnant. Then had her spit my cum back into my mouth.

Shit you just got fucking owned grobbe.


Sutekh said:
If you want a mature girlfriend don"t date 17 year olds.

Don"t try and force her to be something she"s not *z-snap* Growing up in a normal fashion is a big part of life.
That"s the thing. I"m not dating her. I"m fucking her. She"s going to want more soon though i"m guessing.

The sex is too good so I found myself in an odd position.


<Prior Amod>
Brad2770 said:
No, I cheated on my ex with her and then got her pregnant. Then had her spit my cum back into my mouth.
Well played sir, well played.

In other news, I"m getting married Labor Day Weekend.

Wish I had more to contribute these days but I guess in the long run, that"s a good thing.
Brad2770 said:
No, I cheated on my ex with her and then got her pregnant. Then had her spit my cum back into my mouth.
That"s not even factual. The woman I got pregnant happened before I even dated my ex. But don"t let facts get in the way of you pretending to be cool, I"m sure all of the high fives you"re getting in PM will make up for your lack of parenting ability, the back child support you"re racking up, and the general lack of control of your life. Right?

I wonder how long of a whine you"ll post here when your son first calls the other guy "daddy" and then when your son wants to spend more time with him because they are a stable family unit, and then again when she finally gets the bright idea to go after you for support (hrm, I suppose I could always dig up her name, and remind her) and further fucks you.

You"ve been given ALL of the tools to fix your horribly fucked up life, and yet you refuse to use them. Why? Do you hate yourself and your son that much? My life may have been fucked up, and you can judge me all you want, but it"s straight now. Is yours? Didn"t think so.

So next time, before you open your mouth to take a shot at me, remember that you"re still doing worse than me on EVERY level. Well, except for the "Friends on FoH" level, but really, who are these guys and who gives a shit about them? Well, besides you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
GrobbeeTrull2.0 said:
Hurr durr I just got owned and now I"m trying to save face by posting 5 paragraphs of bullshit no one wants to read.
Save it. Take your punishment like a man.

Also to the guy with the tramp. Like I said. Don"t date 17 year olds. Never said don"t sleep with her. But don"t let it become more than that.
Tarrant220 said:
Well played sir, well played.

In other news, I"m getting married Labor Day Weekend.

Wish I had more to contribute these days but I guess in the long run, that"s a good thing.

Hopefully you"ll look forward to yours more than I"m looking forward to mine.

I"m so fucking sick of all the nitnoid bs and family drama that I have to deal with. I just want to be on the honeymoon.


<Bronze Donator>
Not sure I"d fancy the taste of my own cum in my mouth, pass she can keep it.

Went to the beach, got baked today in more ways than one and relaxed.